Data breakpoints are only available if the supportsDataBreakpoints
capability is true:
/** Information about the capabilities of a debug adapter. */
export interface Capabilities {
// ...
/** The debug adapter supports data breakpoints. */
supportsDataBreakpoints?: boolean;
The dataBreakpointInfo
request must be used to determine whether a data breakpoint is available for a specific variable or expression and returns a "data id" for it.
/** DataBreakpointInfo request; value of command field is 'dataBreakpointInfo'.
Obtains information on a possible data breakpoint that could be set on an expression or variable.
export interface DataBreakpointInfoRequest extends Request {
// command: 'dataBreakpointInfo';
arguments: DataBreakpointInfoArguments;
/** Arguments for 'dataBreakpointInfo' request. */
export interface DataBreakpointInfoArguments {
/** Reference to the Variable container if the data breakpoint is requested for a child of the container. */
variablesReference?: number;
/** The name of the Variable's child to obtain data breakpoint information for. If variableReference isn’t provided, this can be an expression. */
name: string;
/** Response to 'dataBreakpointInfo' request. */
export interface DataBreakpointInfoResponse extends Response {
body: {
/** An identifier for the data on which a data breakpoint can be registered with the setDataBreakpoints request or null if no data breakpoint is available. */
dataId: string | null;
/** UI string that describes on what data the breakpoint is set on or why a data breakpoint is not available. */
description: string;
/** Optional attribute listing the available access types for a potential data breakpoint. A UI frontend could surface this information. */
accessTypes?: DataBreakpointAccessType[];
/** Optional attribute indicating that a potential data breakpoint could be persisted across sessions. */
canPersist?: boolean;
The "data id" (and additional breakpoint options) can be used to create a DataBreakpoint
/** Properties of a data breakpoint passed to the setDataBreakpoints request. */
export interface DataBreakpoint {
/** An id representing the data. This id is returned from the dataBreakpointInfo request. */
dataId: string;
/** The access type of the data. */
accessType?: DataBreakpointAccessType;
/** An optional expression for conditional breakpoints. */
condition?: string;
/** An optional expression that controls how many hits of the breakpoint are ignored. The backend is expected to interpret the expression as needed. */
hitCondition?: string;
/** This enumeration defines all possible access types for data breakpoints. */
export type DataBreakpointAccessType = 'read' | 'write' | 'readWrite';
Multiple data breakpoints are registered and deregistered for a debug session with the setDataBreakpoints
/** SetDataBreakpoints request; value of command field is 'setDataBreakpoints'.
Replaces all existing data breakpoints with new data breakpoints.
To clear all data breakpoints, specify an empty array.
When a data breakpoint is hit, a 'stopped' event (with reason 'data breakpoint') is generated.
export interface SetDataBreakpointsRequest extends Request {
// command: 'setDataBreakpoints';
arguments: SetDataBreakpointsArguments;
/** Arguments for 'setDataBreakpoints' request. */
export interface SetDataBreakpointsArguments {
/** The contents of this array replaces all existing data breakpoints. An empty array clears all data breakpoints. */
breakpoints: DataBreakpoint[];
/** Response to 'setDataBreakpoints' request.
Returned is information about each breakpoint created by this request.
export interface SetDataBreakpointsResponse extends Response {
body: {
/** Information about the data breakpoints. The array elements correspond to the elements of the input argument 'breakpoints' array. */
breakpoints: Breakpoint[];
And a new value dataBreakpoint
for the VariablePresentationHint
can be used to hint to the UI frontend that a data breakpoint is installed on a variable.
/** Optional properties of a variable that can be used to determine how to render the variable in the UI. */
export interface VariablePresentationHint {
/** The kind of variable. Before introducing additional values, try to use the listed values.
// ...
'dataBreakpoint': Indicates that a data breakpoint is registered for the object.
kind?: string;
// ...