Description of the new feature/enhancement
While copying on select, auto ignore trailing whitespaces on each line.
In my .vimrc
, I draw 80 column and 120 column line via background color like this:
function! SetColumnWarnOnResized()
highlight Normal ctermbg=NONE
if &columns > 120
let &colorcolumn="81,".join(range(120, &columns), ",") " Set the column warns on 80 and 120+
let &colorcolumn="81" " Set the column warns on 80
au VimResized * call SetColumnWarnOnResized()
call SetColumnWarnOnResized()
When I select and copy these words in the screenshot above, Windows Terminal will fill my clipboard with many whitespaces like this (notice that wired whitespaces):
Some texts here...
And here... Notice the 80 col line in my vim --------------------------------------------->
And the 120 col line ================================================================================================>
And this only happend sometimes (not always), I don't know if this is a bug?
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