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Releases: microsoft/terminal

Windows Terminal v1.21.2701.0

28 Sep 01:22
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Bug fixes! Bug fixes for all! Many of these were backported from Canary, and are also being released with the 1.22 Preview servicing update.


We have encountered a pretty annoying hanging issue on Windows 11 23H2, for which we have paused the rollout of Terminal 1.21 Stable.
If you encounter a hang when resuming from sleep mode or unlocking your display, sorry! Relief is coming in the form of a Windows Update.


  • Alt+Keypad Plus is no longer eaten unless EnableHexNumpad is enabled in the registry (#17954)
  • You can now configure the default input scope for the IME with an option on the Startup page or the JSON key defaultInputScope (enum default (default), alphanumericHalfWidth); this should allow you to force Terminal to accept English input even if you usually type in a different language (#17953)

Bug Fixes

  • You can now successfully input more than one Emoji at once on Windows 10 (#17213)
  • In cmd and python (and other users of console line input), choosing a command from history will no longer insert it back into history a second time (#17852)
  • Some localizations have been updated for correctness (#17958)
  • Terminal has gotten much better about transferring focus to windows spawned by (and under, or above) hosted console applications (#17828)
  • The search box will no longer cover up search results in the top right (unless there's nowhere to scroll) (#17516) (thanks @e82eric!)
  • We will try much harder to keep your scroll position from changing when you have the search box open but are not looking at the results (#17885) (#17316)


  • The settings UI now responds more correctly to the systemwide text scaling setting (#17910)
  • We've fixed the color contrast of the "reset" button in the settings page (#17912)

Terminal Emulation and Console Compatibility

  • ConPTY: responses longer than 4kb will no longer be corrupted (#17738) (thanks @j4james!)


  • Closing split panes should crash roughly 50% less often (#17886)
  • The experience of typing in and searching for multiple fonts has been (questionably?) improved (#17961)
  • We should no longer crash while quitting (#17848)

Binary files inside the unpackaged distribution archive bear the version number 1.21.240926001.

Asset Hashes

    • SHA256 C498A534E9601273930C22A86483119613A4AF670DFB19FC016BABED1BE2FA8F
  • Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_1.21.2701.0_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle
    • SHA256 ED7538F84002AE0C9C2B8D201FE4DE0CD6C3BAC56BF4D6CA9301B75DC4450A0F
    • SHA256 65D67C4ADD4AC09D2C34F9C2BC21C38AAF36BD72590B9FF51A0563D78B1B695A
    • SHA256 2F712872ED7F552763F3776EA7A823C9E7413CFD5EC65B88E95162E93ACEF899
    • SHA256 A8376386DD7AF6D3E124A97AC1996E3273179B5CCA6C4A75FC89C81960359C4A

Windows Terminal Preview v1.22.2362.0

27 Aug 16:24
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This is, perhaps, the largest release of Windows Terminal to date. I can't believe we're here, but we finally have support for Sixels and a new console hosting infrastructure (stay tuned for a NuGet package!) and more. Read up, and read down, to find out more.


  • Terminal and conhost now support Sixels! 🎤🫳 (#17421) (thanks @j4james!) (#17724) (thanks @j4james!) (#17581) (#17636)
  • We have rewritten how hosted console applications are translated for Windows Terminal (and other ConPTY consumers) to be based on direct API->VT translation rather than "rendering" a point-in-time snapshot of the display. This should result in improved throughput, reliability, correctness, plus an ability for applications to send unmodified VT directly to the terminal, but may result in some compatibility issues. Please file any issues you encounter with console applications. (#17510) (#17645) (#17741) (#17757) (#17748) (#17442) (#17573)
    • ... terminals which support DEC rectangular operations DECCRA and DECFRA should see higher fidelity app-based scrolling (#17747)
  • We now support a much wider range of Unicode, including Emoji with ZWJ, combining characters, flag sequences, and anything else that requires proper Grapheme Clusters! Applications can query support for grapheme clusters with DECRPM 2027, and users can now configure whether Unicode is measured like the vintage Windows Console, like Linux and macOS terminals using wcwidth, or with Grapheme Clusters like Contour and other modern terminal emulators. Global setting compatibility.textMeasurement (enum console, wcswidth, graphemes (default)) (#16916) (#17443)
  • For the first time in decades, we've changed the popup UI (used for F7 and friends) in CMD! It now draws beneath the prompt (pushing the screen up) and has a modern TUI scrollbar if it doesn't all fit on the screen. (#17445) (#17668) (#17556)
  • Terminal will now offer relevant packages from WinGet if you're running CMD on Windows 24H2 and run a nonexistent command (#16848) (#17614)
  • You can now add actions like splitPane and sendInput: foo and quit directly to the New Tab dropdown menu! (#17281)
  • You can now open a pane containing snippets (any sendInput actions!) with the openSnippets action! You can quickly access any commands you've saved in your JSON file, or with the new x-save command, and replay them with a new slick UI (#17330) (#17794) (#17528)
    • ... snippets which can also be loaded from a .wt.json file in your current working directory (we're still working on docs, please stay tuned!) (#17388)
    • ... snippets which can also be saved directly from the command line with wt x-save "text to save" (#16513) (thanks @e82eric!) with additional fixes (#17758)
  • Ctrl+Shift+Period will now open the "quick actions" flyout, which contains snippets and suggestions. You can now also bind the quickFix action to open a menu containing only WinGet suggestions (as of today, on Windows 24H2) (#17502)
  • You can now search with regular expressions in Terminal (and conhost!) (#17316)


