Status (master branch)
A cron job wrapper to add some missing features (locks, timeouts, random sleeps, env loading...).
pip install cron-wrapper
Usage: cronwrap [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout=TIMEOUT
command timeout (in seconds); 0 means no timeout;
default: 3600
-r RVALUE, --random-sleep=RVALUE
wait a random value of seconds between 0 and RVALUE
before executing command (default 0: no random wait)
-l, --lock don't execute the command another time if still
running (default False)
-e, --load-env load environnement file before executing command
(default: False)
-f LOAD_ENV_FILE, --load-env-file=LOAD_ENV_FILE
set the environnement file to load if load-env option
is set (default: ~/.bashrc)
-s SHELL, --shell=SHELL
full path of the shell to use (default /bin/sh)
-n NICE, --nice=NICE 'nice' value (from -20 (most favorable scheduling) to
19 (least favorable))
-i IONICE, --ionice=IONICE
'ionice' class (1 for realtime, 2 for best-effort, 3
for idle)
--low short cut for '-i 3 -n 19' (minimum priority)
In a user crontab
*/10 * * * * cronwrap --load-env --lock --low -- slow_cleaning_command_option
to run slow_cleaning_command_option
every 10 minutes but with:
- the user environement loaded before execution
- with a (default) execution timeout of 3600 seconds
- minimal system priority
- with a lock to avoid several execution at the same time (if the previous run is still alive)
See file.
See file.
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