openedon Oct 3, 2024
🔍 Search Terms
Today the "paths" property only accepts the asterisk as a wildcard character, which means it is necessary to keep redeclaring other modules when they are in subdirectories, example:
"compilerOptions": {
"paths": {
"libs/async": ["libs/async/src"],
"libs/async/*": ["libs/async/src/*"],
"libs/crypto": ["libs/crypto/src"],
"libs/crypto/*": ["libs/crypto/src/*"],
"libs/database": ["libs/database/src"],
"libs/database/*": ["libs/database/src/*"],
"libs/domain": ["libs/domain/src"],
"libs/domain/*": ["libs/domain/src/*"],
"libs/logger": ["libs/logger/src"],
"libs/logger/*": ["libs/logger/src/*"],
Wouldn't it be interesting to accept other characters as it happens with regex? Example:
"compilerOptions": {
"paths": {
"libs/$1": ["libs/$1/src"],
"libs/$1/*": ["libs/$1/src/*"],
This would make TypeScript resolution more dynamic, making it easier to set up monorepos.
✅ Viability Checklist
- This wouldn't be a breaking change in existing TypeScript/JavaScript code
- This wouldn't change the runtime behavior of existing JavaScript code
- This could be implemented without emitting different JS based on the types of the expressions
- This isn't a runtime feature (e.g. library functionality, non-ECMAScript syntax with JavaScript output, new syntax sugar for JS, etc.)
- This isn't a request to add a new utility type:
- This feature would agree with the rest of our Design Goals:
⭐ Suggestion
Add more wildcards to "paths" property in tsconfig.json, like dynamic directory names ($0
for example), or create a way to use JS/TS to build and return the tsconfig object, with this I can trace the workspace folder extracting all directores needed.
📃 Motivating Example
Normally i'm use only one or 2 paths in tsconfig but I had started to work with NestJS using workspaces and each new app or library need to be added into a new element
💻 Use Cases
- What do you want to use this for?
Any project using workspaces and having lots of sub packages
- What shortcomings exist with current approaches?
Today is required to declare every directory manually every time when a new app or lib are created in NestJS workspace
- What workarounds are you using in the meantime?
Today i need to make every change manually...