  • ReadConsoleOutput and WriteConsoleOutput will now handle out-of-bounds conditions as documented rather than as-made-up (#17567)
  • Actions now have their own IDs, and key bindings just point at them; we've made changes to how this works to improve the action and binding experience in future versions (#17162) (#17215)
  • Command/input previews will now display in line with the cursor, in italic, in the right font (#17386) (#17777) (#17533)
    • ... which you can display in RGB with the fun {profile}.experimental.rainbowSuggestions setting (boolean, default false) (#17416)
  • Commands displayed in the suggestions UI can now include descriptions (#17376)
  • Multi-cell glyph inputs will no longer be assumed to consume two code units (#17680)
  • Pixel shader authors rejoice! If your shader fails to compile, you'll now get a useful error message... (#17436) (thanks @blitzRahul!)
  • Terminal will now no longer correct SGR 37 and SGR 40 when emitted by powershell.exe; this may result in regions of incorrect colors (#17666) (#17685) (additional thanks @j4james for some cleanup!)
  • Vintage console applications will no longer get corrupted responses from ReadConsoleOutput when Raster Fonts are enabled (#17681)
  • We have brought the new Windows 24H2 API out to the ConPTY NuGet package (#17704)
  • We have enabled "automatically mark prompts" (for shell integration) by default (#17761)
  • We're now collecting data on which settings and actions folks are using (#17718) (#17678)
  • We're trying something new, which is putting a short version of these release notes on the Windows Store (#17730)
  • We've changed the communication mechanism for the Default Terminal feature to allow the use of overlapped I/O (#17575)
  • We've reintroduced support for Alt+Numpad input of extended off-keyboard characters (#17637) (#17774)
  • When we reload a saved session, we will now display some of its contents on the screen (#17334)


  • We've rewritten how selection colors work! They will now be drawn with appropriate contrast, at the exact color you specify, with a foreground that is black or white (whichever is most visible!) (#17753) (#17725) (#17638) (#17676)
  • The search box will no longer cover up search results in the top right (unless there's nowhere to scroll) (#17516) (thanks @e82eric!)
  • Due to a build issue, we had to disable full optimization for this build. We apologize for any potential performance regressions. (#17765)
  • Terminal now comes with shiny new icons for the Visual Studio Dev Shells (#17706)
  • We have restored the ...s in some command palette names to help users find them (#17715)
  • You can now configure the theme for the Settings UI separately from the application with {theme}.settings.theme (enum light, dark, system; default: system) (#16479) (thanks @bundgaard!)

VT Features

  • You can now configure the "Answerback" message sent in response to ENQ using the profile setting answerbackMessage (string, default: null) (conhost users: HKCU\Console AnswerbackMessage REG_SZ) (#17660) (thanks @j4james!)
  • We now support the DEC VT paging operations, NP PP PPA PPR and PPB, as well as DECPCCM (page cursor coupling mode) and DECRQDE (request displayed extent) (#16615) (#17353) (thanks @j4james!)
  • Applications can now request the entire color palette using DECRQTSR DECCTR (CSI 1 ; Pt $ u) (#17708) (thanks @j4james!)
  • Applications can now query the cursor shape set with DECSCUSR using DECRQSS (DCS $ q SP q ST) (#17659) (thanks @j4james!)
  • Applications can now query the size of character cells (CSI 16 t) and the entire text area (CSI 14 t), with a response measured in pixels (#17504) (thanks @j4james!)
  • Applications can now query the color palette with OSC 4 ?, and the default foreground (OSC 10 ?), background (OSC 11 ?), cursor (OSC 12 ?) and selection colors (OSC 17 ?) (#17729)
  • Applications can now change the selection color using OSC 17 (#17742)
  • Reports generated in response to VT requests are once again given priority over other input (#17786)

