- launch IslandwoodNews
- open an article
Unable to open the article and application crashes.
This is failing on develop [and has propagated to CGD2D during the merge from Develop->CGD2D]
stack trace:
LIBOBJC2.DLL!objc_exception_throw(void * object) Line 134 C++
FOUNDATION.DLL!-[NSException raise](NSException * self, objc_selector * _cmd) Line 131 Objective-C++
> FOUNDATION.DLL!+[NSException raise:format:](id * self, objc_selector * _cmd, NSString * name, NSString * format) Line 96 Objective-C++
FOUNDATION.DLL!-[NSCFArray objectAtIndex:](NSCFArray * self, objc_selector * _cmd, unsigned int index) Line 86 Objective-C++
UIKIT.DLL!-[_UIPageViewScrollView _populatePagesWithOffset:interactive:](_UIPageViewScrollView * self, objc_selector * _cmd, CGPoint * targetOffset, int interactive) Line 491 Objective-C++
UIKIT.DLL!-[_UIPageViewScrollView touchesBegan:withEvent:](_UIPageViewScrollView * self, objc_selector * _cmd, NSSet * touches, UIEvent * event) Line 208 Objective-C++
FOUNDATION.DLL!-[NSObject performSelector:withObject:withObject:](NSObject * self, objc_selector * _cmd, objc_selector * selector, id * obj1, id * obj2) Line 275 Objective-C++
UIKIT.DLL!-[UIView _processPointerEvent:forTouchPhase:](UIView * self, objc_selector * _cmd, WUXIPointerRoutedEventArgs * pointerEventArgs, UITouchPhase touchPhase) Line 609 Objective-C++
UIKIT.DLL!__41-[UIView _initPrivWithFrame:xamlElement:]_block_invoke(void * .block_descriptor, RTObject * sender, WUXIPointerRoutedEventArgs * e) Line 767 Objective-C++
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