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Explicitly specify pg_catalog for all sql queries #10 (#15)
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mfvanek authored Dec 19, 2019
1 parent 177cb3b commit eff28e3
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Showing 10 changed files with 126 additions and 125 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion build.gradle
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Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ plugins {

group 'com.mfvanek'
version '0.0.3'
version '0.0.4'

sourceCompatibility = 11

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Expand Up @@ -25,123 +25,125 @@
public class IndexMaintenanceImpl implements IndexMaintenance {

private static final String INVALID_INDEXES_SQL =
"select x.indrelid::regclass as table_name, x.indexrelid::regclass as index_name\n" +
"from pg_index x\n" +
"join pg_stat_all_indexes psai on x.indexrelid = psai.indexrelid\n" +
"where x.indisvalid = false and psai.schemaname = 'public'::text;";
"select x.indrelid::regclass as table_name,\n" +
" x.indexrelid::regclass as index_name\n" +
"from pg_catalog.pg_index x\n" +
" join pg_catalog.pg_stat_all_indexes psai on x.indexrelid = psai.indexrelid\n" +
"where psai.schemaname = 'public'::text\n" +
" and x.indisvalid = false;";

private static final String DUPLICATED_INDEXES_SQL =
"select table_name,\n" +
" string_agg('idx=' || idx::text || ', size=' || pg_relation_size(idx), '; ') as duplicated_indexes\n" +
" string_agg('idx=' || idx::text || ', size=' || pg_relation_size(idx), '; ') as duplicated_indexes\n" +
"from (\n" +
" select x.indexrelid::regclass as idx, x.indrelid::regclass as table_name,\n" +
" (x.indrelid::text ||' '|| x.indclass::text ||' '|| x.indkey::text ||' '||\n" +
" coalesce(pg_get_expr(x.indexprs, x.indrelid),'')||e' ' ||\n" +
" coalesce(pg_get_expr(x.indpred, x.indrelid),'')) as key\n" +
" from pg_index x\n" +
" join pg_stat_all_indexes psai on x.indexrelid = psai.indexrelid\n" +
" where psai.schemaname = 'public'::text\n" +
" ) sub\n" +
"group by table_name, key having count(*) > 1\n" +
" select x.indexrelid::regclass as idx,\n" +
" x.indrelid::regclass as table_name,\n" +
" (x.indrelid::text || ' ' || x.indclass::text || ' ' || x.indkey::text || ' ' ||\n" +
" coalesce(pg_get_expr(x.indexprs, x.indrelid), '') || e' ' ||\n" +
" coalesce(pg_get_expr(x.indpred, x.indrelid), '')) as key\n" +
" from pg_catalog.pg_index x\n" +
" join pg_catalog.pg_stat_all_indexes psai on x.indexrelid = psai.indexrelid\n" +
" where psai.schemaname = 'public'::text\n" +
") sub\n" +
"group by table_name, key\n" +
"having count(*) > 1\n" +
"order by table_name, sum(pg_relation_size(idx)) desc;";

private static final String INTERSECTED_INDEXES_SQL =
"select a.indrelid::regclass as table_name,\n" +
" 'idx=' || a.indexrelid::regclass || ', size=' || pg_relation_size(a.indexrelid) || '; idx=' ||\n" +
" b.indexrelid::regclass || ', size=' || pg_relation_size(b.indexrelid) as intersected_indexes\n" +
"from (\n" +
" select *, array_to_string(indkey, ' ') as cols from pg_index) as a\n" +
" join (select *, array_to_string(indkey, ' ') as cols from pg_index) as b\n" +
" on (a.indrelid = b.indrelid and a.indexrelid > b.indexrelid and (\n" +
" (a.cols like b.cols||'%' and coalesce(substr(a.cols, length(b.cols)+1, 1), ' ') = ' ') or\n" +
" (b.cols like a.cols||'%' and coalesce(substr(b.cols, length(a.cols)+1, 1), ' ') = ' ')))\n" +
" 'idx=' || a.indexrelid::regclass || ', size=' || pg_relation_size(a.indexrelid) || '; idx=' || b.indexrelid::regclass || ', size=' || pg_relation_size(b.indexrelid) as intersected_indexes\n" +
"from\n" +
" (select *, array_to_string(indkey, ' ') as cols from pg_catalog.pg_index) as a\n" +
" join (select *, array_to_string(indkey, ' ') as cols from pg_catalog.pg_index) as b\n" +
" on (a.indrelid = b.indrelid and a.indexrelid > b.indexrelid and (\n" +
" (a.cols like b.cols || '%' and coalesce(substr(a.cols, length(b.cols) + 1, 1), ' ') = ' ') or\n" +
" (b.cols like a.cols || '%' and coalesce(substr(b.cols, length(a.cols) + 1, 1), ' ') = ' ')))\n" +
" join pg_catalog.pg_stat_all_indexes psai on a.indexrelid = psai.indexrelid\n" +
"where psai.schemaname = 'public'::text\n" +
"order by a.indrelid::regclass::text;";