Bug Fixes

  • We will no longer conveniently forget all the colors on the last line of the screen when you resize it (#17568)
  • Terminal will now more reliably save your session when your computer reboots to update (#17714)
  • Background colors will no longer bleed over the edges of the screen when D2D is in use (such as over RDP to a VM) (#17674)
  • conhost: pasting a file from File Explorer will no longer result in two copies of the path (#17543)
  • conhost: when we generate Alt+Numpad events to input clipboard contents on Windows, we will now no longer mistranslate CP936 text (#17635)
  • Curly underlines will now render properly on double-width DECDWL and double-height DECDHL lines (#17679)
  • cursor invalidation once again works properly on double-width or double-height lines (#17234) (thanks @j4james!)
  • cursor movement over ConPTY now works properly on double-width or double-height lines (#17233) (thanks @j4james!)
  • The rendering of curly underlines has been improved (#17501) (thanks @smprather for reporting!) (#17508)
  • The Suggestions UI will no longer try to grab the PowerShell "ghost text" out of your input line (#17781)
  • You can no longer insert a saveSnippet action in your JSON or bind it to any keys (#17535)
  • You can now successfully input more than one Emoji at once on Windows 10 (#17213)
  • You can once again cancel overwriting a key binding in the Settings UI (#17763)
  • You can once again disable the detection of URLs (#17731)
  • You can once again use Ctrl+D and Enter in a disconnected pane (#17750)


  • Accessibility API RangeFromPoint and ExpandToEnclosingUnit will no longer cause Terminal to hang (#17695)


  • Scrolling the screen will now result in less GPU traffic (due to erroneous invalidations) (#17583)
  • Terminal now makes fewer copies (and heap allocations) when writing input to the console app; it's also more correct! (#17710)
  • The command palette has lost some extraneous animations, so it should feel much faster (#17335)


  • AtlasEngine will no longer over-read a memory buffer when setting up a GPU texture (#17536)
  • Closing a window when you have an unfocusedAppearance set will no longer result in unscheduled disassembly of your terminal (#17770)
  • Overall reliability should be improved by us having better exception handling (#17783)
  • Session restoration now works more reliably when the entire scrollback is full (#17654)
  • We've fixed an instance of Terminal crashing during settings reload (#17751)
  • You can no longer trivially crash Terminal by holding down Enter while spawning new tabs (#17788)

VT Com...

Read more

Windows Terminal v1.21.2361.0

27 Aug 16:23
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Terminal 1.21 is finally stable! It brings in a crazy number of improvements, and we once considered it a "large" release. Oh boy.

Here are the highlights:

  • Terminal will now remember what was on your screen when you exit, and can restore it if you'd like!
  • You can specify multiple active fonts, which will be used in order.
  • Box and line drawing glyphs are now rendered pixel-perfect with appropriate stippled shading
  • We've rewritten the IME (input method editor) integration to make life much easier for those of you who need to input Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and more
  • Scrollbar marks are finally generally available!
  • We will now show and highlight all search results at the same time when you search (thansk @tusharsnx!)
  • The old text rendering engine has been removed.

Please see the following release notes for additional details.


This version began rolling out to the Dev, Canary and Beta Windows Insider channels when this GitHub Release was created. Other channels will be released
as our reliability numbers indicate that we haven't broken anything. If you want to update to this release directly, download it below!

Why are there so many files? How do I choose?

Please visit our page documenting the different [Windows Terminal Distributions]!

We've also backported the following changes from 1.22 Preview.


