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Merge pull request #1212 from RuudGijsbers/Dev
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IntuneDeviceCompliancePolicyMacOS and IntuneDeviceCompliancePolicyWindows10: New Resources
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desmay authored May 26, 2021
2 parents 1965784 + 13a85aa commit 3c00e78
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Showing 23 changed files with 3,229 additions and 180 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion .vscode/settings.json
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Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
"powershell.codeFormatting.ignoreOneLineBlock": false,
"powershell.codeFormatting.alignPropertyValuePairs": true,
"powershell.codeFormatting.preset": "Custom",
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"files.trimTrailingWhitespace": true,
"files.insertFinalNewline": true,
"files.exclude": {
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ function Set-TargetResource
-FilterScript { ($_.deviceCompliancePolicyODataType) -eq 'microsoft.graph.androidCompliancePolicy' -and `
$_.displayName -eq $($DisplayName) }
Update-IntuneDeviceCompliancePolicy -ODataType 'microsoft.graph.androidCompliancePolicy' `
-deviceCompliancePolicyId $configDeviceAndroidPolicy.deviceCompliancePolicyId @PSBoundParameters
-deviceCompliancePolicyId $configDeviceAndroidPolicy.Id @PSBoundParameters
elseif ($Ensure -eq 'Absent' -and $currentDeviceAndroidPolicy.Ensure -eq 'Present')
Expand All @@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ function Set-TargetResource
-FilterScript { ($_.deviceCompliancePolicyODataType) -eq 'microsoft.graph.androidCompliancePolicy' -and `
$_.displayName -eq $($DisplayName) }

Remove-IntuneDeviceCompliancePolicy -deviceCompliancePolicyId $configDeviceAndroidPolicy.deviceCompliancePolicyId
Remove-IntuneDeviceCompliancePolicy -deviceCompliancePolicyId $configDeviceAndroidPolicy.Id

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@@ -1,3 +1,209 @@
# IntuneAndroidDeviceCompliancePolicy
## Description

This resource configures the Intune compliance policies for Android devices.
This resource configures the settings of Android device compliance policies
in your cloud-based organization.

## Permissions Needed

To authenticate via Azure Active Directory, this resource requires the following Delegated permissions:

* **Automate**
* DeviceManagementConfiguration.ReadWrite.All (Delegated)
* **Export**
* DeviceManagementConfiguration.Read.All (Delegated)

NOTE: All permisions listed above require admin consent.

## Parameters

### Microsoft Defender for Endpoint

* **Require the device to be at or under the machine risk score**
Select the maximum allowed machine risk score for devices evaluated by Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. Devices that exceed this score get marked as noncompliant.
* Not configured (_default_)
* Clear
* Low
* Medium
* High

### Device Health

* **Devices managed with device administrator**
Device administrator capabilities are superseded by Android Enterprise.
* Not configured (_default_)
* Block - Blocking device administrator will guide users to move to Android Enterprise Personally-Owned and Corporate-Owned Work Profile management to regain access.

### Rooted devices
* **Prevent rooted devices from having corporate access. (This compliance check is supported for Android 4.0 and above.)**
* Not configured (_default_) - This setting isn't evaluated for compliance or non-compliance.
* Block - Mark rooted (jailbroken) devices as not compliant.

* **Require the device to be at or under the Device Threat Level**
Use this setting to take the risk assessment from a connected Mobile Threat Defense service as a condition for compliance.
* Not configured (_default_) - This setting isn't evaluated for compliance or non-compliance.
* Secured - This option is the most secure, as the device can't have any threats. If the device is detected with any level of threats, it's evaluated as noncompliant.
* Low - The device is evaluated as compliant if only low-level threats are present. Anything higher puts the device in a noncompliant status.
* Medium - The device is evaluated as compliant if existing threats on the device are low or medium level. If the device is detected to have high-level threats, it's determined to be noncompliant.
* High - This option is the least secure, and allows all threat levels. It may be useful if you're using this solution only for reporting purposes.

### Google Play Protect
* **Google Play Services is configured**
Google Play services allows security updates, and is a base-level dependency for many security features on certified-Google devices.
* Not configured (_default_) - This setting isn't evaluated for compliance or non-compliance.
* Require - Require that the Google Play services app is installed and enabled.

