Async Functions
1 Async Functions
This is a spec proposal for the addition of Async Functions (also known as async..await
) as a feature of TypeScript.
2 Use Cases
Async Functions allow TypeScript developers to author functions that are expected to invoke an asynchronous operation and await its result without blocking normal execution of the program. This accomplished through the use of an ES6-compatible Promise
implementation, and transposition of the function body into a compatible form to resume execution when the awaited asynchronous operation completes.
This is based primarily on the Async Functions strawman proposal for ECMAScript, and C# 5.0 § 10.15 Async Functions.
3 Introduction
3.1 Syntax
An Async Function is a JavaScript Function, Parameterized Arrow Function, Method, or Get Accessor that has been prefixed with the async
modifier. This modifier informs the compiler that function body transposition is required, and that the keyword await
should be treated as a unary expression instead of an identifier. An Async Function must provide a return type annotation that points to a compatible Promise
type. Return type inference can only be used if there is a globally defined, compatible Promise
var p: Promise<number> = /* ... */;
async function fn(): Promise<number> {
var i = await p; // suspend execution until 'p' is settled. 'i' has type "number"
return 1 + i;
var a = async (): Promise<number> => 1 + await p; // suspends execution.
var a = async () => 1 + await p; // suspends execution. return type is inferred as "Promise<number>" when compiling with --target ES6
var fe = async function(): Promise<number> {
var i = await p; // suspend execution until 'p' is settled. 'i' has type "number"
return 1 + i;
class C {
async m(): Promise<number> {
var i = await p; // suspend execution until 'p' is settled. 'i' has type "number"
return 1 + i;
async get p(): Promise<number> {
var i = await p; // suspend execution until 'p' is settled. 'i' has type "number"
return 1 + i;
3.2 Transformations
To support this feature, the compiler needs to make certain transformations to the function body of an Async Function. The type of transformations performed depends on whether the current compilation target is ES6, or ES5/ES3.
3.2.1 ES6 Transformations
During compilation of an Async Function when targeting ES6, the following transformations are applied:
- The new function body consists of a single return statement whose expression is a new instance of the promise type supplied as the return type of the Async Function.
- The original function body is enclosed in a Generator Function.
- Any
expressions inside the original function body are transformed into a compatibleyield
expression.- As the precedence of
is much lower thanawait
, it may be necessary to enclose theyield
expression in parenthesis if it is contained in the left-hand-side of a binary expression.
- As the precedence of
- The Generator Function is executed and the resulting generator is passed as an argument to the
helper function. - The result of the
helper function is passed as an argument to the promise resolve callback.
// async.ts
var p0: Promise<number> = /* ... */;
var p1: Promise<number> = /* ... */;
async function fn() {
var i = await p0;
return await p1 + i;
// async.js
var __awaiter = /* ... */;
function fn() {
return new Promise(function (_resolve) {
_resolve(__awaiter(function* () {
var i = yield p0;
return (yield p1) + i;
3.2.2 ES5/ES3 Transformations
As ES5 and earlier do not support Generator Functions, a more complex transformation is required. To support this transformation, __generator
helper function will be also emitted along with the __awaiter
helper function, and a much more comprehensive set of transformations would be applied:
- The new function body consists of a single return statement whose expression is a new instance of the promise type supplied as the return type of the Async Function.
- The original function body is enclosed in a function expression with a single parameter that is passed as an argument to the
helper function. - All hoisted declarations (variable declarations and function declarations) in the original function body are extracted and added to the top of the new function body.
- The original function body is rewritten into a series of case clauses in a switch statement.
- Each statement in the function body that contains an
expression is rewritten into flattened set of instructions that are interpreted by the__generator
helper function. - Temporary locals are generated to hold onto the values for partially-applied expressions to preserve side effects expected in the original source.
- Logical binary expressions that contain an
expression are rewritten to preserve shortcutting. - Assignment expressions that contain an
are rewritten to store portions left-hand side of the assignment in temporary locals to preserve side effects. - Call expressions that contain an
in the argument list are rewritten to store the callee and this argument, and to instead call thecall
method of the callee. - New expressions that contain an
in the argument list are rewritten to preserve side effects. - Array literal expressions that contain an
in the element list are rewritten to preserve side effects. - Object literal expressions that contain an
in the element list are rewritten to preserve side effects. - try statements that contain an await in the try block, catch clause, or finally block are rewritten and tracked as a protected region by the
helper function. - The variable of a
clause is renamed to a unique identifier and all instances of the symbol are renamed to preserve the block scope behavior of a catch variable. break
statements whose target is a statement that contains anawait
expression are rewritten to return an instruction interpreted by the__generator
helper function.return
statements are rewritten to return an instruction interpreted by the__generator
statements that contain anawait
expression are rewritten to capture the enumerable keys of the expression into a temporary array, to allow the iteration to be resumed when control is returned to the function following anawait
expression.- Labeled statements that contain an
expression are rewritten. await
expressions are rewritten to return an instruction interpreted by the__generator
helper function.