private static final String UNUSED_INDEXES_SQL =
"with foreign_key_indexes as (\n" +
" select i.indexrelid\n" +
" from pg_constraint c\n" +
" join lateral unnest(c.conkey) with ordinality as u(attnum, attposition) on true\n" +
" join pg_index i on i.indrelid = c.conrelid and (c.conkey::int[] <@ indkey::int[])\n" +
" from pg_catalog.pg_constraint c\n" +
" join lateral unnest(c.conkey) with ordinality as u(attnum, attposition) on true\n" +
" join pg_catalog.pg_index i on i.indrelid = c.conrelid and (c.conkey::int[] <@ i.indkey::int[])\n" +
" where c.contype = 'f'\n" +
")\n" +
"select psui.relname as table_name,\n" +
" psui.indexrelname as index_name,\n" +
" pg_relation_size(i.indexrelid) as index_size,\n" +
" psui.idx_scan as index_scans\n" +
"from pg_stat_user_indexes psui\n" +
" join pg_index i on psui.indexrelid = i.indexrelid\n" +
"where\n" +
" psui.schemaname = 'public'::text and not i.indisunique and\n" +
" i.indexrelid not in (select * from foreign_key_indexes) and /*retain indexes on foreign keys*/\n" +
" psui.idx_scan < 50::integer\n" +
" psui.indexrelname as index_name,\n" +
" pg_relation_size(i.indexrelid) as index_size,\n" +
" psui.idx_scan as index_scans\n" +
"from pg_catalog.pg_stat_user_indexes psui\n" +
" join pg_catalog.pg_index i on psui.indexrelid = i.indexrelid\n" +
"where psui.schemaname = 'public'::text\n" +
" and not i.indisunique\n" +
" and i.indexrelid not in (select * from foreign_key_indexes) /*retain indexes on foreign keys*/\n" +
" and psui.idx_scan < 50::integer\n" +
"order by psui.relname, pg_relation_size(i.indexrelid) desc;";

private static final String FOREIGN_KEYS_WITHOUT_INDEX =
"select c.conrelid::regclass as table_name,\n" +
" string_agg(col.attname, ', ' order by u.attposition) as columns,\n" +
" c.conname as constraint_name\n" +
"from pg_constraint c\n" +
" join lateral unnest(c.conkey) with ordinality as u(attnum, attposition) on true\n" +
" join pg_class t on (c.conrelid = t.oid)\n" +
" join pg_namespace nsp on nsp.oid = t.relnamespace\n" +
" join pg_attribute col on (col.attrelid = t.oid and col.attnum = u.attnum)\n" +
"where contype = 'f' and\n" +
" nsp.nspname = 'public'::text and\n" +
" not exists (\n" +
" select 1 from pg_index\n" +
" where indrelid = c.conrelid and\n" +
" (c.conkey::int[] <@ indkey::int[]) and /*all columns of foreign key have to present in index*/\n" +
" array_position(indkey::int[], (c.conkey::int[])[1]) = 0 /*ordering of columns in foreign key and in index is the same*/\n" +
" )\n" +
" string_agg(col.attname, ', ' order by u.attposition) as columns,\n" +
" c.conname as constraint_name\n" +
"from pg_catalog.pg_constraint c\n" +
" join lateral unnest(c.conkey) with ordinality as u(attnum, attposition) on true\n" +
" join pg_catalog.pg_class t on (c.conrelid = t.oid)\n" +
" join pg_catalog.pg_namespace nsp on nsp.oid = t.relnamespace\n" +
" join pg_catalog.pg_attribute col on (col.attrelid = t.oid and col.attnum = u.attnum)\n" +
"where c.contype = 'f'\n" +
" and nsp.nspname = 'public'::text\n" +
" and not exists(\n" +
" select 1\n" +
" from pg_catalog.pg_index pi\n" +
" where pi.indrelid = c.conrelid\n" +
" and (c.conkey::int[] <@ pi.indkey::int[]) /*all columns of foreign key have to present in index*/\n" +
" and array_position(pi.indkey::int[], (c.conkey::int[])[1]) = 0 /*ordering of columns in foreign key and in index is the same*/\n" +
" )\n" +
"group by c.conrelid, c.conname, c.oid\n" +
"order by (c.conrelid::regclass)::text, columns;";