  • We have brought the new Windows 24H2 API out to the ConPTY NuGet package (#17704)
  • We've reintroduced support for Alt+Numpad input of extended off-keyboard characters (#17637) (#17774)


  • Due to a build issue, we had to disable full optimization for this build. We apologize for any potential performance regressions. (#17765)
  • Terminal now comes with shiny new icons for the Visual Studio Dev Shells (#17706)
  • We have restored the ...s in some command palette names to help users find them (#17715)

VT Features

  • Reports generated in response to VT requests are once again given priority over other input (#17786)

Bug Fixes

  • We will no longer conveniently forget all the colors on the last line of the screen when you resize it (#17568)
  • Terminal will now more reliably save your session when your computer reboots to update (#17714)
  • Background colors will no longer bleed over the edges of the screen when D2D is in use (such as over RDP to a VM) (#17674)
  • The rendering of curly underlines has been improved (#17501) (thanks @smprather for reporting!) (#17508)
  • You can once again cancel overwriting a key binding in the Settings UI (#17763)
  • You can once again disable the detection of URLs (#17731)
  • You can once again use Ctrl+D and Enter in a disconnected pane (#17750)


  • Accessibility API RangeFromPoint and ExpandToEnclosingUnit will no longer cause Terminal to hang (#17695)


  • AtlasEngine will no longer over-read a memory buffer when setting up a GPU texture (#17536)
  • Closing a window when you have an unfocusedAppearance set will no longer result in unscheduled disassembly of your terminal (#17770)
  • We've fixed an instance of Terminal crashing during settings reload (#17751)

Code Health

Binary files inside the unpackaged distribution archive bear the version number 1.21.240823001.

Asset Hashes

    • SHA256 0A5E2048474E11BF4A006543F64AD18E600A1E79878DFEE132BC81F79C28703C
  • Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_1.21.2361.0_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle
    • SHA256 19CBE2E77CC814A5AB68E346B0D3D928F44F1EC5A78FB9B53A793D46B1CE3D27
    • SHA256 E81D085297D8CCCB6AC3CE5E3189E4C63DEEC32EAD444725F8D6245A8C7581A4
    • SHA256 AC2D324EA1AF30CB97D6FB40EF83EBC82E92FBBB516CD274E4ED9CB8FD22FE4E
    • SHA256 B8E3BE7936975665BC3BC5784B03E7799E246D0C99928BD3C4343628EB760A70

Windows Terminal Preview v1.21.1772.0

27 Jun 22:57
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Like its smaller and more stable cousin, this Preview channel servicing update fixes a handful of issues, including that annoying hyperlink bug. This update is currently rolling out via the store to everyone.


  • The "built-in box-drawing glyphs" feature (as well as undercurls) now works with Direct2D as well (#17278) (#17454) (#17458) (#17464)

Bug Fixes

  • New windows should more reliably come to the front when Terminal is already running (#17368) (thanks @flyingcat!)
  • Autodetected URLs will no longer erroneously include the character after them (#17326) (thanks @tusharsnx!)
  • Buffer restoration will no longer destroy the last character on the screen (#17374)
  • Search result highlighting no longer snaps incorrectly, acts strange when you open/close the search panel too quickly, or leaves marks on the scrollbar when you close the search panel (#17352) (thanks @tusharsnx!)
  • Command history-based suggestions will no longer include deleted characters as whitespace or the entire current command (#17245)


  • We fixed a number of crashes that happen when you are closing panes (#17358) (#17333) (#17450)
  • Instead of crashing, we will now warn you when you are using a version of MacType that is known to crash Terminal and other software on Windows (#17369) (#17380)
  • We've removed one debug assert that is technically possible to encounter during search navigation (#17361)


  • We have fixed a number of localization issues in Korean, Italian, and Spanish (#17304)

Binary files inside the unpackaged distribution archive bear the version number 1.21.240625002-preview.

Asset Hashes

  • Microsoft.WindowsTerminalPreview_1.21.1772.0_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle
    • SHA256 8F21DE7925DEF91C5BB1C5965544CD10D2A2233E9641D6CD8139C3825DD31CBE
    • SHA256 1E6849AF93D9D2CF9BA9F61B3855E14D53040E74223010BEC59605560806A785
    • SHA256 6AA37175E2B09170829A39DAF3357D4B88A3965C3C529A45B1B0781B8F3425F0
    • SHA256 95AA80FBEA9BAFB5E91E0B521F7582E56EC57C451B6ADA921A375EF5A1243E4B

Windows Terminal v1.20.11781.0

27 Jun 22:57
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Coming only 40(ish) days after the last servicing release, this Stable channel update fixes a few lingering issues.


This update was released to the Dev External and Canary channels on 2024-06-27, and if it behaves well under pressure it will be promoted to retail within a week.

Bug Fixes

  • New windows should more reliably come to the front when Terminal is already running (#17368) (thanks @flyingcat!)
  • Autodetected URLs will no longer erroneously include the character after them (#17326) (thanks @tusharsnx!)


