Apache CloudStack is an Apache project, see <http://cloudstack.apache.org> for more information.
This installation guide is on-line at <http://cloudstack-installation.readthedocs.org/en/latest/>
Clean the build
- ::
- make clean
Generate the .pot files
- ::
- make gettext
Generate the .tx/config files with:
- ::
- sphinx-intl update-txconfig-resources --pot-dir source/locale/pot --transifex-project-name apache-cloudstack-installation-rtd --locale-dir source/locale
Push the .pot files to transifex with:
- ::
- tx push -s
Download the translated strings, for example Japanese (ja):
- ::
- tx pull -l ja
Build the translated docs:
- ::
- sphinx-intl build --locale-dir source/locale make -e SPHINXOPTS="-D language='ja'" html
Please send feedback to the mailing list at <dev@cloudstack.apache.org>, or the JIRA at <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK>.
You can submit a pull request via github or submit patches via review board <https://reviews.apache.org>
For information on how to contribute, please see the Contributing chapter in our documentation <http://cloudstack.apache.org/developers.html>