private static final String TABLES_WITH_MISSING_INDEXES =
"with tables_without_indexes as (\n" +
" select\n" +
" relname::text as table_name,\n" +
" coalesce(seq_scan, 0) - coalesce(idx_scan, 0) as too_much_seq,\n" +
" pg_relation_size(relname::regclass) as table_size,\n" +
" coalesce(seq_scan, 0) as seq_scan,\n" +
" coalesce(idx_scan, 0) as idx_scan\n" +
" from pg_stat_all_tables\n" +
" where\n" +
" schemaname = 'public'::text and\n" +
" pg_relation_size(relname::regclass) > 5::integer * 8192 /*skip small tables*/\n" +
" select psat.relname::text as table_name,\n" +
" coalesce(psat.seq_scan, 0) - coalesce(psat.idx_scan, 0) as too_much_seq,\n" +
" coalesce(psat.seq_scan, 0) as seq_scan,\n" +
" coalesce(psat.idx_scan, 0) as idx_scan\n" +
" from pg_catalog.pg_stat_all_tables psat\n" +
" where psat.schemaname = 'public'::text\n" +
" and pg_relation_size(psat.relname::regclass) > 5::integer * 8192 /*skip small tables*/\n" +
")\n" +
"select table_name,\n" +
" seq_scan,\n" +
" idx_scan\n" +
" seq_scan,\n" +
" idx_scan\n" +
"from tables_without_indexes\n" +
"where (seq_scan + idx_scan) > 100::integer and /*table in use*/\n" +
" too_much_seq > 0 /*too much sequential scans*/\n" +
"where (seq_scan + idx_scan) > 100::integer /*table in use*/\n" +
" and too_much_seq > 0 /*too much sequential scans*/\n" +
"order by table_name, too_much_seq desc;";

private static final String TABLES_WITHOUT_PRIMARY_KEY =
"select tablename as table_name\n" +
"from pg_tables\n" +
"where\n" +
" schemaname = 'public'::text and\n" +
" tablename not in (\n" +
"select pt.tablename as table_name\n" +
"from pg_catalog.pg_tables pt\n" +
"where pt.schemaname = 'public'::text\n" +
" and pt.tablename not in (\n" +
" select c.conrelid::regclass::text as table_name\n" +
" from pg_constraint c\n" +
" where contype = 'p')\n" +
"order by tablename;";
" from pg_catalog.pg_constraint c\n" +
" where c.contype = 'p')\n" +
"order by pt.tablename;";

private static final String INDEXES_WITH_NULL_VALUES =
"select x.indrelid::regclass as table_name,\n" +
" x.indexrelid::regclass as index_name,\n" +
" string_agg(a.attname, ', ') as nullable_fields,\n" +
" pg_relation_size(x.indexrelid) as index_size\n" +
"from pg_index x\n" +
" join pg_stat_all_indexes psai on x.indexrelid = psai.indexrelid\n" +
" join pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = x.indrelid AND a.attnum = any(x.indkey)\n" +
"where not x.indisunique and\n" +
" not a.attnotnull and\n" +
" psai.schemaname = 'public'::text and\n" +
" array_position(x.indkey, a.attnum) = 0 and /*only for first segment*/\n" +
" (x.indpred is null or (position(lower(a.attname) in lower(pg_get_expr(x.indpred, x.indrelid))) = 0))\n" +
" x.indexrelid::regclass as index_name,\n" +
" string_agg(a.attname, ', ') as nullable_fields,\n" +
" pg_relation_size(x.indexrelid) as index_size\n" +
"from pg_catalog.pg_index x\n" +
" join pg_catalog.pg_stat_all_indexes psai on x.indexrelid = psai.indexrelid\n" +
" join pg_catalog.pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = x.indrelid AND a.attnum = any(x.indkey)\n" +
"where not x.indisunique\n" +
" and not a.attnotnull\n" +
" and psai.schemaname = 'public'::text\n" +
" and array_position(x.indkey, a.attnum) = 0 /*only for first segment*/\n" +
" and (x.indpred is null or (position(lower(a.attname) in lower(pg_get_expr(x.indpred, x.indrelid))) = 0))\n" +
"group by x.indrelid, x.indexrelid, x.indpred\n" +
"order by table_name, index_name;";

