TSLint is being deprecated soon: see palantir/tslint#4534.
As you may have read in this blog post, we plan to deprecate TSLint in 2019 and support the migration to ESLint as the standard linter for both TypeScript & JavaScript. This will not be an immediate deprecation; on the contrary, there is a lot of work to do to ensure a smooth transition to the new tooling without any regressions.
tslint-microsoft-contrib will follow the timeline in that issue. We'll continue accepting classifications of issues and pull requests, such as new rules, features, and bug fixes, on the same timeline as TSLint. The timeline is:
- August 1st, 2019: Stop accepting new core rules. Still accept bug fixes, minor features, and rule enhancements. Custom rules are always an option and can be maintained outside this repo.
- November 1st, 2019: Stop accepting features or rule enhancements (with the exception of ones that make migrating to typescript-eslint easier). Still accept bug fixes.
- January 1st, 2020: Stop accepting anything except security fixes.
- December 1st, 2020: Stop accepting any PRs 🎉
Update (August 2019): see tslint-to-eslint-config for a CLI command that migrates TSLint configuration files to ESLint configuration files.