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Design Meeting Notes for 12/11/2015 #6081




this type guards (#5906)

  • Some unaddressed concerns in PR.

  • Differences between parameter/this type guards

  • Parameter type guards check against type of parameters

  • this type-guards tied to a signature

  • `this type-guards allowed on properties

    • Rationale for allowing on properties is we needed to allow them for get-accessors.
    • Type-compatibility
  • Narrowing logic identifies when a method gets called or a property access is performed.

  • Check for a this-type guard, which will narrow the LHS of a property access.

  • Allows an identifier or this on the LHS of the is operator.

  • A this-based type guard is assignable if the

  • boolean is assignable to this-based type guard on member.

    interface Foo {
        isVar: this is Bar
    var foo: Foo;
    foo.isBar = true; // kosher
  • this type predicates for properties don't allow predicates for broader types to be assigned to predicates of more specific types.

    • But that's just an assignment of a boolean, so that should be allowed.
    • Methods seem like they should still have restrictions.
    • get accessors might make this too confusing.
      • That would mean property
  • Promoted type guards to an actual type.

    • We can now make inferences for type parameters based on type predicate types.

    • Useful for functions like filter.

      function isNumber(x: any): x is number {
          return typeof x === "number";
      let x = [1, 2, "a", "b"];
      let y = x.filter(isNumber); // type is 'number[]'
      • It would be nice if isNumber didn't need to be declared.

        let x = [1, 2, "a", "b"];
        let y = x.filter(() => typeof x === "number"); // type is 'number[]'
    • Going off-topic.

  • Let's go back to assignability rules.

    • Aside: we can elaborate and give better errors as a result of this.
    • Parameter (identifier) predicate types will only ever show up in the return type of a method.
  • We'll need to go back and check a little more, because certain people (like myself) signed off on it before a design meeting.

Get accessors via super (#4465)

  • User wants to get value of accessor via super.value from superclass.

  • Problem is we don't distinguish between getters and property descriptors.

  • This sort-of works in ES2015, but not actually.

    class {
        value: number;
        constructor() {
            this.value = 10;
    class Derived extends Base {
        foo() {
            return super.value;
    • foo returns undefined.
      • Runtime looks for a property descriptor on the LHS, won't find one, so returns undefined.
  • Could write a fix to lookup if a getter exists at runtime, looks really gross.

    • But how frequently do people write super.prop without using it as a call (i.e. super.prop()).
    • It's not common, so it wouldn't be the norm.
  • In ES6, we should probably allow this.

  • Potential emit:

    class A {
        bar() { }
    class B extends A {
        zzz() {
            let y =;

    to ES2015

    class A {
        bar() { }
    class B extends A {
        zzz() {
            var y = (_a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_super.prototype, 'foo'),
                a && (a.get ? : _a.value);
            var _a;
    • "This isn't horrible. I mean it's awful, but not horrible."
    • But this doesn't account for if this is a instance field or a prototype field.
      • How deep down the rabbit hole do we want to go?
        • "Elbow deep"
        • "Only a couple of inches"
        • If we're not making that distinction, why not just make this throw an exception.
          • It's 10-characters fewer to make it throw, so why bother to change the behavior to throw?
          • But nobody is getting what they expect anyway.
      • Actually, it doesn't matter; doesn't check the instance.
  • What about element access syntax (i.e. super[4 + 3])?

    • Wait we found a bug while playing in the playground.
  • ES6 vs ES5

    • Should this be legal in ES6 so long as the property exists?
      • Yes.
  • What about assignment to a property on super?

    class B extends A {
        zzz() {
   = 1; // (1)
   = 1;  // (2)
    • (1) and (2) actually do completely different things!
      • (1) actually sets a descriptor on this (!!??)
      • ` But not
  • Resolution: 👍 (need to propose a new emit)

super should be allowed in a computed property (when nested in a class) (#6038)

  • When in a computed property, super refers to the super of the containing class.
  • We currently
  • Why is this allowed?
  • Resolution: 👍 (fix the bug)

super in object literal causes error (#5441)

  • This should work given that __proto__ is valid.
  • Should be allowed, since it's only invalid if __proto__ is set to null.
    • Should only be allowed in a method body of an object literal.
    • Should only be allowed in ES6.
  • Should we do inference on __proto__ for super?
    • Weird, we don't do any inference for this.
    • We shouldn't do it for one and not the other.
    • Revisit that down the road.
  • Resolution: 👍 (allow in ES6)

Intersection types (intersecting with string) are not valid index signature types

  • Two issues for this:

    1. Can't define a string indexer type taking an intersection with string
    2. Can't index with type intersecting with string, when indexing value has a string index signature.
      • Arguably more surprising of the two.
  • Is this useful?

    • Yes, totally, we use it in the compiler to differentiate plain strings from canonical paths.
  • We do hacks like this in the compiler to differentiate strings from actual paths.

    • Tags a value.
    • Kind of like units of measure.
    • Verification tagging in some instances.
      • Data sanitization.
  • But these types don't exist at runtime.

    • But that's fine, this has no runtime overhead instead of wrapping it in a tagging object.
  • Aside: thanks to string literal types, you can do even more crazy tagging stuff.

    type Meters = number & "Meters";
    type Feet   = number & "Feet"
    • But... that's bad because now you have methods of global Number and String types.
      • Don't do that.
  • Resolutions

    • Unsure of accepting other types in index signature parameters.
    • For accepting intersections with string when performing an element access, 👍 (someone write a proposal for this)
  • But, this is just supporting a hack, so we should really consider giving people a better mechanism.




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