Windows Terminal version
Windows build number
Other Software
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Steps to reproduce
- Open a terminal window
- In the settings turn "Hide Terminal in the notification area when it is minimized" to "On"
- Open a new Terminal tab and drag the tab to create a new window.
- Optional: Put text or a use a command in the new terminal window to differentiate it from others.
- Minimize the newly dragged out tab-window.
- The window will no longer be accessible. Minimizing the active Terminal window left and reactivating it from the notification area will only bring up the singular window.
Expected Behavior
Clicking on the notification area should restore any minimized Terminal windows, regardless if a Terminal window is active and not minimized.
Actual Behavior
The Terminal window can no longer be restored until the "Hide Terminal in the notification area when it is minimized" is turned "Off" and settings are saved.