  • Instead of crashing, we will now warn you when you are using a version of MacType that is known to crash Terminal and other software on Windows (#17369) (#17380)
  • We've removed one debug assert that is technically possible to encounter during search navigation (#17361)


  • We have fixed a number of localization issues in Korean, Italian, and Spanish (#17304)

Binary files inside the unpackaged distribution archive bear the version number 1.20.240626001.

Asset Hashes

    • SHA256 40F383F5C278FA2D6A99B892E0E1CB094CD1C17763480AC41B7E64DE02D32B39
  • Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_1.20.11781.0_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle
    • SHA256 5EF95B5D0E6BD530A985E7C59E8E9CE12195D9E18C1657D2FA0BD58C102FA419
    • SHA256 F3BF1529EA629BB586817CE81DDBA28A2C64E83B71B023BC1E652745B70DA9BE
    • SHA256 B7A6046903CE33D75250DA7E40AD2929E51703AB66E9C3A0B02A839C2E868FEC
    • SHA256 32A80220ACF4512676EA8FB4EB503F18832A17DA8C03B85FCF9CD8A0DA34E3B2

Windows Terminal Preview v1.21.1382.0

07 Jun 22:47
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Sorry for the late servicing release, folks! This has been rolling out through the various channels for a while now.

Bug Fixes

  • We've resolved a crash that occurred if you closed a pane too soon after opening it (#17199)
  • We will no longer crash if you zoom in too much; we will in fact put a stop to such behavior (or I will turn this car around!) (#17258)
  • Terminal will no longer try to remember tabs even after you tell it not to (#17211)
  • Terminal will now remember tabs that came in through "default terminal" (#17268)
  • Output containing OSC sequences is once again outputted (#17212)
  • Assistive tech like screen readers and Inspect will no longer fail to find your location if you keep the cursor moving (#17257)
  • Tearing the last tab out of a window with Narrator running will no longer send terminal to an early doom (#17251) (thanks @tusharsnx!)
  • We've tried to make it clearer when and when-not Built-in Glyphs will be (or not be) used (#17259) (#17272) (thanks @consvc!)
  • Experimental "menu completion" for PowerShell will no longer crash you if you open it a bunch of times (#17221) (thanks @krzysdz!)
  • The very same menu completion now has fewer WaCkY aNiMaTiOnS (#17247)

Binary files inside the unpackaged distribution archive bear the version number 1.21.240517002-preview.

Asset Hashes

  • Microsoft.WindowsTerminalPreview_1.21.1382.0_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle
    • SHA256 905C706B9C6AAFDEE4012BA69ADBB6A3059C2B981B3D6C3CE9410DC99F3B00C9
    • SHA256 618DE4ED2F8E7CFE999F19414DF7B3AF384DF083BDE762861CEA275F27578154
    • SHA256 AABB7D3EB8B499065D14009A37AC9DB07CA28B8C93755977DC7080A009140A7D
    • SHA256 8E3A4C0981F0A9F92836BF42C85952A11AE570C1E64B1DA1B8B731AB9F572A55

Windows Terminal v1.20.11381.0

07 Jun 22:46
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Sorry for the late servicing release, folks! This has been rolling out through the various channels for a while now.

Bug Fixes

  • We've resolved a crash that occurred if you closed a pane too soon after opening it (#17199)
  • We will no longer crash if you zoom in too much; we will in fact put a stop to such behavior (or I will turn this car around!) (#17258)
  • Terminal will no longer try to remember tabs even after you tell it not to (#17269)
  • Terminal will now remember tabs that came in through "default terminal" (#17269)
  • Assistive tech like screen readers and Inspect will no longer fail to find your location if you keep the cursor moving (#17257)
  • Tearing the last tab out of a window with Narrator running will no longer send terminal to an early doom (#17251) (thanks @tusharsnx!)
  • URLs that touch the right side of the screen or get resized are once again clickable (backported from 1.21) (#17120)

Binary files inside the unpackaged distribution archive bear the version number 1.20.240517001.

