I'm compiling a number of .ts files and using the --out option to concatenate them into a single .js file. I've got some files in different folders, and using internal modules. Without <reference path=... to reference the .js, the compiler still finds the files just fine:
module dashboard {
'use strict';
import Widget = dashboard.widget.Widget;
var contentUrl = widget.getTemplateURL();
However, when it concatenates, It may place them in the wrong order (though it seems like files in the same folder are in the right order). Since it is basing that only on the reference path, which I did not include. As a result, I may get undefined when importing Widget. If the compiler is compiling a set of files, could it not use the import and module names to order the files appropriately? This would eliminate the need for the reference path, unless the thing being referenced is not part of the compile.