This repository contains a bunch of applescripts. It should be cloned to ~/Library/Services in order to be able to use them as system services e.g. easily bind keyboard shortcuts to them.
Tool to sort images on a Mac
You have a folder with unsorted pictures/videos/files named according to pattern yyyy-mm-dd HH.MM.SS.extension
- this is the case for Dropbox's Camera Uploads
folder. You preview the pictures in Finder and for each image hit a proper keyboard shortcut in order to move it to proper folder in defined location (e.g. external hard drive).
The main worker script is photo_cleaner.scpt
Other scripts are just runners calling it with appropriate arguments.
In Preferences ->Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Services you can set up shortcuts to trigger workflows which are treaded as system services.
Pictures are grouped in folders spanning across one month each. Worker script expects 3 arguments:
- threshold month day number
- destination folder name sufix
- root destination folder path
When run with arguments (11, Family, /Volumes/mydrive/MEDIA/Pictures)
the following files would be put to the following folders:
2017-04-21 12:12:12.jpg
2016-12-21 12:12:12.jpg
2017-04-11 12:12:12.jpg
2017-04-10 12:12:12.jpg