Windows Terminal version
1.23.2611.0 (Canary)
Windows build number
10.0.26100.1742 ARM64
Steps to reproduce
This one is probably for @j4james
When displaying a sixel image with solid background (␛P1;1q"…
or default ␛Pq"…
), bands are properly created filled with the solid background color before pseudo-pixels get decoded into them, only if the band is already in the viewport.
When reaching the end of the viewport, new bands added that require scrolling or extending the buffer are created with a transparent background instead of the solid background:
(Solarized Light color scheme to make the background more visible, but happens with every color scheme)
My test file has magenta as an unused color # 0, so the background is using black regardless of the VT palette, and then transparency for the bands scrolling the viewport or extending the buffer.
Edit: Reading through #17887, I guess that's because I didn't set color # 256 and it defaulted to black
Here's the test file:
Is this the expected behavior to match old terminals and we need to explicitly draw all background pixels instead of relying on background fill, or is this a bug?
Expected Behavior
Background should be reliably solid background color.
Actual Behavior
In some cases, the background is transparent.