Asset Hashes

    • SHA256 017AD2269BDD735B3791F9BBB3E6903F8522D97B43372BEDC9F89857680575BD
  • Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_1.20.11381.0_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle
    • SHA256 D71A4AA3751CC636EBD2283B2ED90E7A92160F5780BDD0B0EEEF3F5E4A4A6C04
    • SHA256 DFFADDA2643759CFDE958366256766936D0E407775F1402F34A100B796FE102C
    • SHA256 B417393110F805835CEAF2EAC56A6274762CEBACEFEABFD915C51441042FB59F
    • SHA256 78F6357B4CE30B4FCFFFF52795519E38F260935697120DCF3BEDF92A445E4FAD

Windows Terminal Preview v1.21.1272.0

07 May 19:45
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Windows Terminal 1.21 turned out to have WAY more in it than we had expected--we were busy doing things like sudo for Windows and File Explorer's 7zip, RAR and tar support... and still we ended up landing a bunch of Terminal work too!


  • Terminal will now remember and restore the contents of the screen when you use the "Open windows from a previous session" startup option! (#16598) (#17022) (#16970) (#16998) (#17182) (#16601) (#17113)
    • Buffer snapshots are stored in human-readable (albeit UTF-16) VT-encoded text in your package's local state directory, next to your settings. This directory is typically secured to your user account, but if you are using the portable distribution be aware of the implications.
  • You can now specify multiple active fonts; glyphs which are not found in your first font will be sought in all later fonts (#16821) (#16993)
    • {profile}.font.face now supports comma-separated face names, e.g. Courier New, Cascadia Code PL, Bahnschrift
    • Metrics will be based on your primary font.
    • Unfortunately, the preview window doesn't usually use any non-existent glyphs so you won't really be able to preview it...
  • Terminal now renders pixel-perfect block elements, box-drawing characters and PowerLine symbols, as well as high-fidelity textured shade glyphs (#16729) (#16760)
    • We know this can be a controversial feature, so you can turn it off by disabling "Built-in Glyphs" in the Settings (or in JSON: {profile}.font.builtinGlyphs, boolean, default true)
  • You can now customize the OpenType Features and Axes of your font stack in the Settings UI (#16104) (#16678) (#16790) (#17164) (#17173)
  • Rounding out the above font changes, you can also turn off full-color emoji (setting {profile}.font.colorGlyphs, boolean, default true) for when you really want to eat a wireframe burrito (#16871)
  • We've completely rewritten prompt marks--they now reflow on resize, clear properly, and more!--in preparation for calling them Stable (#16937) (#16938) (#17138) (#17144)
  • You amazing pixel shader authors can now load up an image as a texture with the experimental.pixelShaderImagePath setting (#14073) (thanks @mrange!)
  • You can now run terminal panes side-by-side with non-terminal things... (#17009) (#17169) (#16170) (#16172) (#17174) (#17110) (#16914)
    • our experimental (and ephemeral!) "scratchpad", which shows up as a free-form text box next to your terminal.
      • Add the action {"action":"splitPane","type":"scratchpad"} to try it out.
      • ⚠️ We may remove or meaningfully change the scratchpad in a future version.
  • We have rewritten the Input Method Editor (IME) integration from the ground up (#17067)
  • JSON Fragment Extensions can now add custom actions (#16185)
  • You can now access the features from the experimental. namespace in the Settings UI (#16809)
  • The original text rendering engine (versions 0.1 to 1.20) has moved on to the next life, and will not be returning. RIP. 🪦 (#16278)


  • Behavior Change! The Pane keybindings Alt+Shift++ and Alt+Shift+- will now duplicate your active profile (#16951)
  • @tusharsnx totally rewrote how search highlighting works to make it more robust and responsive (#16611) (thanks @tusharsnx!) plus additional fixes from the team (#17132) (#17092)
  • Terminal will now delete its in-box color schemes from your local settings file, unless you've modified them (#12800)
    • You can no longer edit the color schemes that come with Terminal without copying them
  • We've finally added new color schemes: Dark+, CGA and IBM (#16953)
  • We have started laying the groundwork for action binding--also known as "exploding your settings file with actions"--so please be on the lookout for any strangeness! There shouldn't be any user-visible impact. Yet. Yeeetttt. (#16823) (#16904) (#17145) (#17146)
  • Moving the cursor around was surprisingly expensive, so we paid to make that cost go away (#15500)
  • You can now control the behavior of the Atlas engine in finer detail on the "Rendering" settings page (#16939)
  • Profiles now default to the icons of their .exe files, if those can be determined. If you want your profile to have no icon, you must set the icon to "none" (or check the "Hide icon" box in Settings) (#15843)


  • The Search box now animates in and out, looking very chic (#16808) (thanks @tusharsnx!)
  • Instances of "it'll" have been replaced with "it will" to adhere to Microsoft Style Guidelines (#16955) (thanks @hellocharli!)
  • We've restyled the Warning and Error displays around the font settings so that they're more readable (#16876)

VT Compatibility

  • You can now set the window (tab, pane) title with DECSWT (Set Window Title) in addition to XTerm's OSC 2 (#16804) (thanks @j4james!)
  • We now support DECAUPSS, DECRQUPSS and ACS, which completes the 8-bit interface architecture (#16547) (thanks @j4james!)

