Replacement icons for popular apps in the style of macOS Big Sur.
To view a full list of icons, go to this website I created, there you can download just one or all of them at once.
It's super easy! We've made sure that all icons here work with no problem. You just need to download the icon you want, find the app to update on Finder, select it and "File/Get Info" or "cmd + i and drag and drop the downloaded .icns file to the new window.
Here are some rules you show know:
- Don't use spaces for the icon names, instead use "_"
- When using the template, export in 1x (high res) and 0.25x (low res)
- Before uploading the the icons, add their names exactly as they have been exported to the icons.txt file
- Use this free app to convert the .png to a usable .icns
- Make a Pull Request with the new icons
- If you are creating an icon for an open-source project, please consider submitting the icon to their respective repository for their use as well.
Not a problem! This repo can also be a great introduction to the open source community and GitHub for designers, so welcome if you're new to this!
First of all, you'll need to download the template for the icons here.
If you're new to GitHub, or you've never made a pull request, try following this article. Did you manage? Congrats! If you're still not quite sure about how to make pull requests, crate a new issue here and try to explain where you're stuck, and if that still doesn't work for you, simply upload the icons on a shared drive and share them with us on the newly created issue.
The following icons are either being worked on or have been suggested. If you have any suggestions create a new issue with the name of the app as the title here.
- 1Password
- 5217
- Ableton Live Standard & Suite
- AdBlocker
- Adobe_Acrobat
- Adobe_After_Effects
- Adobe_Animate
- Adobe_Audition
- Adobe_Bridge
- Adobe_CC
- Adobe_Character_Animation
- Adobe_Dimension
- Adobe_Dreamweaver
- Adobe_Illustrator
- Adobe_InCopy
- Adobe_Indesign
- Adobe_Lightroom
- Adobe_Media_Encoder
- Adobe_Photoshop
- Adobe_Portfolio
- Adobe_Prelude
- Adobe_Premiere_Pro
- Adobe_Rush
- Adobe_Spark
- Adobe_Stock
- Adobe_XD
- Affinity_Designer
- Affinity_Photo
- Affinity_Publisher
- Alfred
- AltServer
- Amphetamine
- Amplitube
- Amplitube_Auth_Manager
- Android_Studio
- Android_Studio_Beta
- App Cleaner
- Astropad
- Astropad_Studio
- Atom
- Authy Desktop
- Autodesk_Sketch
- BBEdit
- Backup_And_Sync
- Bartender
- Bear_Notes
- BetterTouchTool
- Brave
- Brave_Nightly
- Calibre
- Capo
- CCleaner
- Chrome_Canary
- Cinema 4D
- CleanMyMac
- Compressor
- CraftDocs
- Custom_Shop
- Daisy Disk
- Dark_Reader
- Dashlane
- DaVinci Resolve and DaVinci Resolve Studio
- DayOne
- Deliveries
- Discord
- DJay_Pro
- Downie
- Drafts
- Dropbox
- Dropbox_alt
- Dropbox_alt2
- DuckDuckGo
- Electron
- Emcee
- Epic_games
- Evernote
- FB_messenger
- Figma
- Filezilla
- Final_Cut_Pro
- Final_Cut_Pro_Alt
- Firefox
- Firefox_dev
- Flux
- Folx
- FontLab
- Garageband
- Github
- Glance
- Google_Chrome
