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Special bottom type #3076




I think that it should be special bottom type with the following properties:

  • ( T | bottom ) = ( bottom | T ) = T — bottom is unit for type unions;
  • expression of type bottom is assignable to any other type;
  • bottom type could be used only as return type of the function (out-only);
  • if function has return type bottom then all branches of the control flow either throw exceptions or return expression of type bottom;
  • if all branches of the control flow either throw exceptions or return expression of type bottom and function has no explicit return type then bottom type inferred as the result type;
  • two functional types are not assignable to each other if exactly one of them has return type bottom (?);
  • bottom type can't be used as the actual type parameter for the generic type.


Let's consider the function that always throws:

function alwaysThrows() {
    throw new Error("!");

and other function that uses it

function test(a: boolean) {
    return a ? 123 : alwaysThrow();

We expect that test should have type number instead of ( number | void )

In more sophisticated example that involves Promise type declarations:

declare class Promise<T> {
        handler: (reason: any) => U | Promise<U>
    ): Promise<T | U>;  // Note the union here (!)
        fulfilled?: (result: T) => U | Promise<U>,
        rejected?: (reason: any) => U | Promise<U>
    ): Promise<U>

We expect that

promiseOfString.catch(function(e) {
   throw new BusinessError(e);

should have the type of Promise<string> instead of Promise<string | void>.

See petkaantonov/bluebird#589 (comment)

Possible explicit annotation that function always throws is using undefined as the type

function alwaysThrows(): undefined {
    throw new Error("!");




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