In the project directory, you can run:
Installs the dependencies\
Runs the client side of the application.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.
Was not sure if you want me to hit a database so I left the processing of the clients payload on the application server side. If this was needed as well, I would have just conneted to a database with a Tasks table using knex.js.
- Clicking the star per todo item favorities the todo item which then implements a style update.\
- Clicking on the todo item text will strikethrough the todo item as completed thus crossing out the todo item on the list.
- I decided to implement localStorage for this todoList so when the window is refreshed the data to do list persist.
- Clicking on the last icon will shorten the description and give you the ability only when the task description is shortened to see a tooltip to view the complete word.
- Toggle button per item on to do list is hidden if it does not meet the 60 letter minimum.
- Search bar is disabled if there are no items in the list.