// async.ts
var p0: Promise<number> = /* ... */;
var p1: Promise<number> = /* ... */;
async function fn() {
var i = await p0;
return await p1 + i;
// async.js
var __awaiter = /* ... */;
var __generator = /* ... */;
function fn() {
var i;
return new Promise(function (_resolve) {
resolve(__awaiter(__generator(function (_state) {
switch (_state.label) {
case 0: return [3 /*yield*/, p0];
case 1:
i = _state.sent;
return [3 /*yield*/, p1];
case 2:
return [2 /*return*/, _state.sent + i];
The following is an example of an async function that contains a try
// async.ts
var p0: Promise<number> = /* ... */;
var p1: Promise<number> = /* ... */;
async function fn() {
try {
await p0;
catch (e) {
finally {
await p1;
// async.js
var __awaiter = /* ... */;
var __generator = /* .. */;
function fn() {
var i;
return new Promise(function (_resolve) {
resolve(__awaiter(__generator(function (_state) {
switch (_state.label) {
case 0:
_state.trys = [];
_state.label = 1;
case 1:
_state.trys.push([1, 3, 4, 6]);
return [3 /*yield*/, p0];
case 2:
return [5 /*break*/, 6];
case 3:
_a = _state.error;
return [5 /*break*/, 6];
case 4:
return [3 /*yield*/, p1];
case 5:
return [6 /*endfinally*/];
case 6:
return [2 /*return*/];
var _a;
As a result of these transformations, the JavaScript output for an Async Function can look quite different than the original source. When debugging the JavaScript output for an Async Function it would be advisable to use a Source Map generated using the --sourceMap
option for the compiler.
4 Promise
Async Functions require a compatible Promise abstraction to operate properly. A compatible implementation implements the following interfaces, which are to be added to the core library declarations (lib.d.ts):
interface IPromiseConstructor<T> {
new (init: (resolve: (value: T | IPromise<T>) => void, reject: (reason: any) => void) => void): IPromise<T>;
interface IPromise<T> {
then<TResult>(onfulfilled: (value: T) => TResult | IPromise<TResult>, onrejected: (reason: any) => TResult | IPromise<TResult>): IPromise<TResult>;
The following libraries contain compatible Promise implementations:
- ES6 -
- WinJS -
- Q -
- RSVP -
- Bluebird -
- es6-promise -
- lie -
- when -
- asyncjs -
A Grammar
A.1 Types
CallSignature [Await,AsyncParameter] :
TypeParameters opt (
ParameterList [?Await,?AsyncParameter]opt )
TypeAnnotation opt*
ParameterList_ [Await,AsyncParameter] *:_
RequiredParameterList [?Await]
OptionalParameterList [?Await,?AsyncParameter]
RestParameter [?Await]
RequiredParameterList [?Await] ,
OptionalParameterList [?Await,?AsyncParameter]
RequiredParameterList [?Await] ,
RestParameter [?Await]
OptionalParameterList [?Await,?AsyncParameter] ,
RestParameter [?Await]
RequiredParameterList [?Await] ,
OptionalParameterList [?Await,?AsyncParameter] ,
RestParameter [?Await]
RequiredParameterList [Await] :
RequiredParameter [?Await]
RequiredParameterList [?Await] ,
RequiredParameter [?Await]
RequiredParameter [Await] :
AccessibilityModifier opt BindingIdentifier [?Await] TypeAnnotation opt
Identifier :
OptionalParameterList [Await,AsyncParameter] :
OptionalParameter [?Await,?AsyncParameter]
OptionalParameterList [?Await,?AsyncParameter] ,
OptionalParameter [?Await,?AsyncParameter]
OptionalParameter [Await,AsyncParameter]:
[+AsyncParameter] AccessibilityModifier opt BindingIdentifier [Await] ?
TypeAnnotation opt
[+AsyncParameter] AccessibilityModifier opt BindingIdentifier [Await] TypeAnnotation opt Initialiser [In]
[+AsyncParameter] BindingIdentifier [Await] ?
[~AsyncParameter] AccessibilityModifier opt BindingIdentifier [?Await] ?