* **Up-to-date security provider**
* Not configured (_default_) - This setting isn't evaluated for compliance or non-compliance.
* Require - Require that an up-to-date security provider can protect a device from known vulnerabilities.

* **Threat scan on apps**
* Not configured (_default_) - This setting isn't evaluated for compliance or non-compliance.
* Require - Require that the Android Verify Apps feature is enabled.

* **SafetyNet device attestation**
Enter the level of SafetyNet attestation that must be met. Your options:
* Not configured (_default_) - This setting isn't evaluated for compliance or non-compliance.
* Check basic integrity
* Check basic integrity & certified devices

### Device Properties
* **Operating System Version**
* Minimum OS version
When a device doesn't meet the minimum OS version requirement, it's reported as noncompliant. A link with information about how to upgrade is shown. The end user can choose to upgrade their device, and then get access to company resources.

_By default, no version is configured._

* Maximum OS version
When a device is using an OS version later than the version specified in the rule, access to company resources is blocked. The user is asked to contact their IT admin. Until a rule is changed to allow the OS version, this device can't access company resources.

_By default, no version is configured._

### System Security
* **Encryption**
Encryption of data storage on a device
Supported on Android 4.0 and later, or KNOX 4.0 and later.
* Not configured (_default_) - This setting isn't evaluated for compliance or non-compliance.
* Require - Encrypt data storage on your devices. Devices are encrypted when you choose the Require a password to unlock mobile devices setting.

* **Device Security**
Block apps from unknown sources
Supported on Android 4.0 to Android 7.x. Not supported by Android 8.0 and later
* Not configured (_default_) - this setting isn't evaluated for compliance or non-compliance.
* Block - Block devices with Security > Unknown Sources enabled sources (_supported on Android 4.0 through Android 7.x. Not supported on Android 8.0 and later._).

To side-load apps, unknown sources must be allowed. If you're not side-loading Android apps, then set this feature to Block to enable this compliance policy.

* **Company portal app runtime integrity**
* Not configured (_default_) - This setting isn't evaluated for compliance or non-compliance.
* Require - Choose Require to confirm the Company Portal app meets all the following requirements:
* Has the default runtime environment installed
* Is properly signed
* Isn't in debug-mode

* **Block USB debugging on device**
_(Supported on Android 4.2 or later)_

* Not configured (_default_) - This setting isn't evaluated for compliance or non-compliance.
* Block - Prevent devices from using the USB debugging feature.

* **Minimum security patch level**
_(Supported on Android 6.0 or later)_

Select the oldest security patch level a device can have. Devices that aren't at least at this patch level are noncompliant. The date must be entered in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

_By default, no date is configured._

* **Restricted apps**
Enter the App name and App bundle ID for apps that should be restricted, and then select Add. A device with at least one restricted app installed is marked as non-compliant.

### Password

The available settings for passwords vary by the version of Android on the device.

#### All Android devices
The following settings are supported on Android 4.0 or later, and Knox 4.0 and later.

* **Maximum minutes of inactivity before password is required**
This setting specifies the length of time without user input after which the mobile device screen is locked. Options range from 1 Minute to 8 Hours. The recommended value is 15 Minutes.
* Not configured (_default_)

#### Android 10 and later
The following settings are supported on Android 10 or later, but not on Knox.

* **Password complexity**
_This setting is supported on Android 10 or later, but not on Samsung Knox. On devices that run Android 9 and earlier or Samsung Knox, settings for the password length and type override this setting for complexity._

Specify the required password complexity.
* None (_default_) - No password required.
* Low - The password satisfies one of the following conditions:
* Pattern
* Numeric PIN has a repeating (4444) or ordered (1234, 4321, 2468) sequence.
* Medium - The password satisfies one of the following conditions:
* Numeric PIN doesn’t have a repeating (4444) or ordered (1234, 4321, 2468) sequence, and has minimum length of 4.
* Alphabetic, with a minimum length of 4.
* Alphanumeric, with a minimum length of 4.
* High - The password satisfies one of the following conditions:
* Numeric PIN doesn’t have a repeating (4444) or ordered (1234, 4321, 2468) sequence, and has minimum length of 8.
* Alphabetic, with a minimum length of 6.
* Alphanumeric, with a minimum length of 6.

