CodJumper mod for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 on Xbox 360 (Title Update 6).
- Bounces enabled
- RPG jumps enabled
- UFO mode
- Save and load position
- Spawn stationary bot
- All bombzones enabled
- Invisible barriers disabled
- Oldschool mode toggle
- DPAD UP - Spawns a stationary bot
- DPAD DOWN - Disables invisible barrier at the player's position
- DPAD LEFT - Toggles Oldschool mode
- DPAD RIGHT - Show/hide speedometer and heightmeter
- RS x2 - Save position
- LB - Load position
- RB - Toggle UFO mode
- Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 2 (USA Europe) Xbox 360
- Patched
(Title Update #6) with XexTool
- xoxor4d - For his research on bouncing and RPG jump research