In VS Code, when debugging java files, float/double variables in "Variables" or "Debug Console" viewlet are truncated, giving us little ability to be able to quickly peek at variable values. For example, a double of value 0.00000033 is display as 0.000000
There's an already defined option for specifying the precision of floating format, we just need it exposed as a configuration setting. For example, there's an option to set the maxStringLength:
Same behavior as this, but instead be able to set the NumericFormatter.NUMERIC_PRECISION_OPTION value, with something like this:
"java.debug.settings.numericPrecision" : 15
Operating System: Windows 10 (Windows_NT x64)
JDK version: java version "1.8.0_221"
Visual Studio Code version: 1.41.1
Java extension version: 0.55.1 (
Java Debugger extension version: 0.24.0 (vscjava.vscode-java-debug)
Steps To Reproduce
1.- Press F5 to start debugging session
2.- Go to VARIABLES panel and rigth click to show contextual menu on a variable
3.- Inspect a double variable that is expected to have a precision greater than 6 (i.e. 0.0000003)
Current Result
It will show as 0.000000
Expected Result
Show greater precision to see actual value, i.e. 0.0000003