#### Android 9 and earlier or Samsung Knox
_The following settings are supported on Android 9.0 and earlier, and any version of Samsung Knox._

* **Require a password to unlock mobile devices**
This setting specifies whether to require users to enter a password before access is granted to information on their mobile devices. Recommended value: Require
* Not configured (_default_) - This setting isn't evaluated for compliance or non-compliance.
* Require - Users must enter a password before they can access their device.
When set to Require, the following setting can be configured:
**Required password type**
Choose if a password should include only numeric characters, or a mix of numerals and other characters.
* Device Default - To evaluate password compliance, be sure to select a password strength other than Device default.
* Low security biometric
* At least numeric
* Numeric complex - Repeated or consecutive numerals, such as 1111 or 1234, aren't allowed.
* At least alphabetic
* At least alphanumeric
* At least alphanumeric with symbols

Based on the configuration of this setting, one or more of the following options are available:
* Minimum password length
Enter the minimum number of digits or characters that the user's password must have.
* Maximum minutes of inactivity before password is required
Enter the idle time before the user must reenter their password. When you choose Not configured (_default_), this setting isn't evaluated for compliance or non-compliance.
* Number of days until password expires
Select the number of days before the password expires and the user must create a new password.
* Number of previous passwords to prevent reuse
Enter the number of recent passwords that can't be reused. Use this setting to restrict the user from creating previously used passwords.

## Example

IntuneDeviceCompliancePolicyAndroid a58cdba9-c410-4ba4-b7d2-3a09593b5d84
Description = "";
DeviceThreatProtectionEnabled = $False;
DeviceThreatProtectionRequiredSecurityLevel = "unavailable";
DisplayName = "Compliance Android";
Ensure = "Present";
GlobalAdminAccount = $Credsglobaladmin;
osMinimumVersion = "7";
PasswordExpirationDays = 90;
PasswordMinimumLength = 6;
PasswordMinutesOfInactivityBeforeLock = 5;
PasswordPreviousPasswordBlockCount = 10;
PasswordRequired = $True;
PasswordRequiredType = "deviceDefault";
SecurityBlockJailbrokenDevices = $False;
SecurityDisableUsbDebugging = $False;
SecurityPreventInstallAppsFromUnknownSources = $False;
SecurityRequireCompanyPortalAppIntegrity = $False;
SecurityRequireGooglePlayServices = $False;
SecurityRequireSafetyNetAttestationBasicIntegrity = $False;
SecurityRequireSafetyNetAttestationCertifiedDevice = $False;
SecurityRequireUpToDateSecurityProviders = $False;
SecurityRequireVerifyApps = $False;
StorageRequireEncryption = $True;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ function Set-TargetResource
-FilterScript { ($_.deviceCompliancePolicyODataType) -eq 'microsoft.graph.androidWorkProfileCompliancePolicy' -and `
$_.displayName -eq $($DisplayName) }
Update-IntuneDeviceCompliancePolicy -ODataType 'microsoft.graph.androidWorkProfileCompliancePolicy' `
-deviceCompliancePolicyId $configDeviceAndroidPolicy.deviceCompliancePolicyId @PSBoundParameters
-deviceCompliancePolicyId $configDeviceAndroidPolicy.Id @PSBoundParameters
elseif ($Ensure -eq 'Absent' -and $currentDeviceAndroidPolicy.Ensure -eq 'Present')
Expand All @@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ function Set-TargetResource
-FilterScript { ($_.deviceCompliancePolicyODataType) -eq 'microsoft.graph.androidWorkProfileCompliancePolicy' -and `
$_.displayName -eq $($DisplayName) }

Remove-IntuneDeviceCompliancePolicy -deviceCompliancePolicyId $configDeviceAndroidPolicy.deviceCompliancePolicyId
Remove-IntuneDeviceCompliancePolicy -deviceCompliancePolicyId $configDeviceAndroidPolicy.Id

Expand Down

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