Rollback tsconfig.base.json
's target to es5
for transformer librariesΒ #52826
π Search Terms
- target
- tsconfig.json
- v5
- ttypescript
- ts-patch
- transformer
β Viability Checklist
My suggestion meets these guidelines:
- This wouldn't be a breaking change in existing TypeScript/JavaScript code
- This wouldn't change the runtime behavior of existing JavaScript code
- This could be implemented without emitting different JS based on the types of the expressions
- This isn't a runtime feature (e.g. library functionality, non-ECMAScript syntax with JavaScript output, new syntax sugar for JS, etc.)
- This feature would agree with the rest of TypeScript's Design Goals.
β Suggestion
Hope to keep es5
taget build for transformer libraries.
Until v4.9, TypeScript had been built as es5
. However, after v5 update, it has been changed from es5
to `es2018.
Line 5 in ccf3d3c
Line 8 in ddfec78
I understand the reason why updating the build target, however, it may be a critically damage on transformer libraries.
Looking at source code of transformer libraries like ttypescript and ts-patch, they are supporting transform plugin through hacking TypeScript source code like below. They're utilizing and strongly dependent on characteristics of es5
target build.
.readFileSync(tscFileName, 'utf8')
major >= 4 && minor >= 9
? /^[\s\S]+(\(function \(ts\) {\s+var StatisticType;[\s\S]+)$/
: /^[\s\S]+(\(function \(ts\) \{\s+function countLines[\s\S]+)$/,
var ts;
(function (ts) {
var StatisticType;
(function (StatisticType) {
StatisticType[StatisticType["time"] = 0] = "time";
StatisticType[StatisticType["count"] = 1] = "count";
StatisticType[StatisticType["memory"] = 2] = "memory";
})(StatisticType = ts.StatisticType || (ts.StatisticType = {}));
function countLines(program) {
var counts = getCountsMap();
ts.forEach(program.getSourceFiles(), function (file) {
var key = getCountKey(program, file);
var lineCount = ts.getLineStarts(file).length;
counts.set(key, counts.get(key) + lineCount);
return counts;
π» Use Cases
Threfore, I hope you TypeScript language developers to keep the es5
target build.
As you know, so many TypeScript lovers are enjoying transformeer libraries like typescript-transform-paths. I am also developing transformer based libraries like typia and nestia for many years. I do not want to lose transformer API, and do not want to give up maintaining my open source libraries, either.
Please keep the target build option as es5