Bug Fixes

  • Double-clicking a word on the left side of the screen will no longer select parts of your RPROMPT (or right prompt) (#17170)
  • Double-clicking a word in a double-width or double-height row now actually selects the right word (#16812) (thanks @tusharsnx!)
  • Our light color schemes no longer have a truly unusable selection highlight color (#16789) (thanks @uoRetr0!)
  • Once again, we've fixed an issue where hyperlinks are detected in the wrong place if there's a wide character (#16775) (thanks @comzyh!)
  • You can no longer use the Settings UI to enter an initial size that is out of bounds (#16989) (thanks @chingucoding!)
  • The experimental repositionCursorWithMouse actually works after you've scrolled the screen (lol) (#16950)
  • doskey macros once again (and I mean, "since 2015"?) work on inputs with more than one consecutive space character (#17129)
  • We've fixed a number of issues that may have resulted in cursors being left on the screen (#17181)
  • URLs that touch the right side of the screen or get resized are once again clickable (#17120)


  • Tearing off a tab should no longer, in some circumstances, explode your Terminal (#17069) (thanks @tusharsnx!)
  • The Atlas engine has gotten somewhat better at reporting errors (#17193)
  • The Atlas engine will no longer occasionally crash when rendering characters in the Unicode Private Use Area (#16894)


  • The console hosting backend no longer spuriously repaints single characters (#17194) (thanks @j4james!)

VT Compatibility

  • DCS sequences that span packets will no longer get sliced in half and--in so being--destroyed (#17195) (thanks @j4james!)

Packaging Changes

  • Terminal distributions now come with an additional library, Microsoft.Terminal.UI.dll. Its .winmd is not required. (#15107)

Code Health

We're trying something new, where we don't delete all of the code health improvements and just put them right in the changelog.

Code Health improvements included in this release
  • Remove in-product uses of std::bind (#16870)
  • A minor cleanup of ProfileViewModel (#16788)
  • Add a script to publish a folder of binaries as a GH release (#13629)
  • Add an automated conhost benchmark tool (#16453)
  • Add an experimental "scratchpad pane", for testing (#16171)
  • Add more profile GUID tests (#17030) (thanks @chingucoding!)
  • Add new and extend existing til::string helpers (#16772)
  • Add VSCode configs for better out-of-box LSP support (#16920) (thanks @tusharsnx!)
  • build: force the latest VCToolsVersion; see DD-1541167 for more (#17156)
  • Implement MVVM for the Actions page (#14292)
  • Make ColorFromXOrgAppColorName both smaller and more correct (#16824)
  • Make the Settings Model tests into proper CI tests (#16773)
  • Remove dependency on IsGlyphFullWidth for IRM/DECSWL (#16903)
  • Remove VtApiRoutines (#16954)
  • Replace til::bit_cast with std::bit_cast (#16948)
  • Replace til::some with til::small_vector (#16952)
  • Replace usages of TYPED_EVENT with til::event (#16837)
  • Use .rc files in TSM instead of string literals (#16844)
  • Use float instead of double by default (#17100)
  • AtlasEngine: Improve debuggability (#17136)

With additional thanks to @Jvr2022 for keeping our dependencies up to date.

Binary files inside the unpackaged distribution archive bear the version number 1.21.240506002-preview.

Asset Hashes

  • Microsoft.WindowsTerminalPreview_1.21.1272.0_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle
    • SHA256 6731AE00DFBE1EBBADEC8797A69D6953EC754C7C8BE0F91732CCABA32024D7A8
    • SHA256 716A55AEFC5041D465C478E5C5FC6D22874A8ED8AEACA8CF8D7A4945BEDB0C7F
    • SHA256 69B393756F14680C510D1395F0E0F7A5E87F9C3A42A163890DB7047D270E9562
    • SHA256 EA3743F9B8F855D05ED6792B3BDBC204854D7B78B105DDF18BEFE190EE24F16C

Windows Terminal v1.20.11271.0

07 May 19:44
Choose a tag to compare

It feels like just a few days ago that 1.20 got updated in the preview channel! How strange...