TypeAnnotation opt
[~AsyncParameter] AccessibilityModifier opt BindingIdentifier [?Await] TypeAnnotation opt Initialiser [In,?Await]
[~AsyncParameter] BindingIdentifier [?Await] ?
RestParameter [Await]:
BindingIdentifier [?Await] TypeAnnotation opt
A.2 Expressions
BindingIdentifier [Await] : ( Modified )
Identifier but not await
[~Await] await
PropertyAssignment [Await] :
PropertyName :
AssignmentExpression [?Await]
PropertyName CallSignature {
FunctionBody }
[no LineTerminator here] PropertyName CallSignature [Await,AsyncParameter] {
FunctionBody [Await] }
GetAccessor :
PropertyName (
TypeAnnotationopt {
FunctionBody }
[no LineTerminator here] get
PropertyName (
TypeAnnotation opt {
FunctionBody [Await] }
FunctionExpression [Await] : ( Modified )
BindingIdentifier [?Await]opt CallSignature {
FunctionBody }
[no LineTerminator here] function
BindingIdentifier [?Await]opt CallSignature [Await,AsyncParameter] {
FunctionBody [Await] }
AssignmentExpression [Await] : ( Modified )
ArrowFunctionExpression [?Await]
ArrowFunctionExpression [Await] :
ArrowFormalParameters =>
Block [?Await]
ArrowFormalParameters =>
AssignmentExpression [?Await]
[no LineTerminator here] CallSignature [Await,AsyncParameter] =>
Block [Await]
[no LineTerminator here] CallSignature [Await,AsyncParameter] =>
AssignmentExpression [Await]
ArrowFormalParameters [Await] :
BindingIdentifier [?Await]
UnaryExpression [Await] : ( Modified )
Type >
UnaryExpression [?Await]
[+Await] await
UnaryExpression [Await]
A.3 Functions
FunctionDeclaration [Await] : ( Modified )
FunctionOverloads [?Await]opt FunctionImplementation [?Await]
FunctionOverloads [Await] :
FunctionOverloads [?Await]opt FunctionOverload [?Await]
FunctionOverload [Await] :
BindingIdentifier [?Await] CallSignature ;
FunctionImplementation [Await] :
BindingIdentifier [?Await] CallSignature {
FunctionBody }
[no LineTerminator here] function
BindingIdentifier [?Await] CallSignature [Await,AsyncParameter] {
FunctionBody [Await] }
A.4 Classes
AccessibilityModifieropt static
opt PropertyName CallSignature {
FunctionBody }
AccessibilityModifieropt static
opt async
[no LineTerminator here] PropertyName CallSignature [Await,AsyncParameter] {
FunctionBody [Await] }
B Helper Functions
There are two helper functions that are used for Async Functions. The __awaiter
helper function is used by both the ES6 as well as the ES5/ES3 transformations. The __generator
helper function is used only by the ES5/ES3 transformation.
B.1 __awaiter
helper function
var __awaiter = __awaiter || function (g) {
function n(r, t) {
while (true) {
if (r.done) return r.value;
if (r.value && typeof (t = r.value.then) === "function")
return, function (v) { return n( }, function (v) { return n(g["throw"](v)) });
r =;
return n(;
B.2 __generator
helper function
var __generator = __generator || function (m) {
var d, i = [], f, g, s = { label: 0 }, y, b;
function n(c) {
if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
switch (d && c[0]) {
case 0 /*next*/: return { value: void 0, done: true };
case 1 /*throw*/: throw c[1];
case 2 /*return*/: return { value: c[1], done: true };
while (true) {
f = false;
switch (!(g = s.trys && s.trys.length && s.trys[s.trys.length - 1]) && c[0]) {
case 1 /*throw*/: i.length = 0; d = true; throw c[1];
case 2 /*return*/: i.length = 0; d = true; return { value: c[1], done: true };
try {
if (y) {
f = true;
if (typeof (b = y[c[0]]) === "function") {
b =, c[1]);
if (!b.done) return b;
c[0] = 0 /*next*/, c[1] = b.value;
y = undefined;
f = false;
switch (c[0]) {
case 0 /*next*/: s.sent = c[1]; break;
case 3 /*yield*/: s.label++; return { value: c[1], done: false };
case 4 /*yield**/: s.label++; y = c[1]; c[0] = 0 /*next*/; c[1] = void 0; continue;
case 6 /*endfinally*/: c = i.pop(); continue;
if (c[0] === 1 /*throw*/ && s.label < g[1]) { s.error = c[1]; s.label = g[1]; break; }
if (c[0] === 5 /*break*/ && (!g || (c[1] >= g[0] && c[1] < g[3]))) { s.label = c[1]; break; }
if (g[2]) { i.push(c); s.label = g[2]; break; }
f = true;
c = m(s);
} catch (e) {
y = void 0;
c[0] = 1 /*throw*/, c[1] = e;
return {
next: function (v) { return n([0 /*next*/, v]); },
1 /*throw*/: function (v) { return n([1 /*throw*/, v]); },
2 /*return*/: function (v) { return n([2 /*return*/, v]); },
B.2.1 _generator
argument | description |
m |
