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Windows Terminal Preview v1.20.10293.0

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@DHowett DHowett released this 30 Jan 20:12
· 555 commits to main since this release

Welcome to Windows Terminal Preview 1.20! We've got a pretty small release this time, since we focused mostly on
backportable bug fixes (50% of all checkins were backported to 1.19!). We did land some excellent community
contributions this time, however, so take a peek at the notes below for more.

Why are there so many assets? How do I choose?

Please visit our page documenting the different Windows Terminal Distributions!


  • We can now display colored and curly, dashed, or dotted and doubled underlines, even in conhost! (#16097) (#16444) (thanks @tusharsnx!) with some help from the team (#16475)
  • The new rendering engine is now enabled by default in all channels (#16277)
  • Double-clicking a wrapped word will now select the entire thing. I know, it's 2024. (#16441) (thanks @js324!)
  • We will now highlight all search results while the search box is open (#16227) (thanks @e82eric!)
  • You can now set a different opacity value for unfocused panes (#15974) (thanks @Jaswir!)
  • We've reimplemented resize with reflow; please be on the lookout for any bugs! (#15701)


  • The "Canary" ZIP distribution will now default to portable mode (#16048)
  • We will now automatically clear any "Failed to reload settings" dialogs when you fix your settings.json (#16119) (thanks @codecruisedor!)
  • Filenames and paths generated by dropping files/directories on a WSL instance will be wrapped in single quotes (rather than double quotes) (#16214) (thanks @js324!)
  • The mouse wheel will now automatically scroll the application when the alternate buffer is in use ("Alternate Scroll Mode" is enabled by default) (#16535) (thanks @j4james!)
  • The performance and correctness of HTML and RTF copy has been vastly improved (#16377) (#16480) (thanks @tusharsnx!)
  • We have removed a whole bunch of outdated telemetry from the console, like "which VT sequences are in use?" and "did you use Search Backwards or Search Forwards more often in Find?" Check out the PRs for more details: (#16253) (#16467) (#16468)

VT and terminal emulation

  • We now support DECST8C, which will reset the tab stops to every 8 columns (#16534) (thanks @j4james!)
  • We now support DSR queries for printer status, user-defined keys, keyboard status, locator status, locator identity, data integrity and multiple session status (#16525) (thanks @j4james!)

Bug Fixes

  • In cooked read clients, backspacing a control visualizer (e.g. ^X) no longer messes up the display (#16400)
  • INPUT_RECORD's KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState will no longer contain ENHANCED_KEY when it shouldn't (#16335)
  • Ctrl+Space now works properly (#16298) (thanks @lonnywong!)
  • Mashing Enter will no longer disrupt CommandEnd scrollbar marks (in general, we now ignore back-to-back duplicate marks) (#16107)
  • During RTF export, we will now use a background color directive that Microsoft Word understands (#16035) (thanks @tusharsnx!)
  • Once again, we've fixed another issue where Terminal will spontaneously fail to load Cascadia Mono (#16323)
  • ReadFile with a too-small buffer size will no longer corrupt your input stream and drop events (#16313)
  • We've fixed which glyph we use for the SUB control character (#16559) (thanks @j4james!)


  • Color buttons in the settings UI will now announce their RGB values for screen readers (#16544)

VT and terminal emulation

  • Terminal will no longer double-encode some inputs, like mouse mode, mangling them beyond comprehension (#16407)
  • Toggling the alternate screen buffer in a PROCESSED_INPUT console application will no longer crash the console (#16187)
  • DRCS soft fonts received in chunks are no longer corrupted (#16349)
  • ED2 (Erase in Display) will no longer emit a ton of blank lines (#16610)
  • @j4james rewrote and fixed 11 bugs in VT input mode, vastly improving our compatibility with other terminals and applications (#16511) (thanks @j4james!)
    • Including...
      • DECKPAM (application keypad mode)
      • Alt+Arrow Keys generating extra characters
      • Mouse input when DECARM (auto-repeat mode) is disabled
      • Ctrl+Anything that didn't have a Ctrl not generating any input
      • Ctrl+_ generating a RET
      • Ctrl+: on a JIS-106 keyboard generating a ^Z
      • Ctrl+Alt+\ not working in WSL
      • Ctrl being misinterpreted under some custom keyboard layouts
      • Alt not working for non-alphabetic control characters
      • AltGr behaving improperly on some keyboards with some input

Usability and UI

  • The readability of our various settings disclaimers has been improved (and made more Roman) (#16272) (thanks @chausner!)
  • ... and those disclaimers will no longer overlap the content sometimes (#16602) (thanks @tusharsnx!)
  • The settings page will no longer forget how far you'd scrolled when it reloads (#16261) (thanks @radu-cernatescu!)


  • Terminal should no longer crash after you close a couple windows on Windows 10 (#16588) (#16587)
  • Two memory leaks in our screen reader integration have been stoppered (#16597) (thanks @glenrgordon!)
  • We've eliminated an entire class of shutdown issues by just terminating the process directly when we think it's time (#16575)
  • We've stamped out a crash that would occur when closing some tabs (#16412)
  • The Azure Cloud Shell integration should no longer crash on a network timeout (#16364) (thanks @reynoldsa!)


  • We've fixed a number of issues in the JSON schema (#16103)

conhost and Console hosting

  • conhost: the performance of scrolling text has been improved, like, 10x (#16333)
  • conhost: we un-broke rectangular copy via the Edit > Mark menu item (#16197)
  • conhost: "disable scroll forward" once again works (#16411)
  • conhost: font preview is working again (#16324)
  • conhost: SetConsoleWindowInfo no longer fails to refresh the display (#16334)
  • conhost: we have removed all traces of EDP clipboard auditing (#16460)
  • conhost: we now retry a few times to open the clipboard and put standards-compliant CF_UNICODETEXT on it (#16457)
  • conpty: on exit, we will now deassert Win32 Input Mode (#16408)
  • conpty: we now buffer more text input before deciding how to parse it (#16470)
  • conpty: we've fixed a shutdown deadlock with WSL (#16340)
  • conpty: we will no longer deadlock waiting for DSR CPR when Win32 Input Mode is enabled (#16445)
  • conpty: we will no longer return to the VT parsing ground state when we are expecting win32 input sequences; this fixes a pasting issue in SSH and WSL interop (#16352) (#16466)


Binary files inside the unpackaged distribution archive bear the version number 1.20.240129003-preview.

Asset Hashes

  • Microsoft.WindowsTerminalPreview_1.20.10293.0_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle
    • SHA256 390E4F33F5BEBAB1B33A4801E07A60B80ADDF7112B45C868AD4642138047A301
    • SHA256 34E8091BB394DD70DD500BA5E280DCC5E170386732FC69687E2BC02E6375E2F4
    • SHA256 9FB289BBB58B0DA88D0565CEA58809B663D9BBEED146866FCF9ADA97490F33AC
    • SHA256 B4F1842EF943197292C162356033A637115C0802EDD22AF2265C643B6B55E521