A GA SEI project in collaboration between Andrew Huang and Trong Nguyen, we set out to design an app to mimic CoinMarketCap in both feel and functionality. Essentially both a cryptocurrency tracker and portfolio tracker/management system.
Begin simply by adding things to your portfolio! As it stands, login is currently a WIP but once up and running, you will be redirected to register when attempting to Fav. Regardless, the main features of being able to view the currencies and it's details are free for use (pending API limitations.)
TRELLO: Link to Trello Board
WIREFRAME: Link to Wireframe Board
- HTML/EJS; Basic layout and embedded js
- CSS/booststrap; Styling
- Node.js/Express; Framework
- Cryptocompare; Cryptocurreny API
- Javascript; Backend functionality
- Dark Mode
- Sign Up/ Log In (WIP sessions and auth needed) (priority)
- Charting (chart.js)
- Responsive Favorite Button; Grayed out if not faved.
- More Styling
- Coin lookup
- Sort