- Google_Chrome_Alt
- Grammarly
- GraphQL_Playground
- Handbrake
- HapticKey
- Harvest
- Highland 2
- Honey
- Hue_Sync
- Hyper
- Icons_8
- Iina
- Iina_alt
- Image2Icon
- ImageOptim
- Install macOS Beta
- Keka
- Keyboard_Maestro
- Launchpad
- Launchpad_alt
- Logic_Pro_X
- Logic_Pro_X_Alt
- Loopback
- MacMediaKeyForwarder
- MagicPrefs
- Magnet
- MainStage
- Malwarebytes
- Material_Colors
- Material_Palette_Generator
- Microsoft_Edge
- Microsoft_Excel
- Microsoft_Excel_Alternate
- Microsoft_OneDrive_Alternate
- Microsoft_OneNote
- Microsoft_OneNote_Alternate
- Microsoft_Outlook
- Microsoft_Outlook_Alternate
- Microsoft_Powerpoint
- Microsoft_Powerpoint_Alternate
- Microsoft_Teams
- Microsoft_Teams_Alternate
- Microsoft_To_Do
- Microsoft_To_Do_Alternate
- Microsoft_Word
- Microsoft_Word_Alternate
- Minecraft
- Minimal_Consent
- Mosaic
- Motion
- Musescore
- Netflix
- NordVPN
- NordVPN 2
- NordPass
- NordLocker
- Notability
- Notion
- OmniFocus
- OneDrive
- Open_Emu
- Opera
- Origin
- P-Touch
- Parallels_Desktop
- Permute
- Permute_Dark
- Pipifier
- Pixelmator_Pro
- Plex
- Quip
- Radiant
- Raindrop
- Redacted
- Reeder
- Reflector
- Rhinoceros
- Screenshots
- Sensei
- Setapp
- Signal
- Sip
- Sketch
- Sketchup
- Slack
- Spark
- Speedtest
- Spotify
- Spotify_Alternate
- Steam
- StopTheMadness
- Sublime_Text
- Swift_Playgrounds
- Swift_Playgrounds_Alt
- Swift_Playgrounds_Alt2
- Teamspeak
- Telegram
- Tidal
- Tidal 2
- Things_3
- Tower
- Transmission
- Transmit
- Trello
- UAD_Console
- UAD_Control_Panel
- The Unarchiver
- Unicorn_Unblocker
- Unity_Editor
- Unity_Hub
- VMware_Fusion
- Visual_Studio
- Visual_Studio_Code
- Visual_Studio_Code_alt2
- Visual_Studio_Code_alt3
- WebBites
- XScope
- Xcode
- Yoink
- Zoom
- blender_dark
- blender_light
- cDock
- coconutBattery
- iA_writer
- iA_writer_dark
- iMovie
- iMovie_Alt
- iStat
- iTerm
- Übersicht
- AdBlock Plus
- AdGuard
- AnyDesk
- Apowermirror
- Araxis Merge
- Audio MIDI Setup
- Avid Sibelius
- Balena Etcher
- Battery Health 2
- Bitwarden
- Browserosaurus
- Canary Mail
- Chromium
- Chronicle Pro
- CotEditor
- Cuphead
- Diagrams
- Disconnect Premium
- Edison Mail
- Elmedia Player
- EverWeb
- Fantastical
- Firefox Nightly
- Garmin Express
- GeoGebra
- Gmail
- GoodNotes
- Hearthstone
- Hidden Bar
- KeepingYouAwake
- Keyboard Maestro
- LastPass
- LibreOffice
- LookUp
- LyricsX
- MacUpdater
- Macs Fan Control
- Mactracker
- Minimal Consent
- Movist Pro
- NextDNS
- Parcel
- Pioneer Rekordbox
- Pixelmator
- Presentify
- Private Internet Access
- ProWritingAid
- Quicken
- Roblox
- Roblox Studio
- Sketchup Layout
- Sketchup Style Builder
- SoundflowerBed
- Speechify
- Splice
- StopTheMadness
- Streamlabs OBS
- Supernova Studio
- Tampermonkey
- TeamViewer
- ToothFairy
- Tweetbot
- VideoDuke
- Western Digital Discovery
- Wipr
- Zotero
- mpv
- qBittorrent
- smcFanControl
Designed By | Icon Name |
Elias | iA Writer |
Dashlane | |
Figma | |
Iina | |
Opera | |
OneDrive | |
Spark | |
Sublime Text | |
Transmit | |
VS Code | |
WebBites | |
Hyper | |
