Hello, brothers. I meet some confusing things. To put it simply, when I use eth_rlp_hex() to serialize my transaction data, I can get the correct serialization result. But when I use methods such as eth_rlp_uint() or eth_rlp_uint64() to serialize the same data, the final result is different.
This is the C code I used to test:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <ethc/rlp.h>
#include <gmp.h>
#define ok(ethcop) assert(ethcop >= 0)
void rlp_encode_test_1() {
uint64_t nonce = 1000;
uint64_t gasprice_int = 20000000000;
uint64_t gaslimit = 20996;
// deal value element
uint64_t value_uint64 = 1000000000000000000;
mpz_t value_int;
mpz_init_set_str(value_int, "1000000000000000000", 10); // Initialize value_int with the value 1000000000000000000
size_t value_len = (mpz_sizeinbase(value_int, 2) + 7) / 8; // Calculate the number of bytes needed
uint8_t* value_bytes = malloc(value_len);
if (value_bytes == NULL) {
printf("Memory allocation failed\n");
return ;
mpz_export(value_bytes, NULL, 1, 1, 0, 0, value_int); // Export the value of value_int to value_bytes
// deal data element
uint8_t data[] = {0x01};
uint8_t *data_ptr = data;
size_t data_len = sizeof(data);
uint64_t chainid = 31337;
uint64_t zero = 0;
char *toaddr = "0x3535353535353535353535353535353535353535";
struct eth_rlp rlp0;
uint8_t *rlp0bytes;
size_t rlp0len;
ok(eth_rlp_init(&rlp0, ETH_RLP_ENCODE));
ok(eth_rlp_array(&rlp0)); // [
ok(eth_rlp_uint(&rlp0, &nonce)); // 0x00,
ok(eth_rlp_uint(&rlp0, &gasprice_int)); // 0x04a817c800,
ok(eth_rlp_uint(&rlp0, &gaslimit)); // 0x5208,
ok(eth_rlp_address(&rlp0, &toaddr)); // 0x3535353535353535353535353535353535353535,
ok(eth_rlp_uint(&rlp0, &value_uint64)); // 0x0de0b6b3a7640000,
ok(eth_rlp_bytes(&rlp0, &data_ptr, &data_len)); // 0x,
ok(eth_rlp_uint(&rlp0, &chainid)); // 0x7a69,
ok(eth_rlp_uint(&rlp0, &zero)); // 0x,
ok(eth_rlp_uint(&rlp0, &zero)); // 0x,
ok(eth_rlp_array_end(&rlp0)); // ]
ok(eth_rlp_to_bytes(&rlp0bytes, &rlp0len, &rlp0));
// print rlp bytes in hexadecimal
for(int i = 0; i < rlp0len; i++) {
printf("%02x", rlp0bytes[i]);
void rlp_encode_test_2() {
struct eth_rlp rlp0;
uint8_t *rlp0bytes;
size_t rlp0len;
char *nonce = "0x3E8";
char *gasprice_int = "0x4A817C800";
char *gaslimit = "0x5208";
// uint64_t gaslimit_int = strtol(gaslimit, NULL, 16);
// deal value element
char *value_uint64 = "0xDE0B6B3A7640000";
char *chainid = "0x7A69";
char *zero = "0x0";
char *toaddr = "0x3535353535353535353535353535353535353535";
// deal data element
uint8_t data[] = {0x01};
uint8_t *data_ptr = data;
size_t data_len = sizeof(data);
ok(eth_rlp_init(&rlp0, ETH_RLP_ENCODE));
ok(eth_rlp_array(&rlp0)); // [
ok(eth_rlp_hex(&rlp0, &nonce, NULL)); // 0x00,
ok(eth_rlp_hex(&rlp0, &gasprice_int, NULL)); // 0x04a817c800,
ok(eth_rlp_hex(&rlp0, &gaslimit, NULL)); // 0x5208,
ok(eth_rlp_address(&rlp0, &toaddr)); // 0x3535353535353535353535353535353535353535,
ok(eth_rlp_hex(&rlp0, &value_uint64, NULL)); // 0x0de0b6b3a7640000,
ok(eth_rlp_bytes(&rlp0, &data_ptr, &data_len)); // 0x,
// ok(eth_rlp_hex(&rlp0, &data, NULL)); // 0x7a69,
ok(eth_rlp_hex(&rlp0, &chainid, NULL)); // 0x7a69,
ok(eth_rlp_hex(&rlp0, &zero, NULL)); // 0x,
ok(eth_rlp_hex(&rlp0, &zero, NULL)); // 0x,
ok(eth_rlp_array_end(&rlp0)); // ]
ok(eth_rlp_to_bytes(&rlp0bytes, &rlp0len, &rlp0));
// print rlp bytes in hexadecimal
for(int i = 0; i < rlp0len; i++) {
printf("%02x", rlp0bytes[i]);
int main() {
return 0;
when i call rlp_encode_test_1(), i got the rlp encode result is:
and call rlp_encode_test_2() will get:
I can confirm that the result obtained by rlp_encode_test_2() is correct. Because I serialized the same transaction using both go code and python code, I got the same result as rlp_encode_test_2().
Go test code:
package main
import (
func rlp_encode_test() ([]byte, common.Hash) {
to := common.HexToAddress("0x3535353535353535353535353535353535353535")
// to := common.HexToAddress("0x8eee12Bd33Ec72a277ffA9ddF246759878589D3b")
gasPrice := big.NewInt(20000000000)
gasLimit := uint64(20996)
value := big.NewInt(1000000000000000000)
data, err := hex.DecodeString("01")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("[rlp_encode_test] data:", data)
legacyTx := types.NewTransaction(1000, to, value, gasLimit, gasPrice, []byte(data))
signer := types.NewEIP155Signer(big.NewInt(31337))
encodedBytes, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes([]interface{}{
big.NewInt(31337), uint(0), uint(0),
if err != nil {
// handle error
fmt.Println("rlp.EncodeToBytes error:", err)
return nil, common.Hash{}
fmt.Printf("legacyTx rlp encodeBytes hex: %x\n", encodedBytes)
rlphash := signer.Hash(legacyTx)
fmt.Println("legacyTx rlp sign hash:", rlphash)
return encodedBytes, rlphash
Python test code:
import rlp
from ethereum.transactions import Transaction
from web3 import Web3
import binascii
def rlp_encode_test():
to = "0x3535353535353535353535353535353535353535"
gasPrice = 20000000000
gasLimit = 20996
value = 1000000000000000000
# data = "0x01".encode()
data = bytes.fromhex("01")
# data = bytes([1])
chainId = 31337
transaction = Transaction(nonce=1000, gasprice=gasPrice, startgas=gasLimit, to=to, value=value, data=data, v=chainId, r=0, s=0)
rlp_encoded = rlp.encode(transaction)
print("RLP Encoded legacyTx:", rlp_encoded.hex())
keccak_hash = Web3.keccak(rlp_encoded)
print("Keccak256 Hash of RLP Encoded legacyTx:", keccak_hash.hex())
return rlp_encoded.hex(), keccak_hash.hex()
rlp_encoded, keccak_hash = rlp_encode_test()
will both get the rlp encode result is:
So I am confused about this phenomenon. Why do I get different results when serializing using the eth_rlp_uint() function?
Do you understand the reason for this problem? @zzzzzzch @mhw0