Windows Terminal version
: 1.21.2701.0
Windows build number
Other Software
oh-my-posh 23.17.0
Avast Premium Security
Steps to reproduce
Install IosevkaTerm Nerd Font. Install other Nerd Font like Hack.
Open settings, try to choose Hack Nerd Font and click save. Font change is not saved.
I can change it manually for a profile by editing the settings.json file however and if I choose an non-nerd font and click save, the change will save through the UI.
Expected Behavior
Install IosevkaTerm Nerd Font. Install other Nerd Font like Hack.
Open settings, try to choose Hack Nerd Font and click save. Font change is not saved. Preview does not change when selecting nother nerd font, only changes when selecting a non-nerd font.
I can change it manually for a profile by editing the settings.json file however and if I choose an
Actual Behavior
Selecting another nerd font changes the preview and clicking save changes the saved font for the profile.