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to create microservices faster, you need a backbone. This boilerplate prepared to practise core microservice concepts like:

  • cloud-native (stateless on K8s)
  • cloud-native (state-full on GCP PaaS)
  • REST maturity: L2 and L3 (HATEOS)
  • naming conventions
  • actuator (/health)
  • error-handling
  • logging: general {Slf4j}
  • logging: distributed-tracing {sleuth}
  • logging: monitoring
  • api-management: message-converter (such as text2json and vice versa)
  • security
  • profiles (dev, test, prod)
  • logical boundaries (separating dbs)
  • rest-template {Feign}
  • api-gateway {zuul}
  • load-balancing {ribbon}
  • fallbacks {hystrix}
  • config-server {spring}
  • service-discovery {eureka}
  • event-sourcing
  • CQRS (separate read and write queries)

Technology stack

  • Requirements (openjdk 11, docker, GKE)
  • spring boot 2.2.6, gradle 6.3, Lombok 1.18

Naming Conventions

  • project name for template

    • intellij top-level: core-service-h2
    • package name: com.backbone.core
  • project name for a real service will take place below!

    • intellij top-level: product-service
    • package name: com.backbone.core
    • gradle's project name: product-service
      • jar name: build/libs/product-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
    • deployment name in k8s: product-service
    • url format: /product/1 or /products

How To Start

on IDE,

  1. mkdir microservice-backbone-boilerplate && cd microservice-backbone-boilerplate then
    • git clone && cd core-service-h2
  2. to Run the application
    • ./gradlew bootRun to start,
    • ./gradlew bootJar to create jar lib, and run w/ java -jar build/libs/*.jar
  3. to test run curl localhost:8080
    • curl localhost:8080/dummy or curl localhost:8080/dummy/name
    • curl localhost:8080/products or curl localhost:8080/products/10
  4. to access h2-db check localhost:8080/h2-console w/ conn. jdbc:h2:mem:products

on Kubernetes,

  1. Create GKE cluster
    • mkdir microservice-backbone-boilerplate && cd microservice-backbone-boilerplate then Follow the steps in
  2. Prepare and deploy docker images to GCP
    • Edit
    • Run ./gradlew dockerTag. Test w/
      • docker images then docker run -d -p 8080:8080 IMAGE_NAME:TAG
    • Run ./gradlew dockerPushGCP
  3. Deploy app. to GKE cluster.
    • Run ./ to deploy w/ .yaml files
    • to test, run kubectl get services and get EXTERNAL-IP then curl EXTERNAL-IP:8080 to test.

High Level Architecture -

an abstract representation of a micro service


a more realistic scenario w/ data pipelines
