if EGLAutomaticStereoRenderingProperty=true , then glCompileShader failed #121
I have an existing application and a shader, everything works fine until I set : EGLAutomaticStereoRenderingProperty = true
I got the following error message (looks like an unexpectederror):
Info log:
Here is my shader code:
#version 100
// We use highp to avoid problems with mobile devices
// highp is always available in vertex shaders
precision highp float;
precision highp int;
// automatic uniforms
uniform vec3 render_camera_pos_low;
uniform vec3 render_camera_pos_high;
uniform mat4 render_mvp_rel_camera;
uniform mat4 render_mv_rel_camera;
uniform mat4 render_mvp;
uniform mat4 render_mv;
uniform mat4 render_projection;
uniform vec3 render_forward;
uniform vec4 render_viewport;
uniform vec2 render_pixelscale;
// Returns the position, relative to the camera (e.g. world space, but relative to the camera)
vec3 getRelativePosition(vec3 posLow, vec3 posHigh) {
vec3 lowDifference = posLow - render_camera_pos_low;
vec3 highDifference = posHigh - render_camera_pos_high;
return lowDifference + highDifference;
// Returns the position, relative to the camera (e.g. world space, but relative to the camera)
vec3 getRelativePosition(vec3 posLow, vec3 posHigh, vec3 cameraPosLow, vec3 cameraPosHigh) {
vec3 lowDifference = posLow - cameraPosLow;
vec3 highDifference = posHigh - cameraPosHigh;
return lowDifference + highDifference;
// Transforms from world to camera coordinates
vec3 relPositionToCamera(vec3 relPos) {
return (render_mv_rel_camera * vec4(relPos, 1.0)).xyz;
// Projects a relative position (relative to the camera). The result is a homogenous view position (e.g. in clip space).
vec4 projectRelPosition(vec3 relPos) {
return render_mvp_rel_camera * vec4(relPos, 1.0);
// Projects from camera coordinates (e.g. camera space). The result is a homogenous view position (e.g. in clip space).
vec4 projectCameraPosition(vec3 relPos) {
return render_projection * vec4(relPos, 1.0);
// Projects a position, encoded as a double-float. The result is a homogenous view position (e.g. in clip space).
vec4 projectPosition(vec3 posLow, vec3 posHigh) {
return render_mvp_rel_camera * vec4(getRelativePosition(posLow, posHigh), 1.0);
// Projects a position, with custom parameters. Used mainly for draping.
vec4 projectPosition(vec3 posLow, vec3 posHigh, mat4 transformation, vec3 cameraPosLow, vec3 cameraPosHigh) {
vec3 lowDifference = posLow - cameraPosLow;
vec3 highDifference = posHigh - cameraPosHigh;
return transformation * vec4(lowDifference + highDifference, 1.0);
// Projects an absolute position, encoded as a float. The result is a homogenous view position (e.g. in clip space).
vec4 projectPosition(vec3 pos) {
return render_mvp * vec4(pos, 1.0);
vec4 projectDirectionVector(vec3 vector) {
return render_mvp * vec4(vector, 0.0);
vec2 ndcToPixel(vec2 ndcPt) {
return (ndcPt + 1.0) * render_pixelscale;
vec2 pixelToNdc(vec2 pixelPt) {
return pixelPt / render_pixelscale - 1.0;
// Indicates if a position is invalid (see GeometryPool invalid vertex)
bool isPositionInvalid(vec3 posLow, vec3 posHigh) {
- GeometryPool uses FLOAT_MAX. Here we require < 1M km for just the low part. That should safely
- cover all abnormal values.
return !(posLow.x < 1e9);
// Position as defined relative to uLocalOrigin
attribute vec3 aPosition;
// Texture uv coordinates
attribute vec2 aUV;
// Geocentric normal
attribute vec3 aGeocentricNormal;
// World normal
attribute vec3 aNormal;
// Elevation above ellipsoid
attribute float aElevation;
// The local origin
uniform vec3 uLocalOrigin;
// Terrain texture coordinates
varying vec2 vTextureUVTerrain;
// The point of the vertex on the ellipsoid, in world reference
varying vec4 vZeroElevationWorldPoint;
// Normal on the terrain in world coordinates
varying vec3 vNormal;
// Normal on the ellipsoid
varying vec3 vGeocentricNormal;
void main() {
vTextureUVTerrain = aUV;
vZeroElevationWorldPoint = vec4(aPosition.xyz - aElevation * aGeocentricNormal, 0.0);
vNormal = aNormal;
vGeocentricNormal = aGeocentricNormal;
gl_Position = projectPosition(aPosition, uLocalOrigin);