State machine function. |
B.2.2 n
argument | description |
c |
The current instruction. |
B.2.3 Variables
variable | description |
d |
A value indicating whether the generator is done executing. |
i |
A stack of instructions (see below) pending execution. |
f |
A value indicating whether the generator is executing, to prevent reentry (per ES6 spec). |
g |
The region at the top of the s.trys stack. |
s |
State information for the state machine function. |
s.label |
The label for the next instruction. |
s.trys |
An optional stack of protected regions for try..catch..finally blocks. |
s.sent |
A value sent to the generator when calling next . |
s.error |
An error caught by a catch clause. |
y |
The current inner generator to which to delegate generator instructions. |
b |
The method on n to execute for the current instruction. One of "next" , "throw" , or "return" . |
B.2.4 Instructions
instruction | args | description |
0 /*next*/ |
0-1 | Begin or resume processing with an optional sent value. |
1 /*throw*/ |
1 | Throw an exception at the current instruction. Executes any enclosing catch or finally blocks. |
2 /*return*/ |
0-1 | Returns a value from the current instruction. Executes any enclosing finally blocks. |
3 /*yield*/ |
0-1 | Suspends execution and yields an optional value to the caller of the generator. |
4 /*yield**/ |
1 | Delegates generator operations to the provided iterable (not needed for Async Functions, but provided for future support for down-level Generator Functions). |
5 /*break*/ |
1 | Jumps to a labeled instruction. Executes any enclosing finally blocks if the target is outside of the current protected region. |
6 /*endfinally*/ |
0 | Marks the end of a finally block so that the previous break , throw , or return instruction can be processed. |
B.2.5 Protected Regions
A protected region marks the beginning and end of a try..catch
or try..finally
block. Protected regions are pushed onto the s.trys
stack whenever a protected region is entered when executing the state machine. A protected region is defined using a quadruple in the following format:
field | required | description |
0 | yes | The start of a try block. |
1 | no | The start of a catch block. |
2 | no | The start of a finally block. |
3 | yes | The end of a try..catch..finally block. |
B.3 __generator
helper function (alternate)
var __generator = __generator || function (body) {
var done, instructions = [], stepping, region, state = { label: 0 }, delegated;
function step(instruction) {
if (stepping) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
if (done) {
switch (instruction[0]) {
case 0 /*next*/: return { value: void 0, done: true };
case 1 /*throw*/: throw instruction[1];
case 2 /*return*/: return { value: instruction[1], done: true };
while (true) {
stepping = false;
var region = state.trys && state.trys.length && state.trys[state.trys.length - 1];
if (region) {
switch (instruction[0]) {
case 1 /*throw*/:
instructions.length = 0;
done = true;
throw instruction[1];
case 2 /*return*/:
instructions.length = 0;
done = true;
return { value: instruction[1], done: true };
try {
if (delegated) {
stepping = true;
var callback = delegated[instruction[0]];
if (typeof callback === "function") {
var result =, instruction[1]);
if (!result.done) return result;
instruction[0] = 0 /*next*/;
instruction[1] = result.value;
delegated = undefined;
stepping = false;
switch (instruction[0]) {
case 3 /*yield*/:
return { value: instruction[1], done: false };
case 4 /*yield**/:
delegated = instruction[1];
instruction[0] = 0 /*next*/;
instruction[1] = void 0;
case 0 /*next*/:
state.sent = instruction[1];
case 6 /*endfinally*/:
instruction = instructions.pop();
if (instruction[0] === 5 /*break*/ && (!region || (instruction[1] >= region[0] && instruction[1] < region[3]))) {
state.label = instruction[1];
if (instruction[0] === 1 /*throw*/ && state.label < region[1]) {
state.error = instruction[1];
state.label = region[1];
if (region[2]) {
state.label = region[2];
stepping = true;
instruction = body(state);
} catch (e) {
delegated = void 0;
instruction[0] = 1 /*throw*/, instruction[1] = e;
return {
next: function (v) { return step([0 /*next*/, v]); },
"throw": function (v) { return step([1 /*throw*/, v]); },
"return": function (v) { return step([2 /*return*/, v]); },