iTerm 2 | |
Xcode | |
Swift_Playgrounds | |
Brave | |
Raindrop | |
Astropad_Studio | |
Harvest | |
Epic_games | |
Transmission | |
Icons_8 | |
OmniFocus | |
Dropbox | |
Dropbox_alt | |
VLC | |
Astropad | |
Electron | |
Malwarebytes | |
iMovie | |
Reeder | |
Filezila | |
Discord | |
coconutBattery | |
Atom | |
Pixelmator_Pro | |
Open Emu | |
Firefox_dev | |
Firefox | |
Minecraft | |
Calibre_alt | |
Github | |
Iina_alt | |
NordVPN | |
Netflix | |
Drafts | |
Facebook Messenger | |
Origin | |
Anmol | iTerm |
Affinity Suite | |
Permute 3 (Light & Dark variants) | |
Yoink | |
Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint and OneNote | |
Google Chrome Canary | |
1Password | |
5217 (Web App) | |
FontLab | |
Sip 2 | |
Slack | |
Redacted | |
Amphetamine | |
Rhino for macOS | |
Material Palette Generator (Web App) | |
Android Studio | |
Sensei | |
Reflector 3 | |
cDock | |
Telegram | |
Spotify | |
Google Chrome | |
Sketch | |
Haptic Key | |
Mattophobia | Musescore |
Garageband | |
iMovie_Alt | |
Swift Playgrounds (Alt) | |
Swift Playgrounds (Alt 2) | |
Alfred | |
Amplitube | |
Amplitube Auth Manager | |
Custom Shop | |
AltServer | |
Backup & Sync | |
Bartender | |
BetterTouchTool | |
Capo | |
Dark Reader | |
DuckDuckGo | |
Emcee | |
Flux | |
Folx | |
Handbrake | |
iStat | |
Launchpad (Alt) | |
Loopback | |
Mosaic | |
OBS | |
P-Touch | |
Signal | |
Speedtest | |
Teamspeak | |
UAD Console | |
UAD Control Panel | |
Unicorn Unblocker | |
Compressor | |
Final Cut Pro (Alt) | |
Logic Pro X (Alt) | |
MainStage | |
Motion | |
Google Chrome (Alt) | |
Downie | |
Pipifier | |
MacMediaKeyForwarder | |
Blender | |
Gracjan | BBEdit |
Brave Nightly | |
Keyboard Maestro | |
Minimal Consent | |
StopTheMadness | |
Ovennell | NordVPN (Alt 2) |
NordPass | |
NordLocker | |
Visual Studio Code (Alt 2) | |
Visual Studio Code (Alt 3) | |
CCleaner | |
Tidal | |
Tidal (Alt 2) | |
Instagram (alt 2) | |
Austin Condiff | Daisy Disk |
Intellij | |
Microsoft Excel Alternate | |
Microsoft OneDrive Alternate | |
Microsoft OneNote Alternate | |
Microsoft Outlook Alternate | |
Microsoft PowerPoint Alternate | |
Microsoft Teams Alternate | |
Microsoft To Do Alternate | |
Microsoft Visual Studio Code Alternate | |
Microsoft Word Alternate | |
Nova | |
Paste | |
Plex | |
Postman | |
Table Plus | |
Nathan Cheng | Anki |
Audio Hijack | |
BBEdit Alt | |
Blender | |
Cardhop | |
Cinema 4D | |
DaVinci Resolve | |
Dozer | |
Final Draft | |
Highland 2 | |
Kaleidoscope | |
Keka | |
Magnet | |
PDF Expert | |
Poolside FM Alt | |
Reeder Alt | |
Sidenotes | |
Soulver | |
Spark Alt | |
Spotify Alt 2 | |
Steam Alt 2 | |
Things 3 Alt | |
Tot | |
Turbo Boost Switcher Pro | |
Ulysses | |
The Unarchiver | |
WeTransfer | |
Zoom Alt | |
Shreyas Gupta | Apple Music |
Cisco Webex | |
ProgrammerGeek123 (©Apple) | Apple Classroom |
Xcode Beta | |
Xcode Helper Beta | |
Accessibility Inspector | |
File Merge Beta | |
Instruments Beta | |
CreateML | |
Simulator Beta | |
Reality Converter | |
Install macOS Big Sur (all devices) |