Here are the highlights:

  • The new rendering engine is enabled by default for everyone!
  • We've rewritten resizing so that it's faster and more reliable.
  • Alternate Scroll Mode is on by default, so you can scroll pagers like less with the mouse wheel.


The new rendering engine is enabled by default, and the original one will be removed in 1.21.
Please report any issues you encounter with it.

Please see the following release notes for additional details.

Note that scrollbar marks and shell integration features are still considered experimental and
are not included in this stable release! However, they are slated for inclusion in 1.21 when it is released to the stable channel.

In addition, automatic search highlighting has been disabled for this release.


This version began rolling out to the Dev, Canary and Beta Windows Insider channels on 2024-05-07. Other channels will be released
as our reliability numbers indicate that we haven't broken anything. If you want to update to this release directly, download it below!

Why are there so many files? How do I choose?

Please visit our page documenting the different Windows Terminal Distributions!

Bug Fixes

The stable release of Terminal also comes with the following bugfixes backported from 1.21.

  • Double-clicking a word on the left side of the screen will no longer select parts of your RPROMPT (or right prompt) (#17170)


  • The Atlas engine has gotten somewhat better at reporting errors (#17193)

With additional thanks to @Jvr2022 for keeping our dependencies up to date.

Binary files inside the unpackaged distribution archive bear the version number 1.20.240506001.

Asset Hashes

    • SHA256 4BFB5E319CE068AA286C97B5D181837A6E453B16DAFC9A4F4D006DF15FB76083
  • Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_1.20.11271.0_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle
    • SHA256 67216C17DDAB0BAF93E1BE16A851C8D904351DA497FB3C1CD2B71DF849B37931
    • SHA256 0177B1A17D06150C6A6723DA3AF74C2B42A668DC7DF87C594C3C07CC104FB66B
    • SHA256 F480F65A7874E7055C51EC67E0E4F98011A4EF63DD43C6B882458DAE36A83286
    • SHA256 05DB4E20EB6718858D1C10C0A2042372E9B9C8AB83385DAF389164C03C0E3E20

Windows Terminal Preview v1.20.11215.0

03 May 23:03
Choose a tag to compare

1.20 is about to go stable, but before we do that there's some bug fixes we just had to get into your hands.


  • Terminal now comes with Cascadia Code 2404.23, which has a couple hundred new glyphs! (#17137)
  • Search result highlighting has been removed from 1.20. It had a few issues, and the fixes came in too late in the 1.21 for us to backport them (#17103)
  • You can now use %WT_SETTINGS_DIR% in settings.json to refer to paths relative to your settings folder; this is
    great for portable mode! (#16949)
  • We've moved to the latest Azure Cloud Shell API version to prevent it from breaking on you (#17115)

Bug Fixes

  • You may have noticed too many things you thought you closed coming back atfer you relaunched Terminal, so we
    backported the session restoration fixes from 1.21 (#17049) (#17066) (#17068)
  • Custom Pixel Shaders will no longer get ~ ~ weird ~ ~ after you've let them run for too long (#17104)
  • The experimental "Reposition the cursor on mouse click" feature didn't work properly at the extremes of the
  • A memory leak on window close has been fixed (#17107)
  • Hidden cursors will no longer sometimes reappear unexpectedly (#17148) (thanks @j4james!)
  • Maximizing a minimized window will no longer move your viewport around mysteriously (#17058) (thanks @tusharsnx!)
  • We've fixed a number of UI style errors in menu item capitalization and our use of ellipses (...) (#16886) (thanks @HarshNarayanJha!)
  • We rewrote clipboard handling to make it more robust and failure-proof (#17006)

Binary files inside the unpackaged distribution archive bear the version number 1.20.240430005-preview.

Asset Hashes

  • Microsoft.WindowsTerminalPreview_1.20.11215.0_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle
    • SHA256 8DDD3249CE73B4D83DAAAFA9628F0A70552EE07D92DC701DE266DCA9A9CDBCF6
    • SHA256 D8E8BE14E24B60FD42969811B6D54282F1CE5D76BEAC3F60EAA40FB8EED7DCB5
    • SHA256 6D4ACF516B338B93AD04E62E12899628E0669CA12B120B42A024C9A936D362C9
    • SHA256 F291775179F5668EF9CAD221204F8870480E9B192C78C222500F9625D9E78E3B