Official implementation for
Skeleton2Humanoid: Animating Simulated Characters for Physically-plausible Motion In-betweening
Yunhao Li, Zhenbo Yu, Yucheng Zhu, Bingbing Ni, Guangtao Zhai, Wei Shen
[ACM Paper
[Arxiv Paper and Supplementary Material
This repo is still under construction:
- add baseline motion inbetweening code
- adding test time adaptation stage code
- adding inverse kinematics code
- adding RL training code
We propose a system “Skeleton2Humanoid” which performs physics-oriented motion correction at test time by regularizing synthesized skeleton motions in a physics simulator (Mujoco). Concretely, our system consists of three sequential stages: (I) test time motion synthesis network adaptation, (II) skeleton to humanoid matching and (III) motion imitation based on reinforcement learning (RL).
Thanks for the following excellcent works:
To be updated