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/main/resources/sql/duplicated_indexes.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ from (
(x.indrelid::text || ' ' || x.indclass::text || ' ' || x.indkey::text || ' ' ||
coalesce(pg_get_expr(x.indexprs, x.indrelid), '') || e' ' ||
coalesce(pg_get_expr(x.indpred, x.indrelid), '')) as key
from pg_index x
join pg_stat_all_indexes psai on x.indexrelid = psai.indexrelid
from pg_catalog.pg_index x
join pg_catalog.pg_stat_all_indexes psai on x.indexrelid = psai.indexrelid
where psai.schemaname = 'public'::text
) sub
group by table_name, key
Expand Down
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions src/main/resources/sql/foreign_keys_without_index.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
select c.conrelid::regclass as table_name,
string_agg(col.attname, ', ' order by u.attposition) as columns,
c.conname as constraint_name
from pg_constraint c
from pg_catalog.pg_constraint c
join lateral unnest(c.conkey) with ordinality as u(attnum, attposition) on true
join pg_class t on (c.conrelid = t.oid)
join pg_namespace nsp on nsp.oid = t.relnamespace
join pg_attribute col on (col.attrelid = t.oid and col.attnum = u.attnum)
where contype = 'f'
join pg_catalog.pg_class t on (c.conrelid = t.oid)
join pg_catalog.pg_namespace nsp on nsp.oid = t.relnamespace
join pg_catalog.pg_attribute col on (col.attrelid = t.oid and col.attnum = u.attnum)
where c.contype = 'f'
and nsp.nspname = 'public'::text
and not exists(
select 1
from pg_index
where indrelid = c.conrelid
and (c.conkey::int[] <@ indkey::int[]) /*all columns of foreign key have to present in index*/
and array_position(indkey::int[], (c.conkey::int[])[1]) = 0 /*ordering of columns in foreign key and in index is the same*/
from pg_catalog.pg_index pi
where pi.indrelid = c.conrelid
and (c.conkey::int[] <@ pi.indkey::int[]) /*all columns of foreign key have to present in index*/
and array_position(pi.indkey::int[], (c.conkey::int[])[1]) = 0 /*ordering of columns in foreign key and in index is the same*/
group by c.conrelid, c.conname, c.oid
order by (c.conrelid::regclass)::text, columns;
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/main/resources/sql/indexes_with_null_values.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ select x.indrelid::regclass as table_name,
x.indexrelid::regclass as index_name,
string_agg(a.attname, ', ') as nullable_fields,
pg_relation_size(x.indexrelid) as index_size
from pg_index x
join pg_stat_all_indexes psai on x.indexrelid = psai.indexrelid
join pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = x.indrelid AND a.attnum = any (x.indkey)
from pg_catalog.pg_index x
join pg_catalog.pg_stat_all_indexes psai on x.indexrelid = psai.indexrelid
join pg_catalog.pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = x.indrelid AND a.attnum = any (x.indkey)
where not x.indisunique
and not a.attnotnull
and psai.schemaname = 'public'::text
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/main/resources/sql/intersecting_indexes.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
select a.indrelid::regclass as table_name,
'idx=' || a.indexrelid::regclass || ', size=' || pg_relation_size(a.indexrelid) || '; idx=' ||
b.indexrelid::regclass || ', size=' || pg_relation_size(b.indexrelid) as intersected_indexes
from (
select *, array_to_string(indkey, ' ') as cols
from pg_index) as a
join (select *, array_to_string(indkey, ' ') as cols from pg_index) as b
from (select *, array_to_string(indkey, ' ') as cols from pg_catalog.pg_index) as a
join (select *, array_to_string(indkey, ' ') as cols from pg_catalog.pg_index) as b
on (a.indrelid = b.indrelid and a.indexrelid > b.indexrelid and (
(a.cols like b.cols || '%' and coalesce(substr(a.cols, length(b.cols) + 1, 1), ' ') = ' ') or
(b.cols like a.cols || '%' and coalesce(substr(b.cols, length(a.cols) + 1, 1), ' ') = ' ')))
join pg_catalog.pg_stat_all_indexes psai on a.indexrelid = psai.indexrelid
where psai.schemaname = 'public'::text
order by a.indrelid::regclass::text;
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/main/resources/sql/invalid_indexes.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
x.indrelid::regclass as table_name,
select x.indrelid::regclass as table_name,
x.indexrelid::regclass as index_name
from pg_index x
join pg_stat_all_indexes psai on x.indexrelid = psai.indexrelid and psai.schemaname = 'public'::text
where x.indisvalid = false;
from pg_catalog.pg_index x
join pg_catalog.pg_stat_all_indexes psai on x.indexrelid = psai.indexrelid
where psai.schemaname = 'public'::text
and x.indisvalid = false;

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