Sensor RP2040 is a library of sensors for the RP2040 microcontroller using shield
# clone this repository
git clone ###
cd sensor-rp2040
# create a debug/release build directory
mkdir build-debug # or build-release, change debug for release
cd build-debug
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DSENSOR_TYPE=AI # or release, change AI for other sensor type
# put board to bootloader mode holding BOOTSEL button while pressing reset button
# build and upload firmware
make -j 16 install
Sensor type | Description | Manufacturer | Interface |
SCL3300 | 2 axis inclinometer, range +- 90° | Murata | SPI |
SCL3400 | 2 axis inclinometer, range +- 30° | Murata | SPI |
AI | Analog input - 4 analog inputs | Generic | Analog |
AnalogInput | Same as "AI" | Generic | Analog |
4DI4DO | 4 digital inputs and 4 digital outputs | Generic | Digital |
ABP | pressure sensor, range 0-60 mbar = 0-6 kPa (differential) | Honeywell | I2C/SPI |
DEVID_TEMP_DS18B20 | Temperature sensor DS18B20 | Maxim | 1-Wire |
DEVID_TIER | Tier sensor | Generic | Digital |
DEVID_ENC_1000PPR | Encoder 1000 pulses per revolution | Generic | Digital |
DEVID_IO_3AI | 3 analog inputs | Generic | Analog |
DEVID_IO_4AI | 4 analog inputs | Generic | Analog |
DEVID_IO_4DI_4DO | 4 digital inputs and 4 digital outputs | Generic | Digital |
DEVID_IO_8DI_8DO | 8 digital inputs and 8 digital outputs | Generic | Digital |
DEVID_LIGHT_SOUND_POLLUTION | Light and sound pollution sensor | Generic | Analog/Digital |
DEVID_PRESSURE_600MBAR | Pressure sensor, range 0-600 mbar | Generic | I2C/SPI |
DEVID_PRESSURE_60MBAR | Pressure sensor, range 0-60 mbar | Generic | I2C/SPI |
DEVID_STRAIN_24BIT | Strain gauge sensor, 24-bit resolution | Generic | Analog |
DEVID_AIR_POL_CO_NOX_VOC | Air pollution sensor for CO, NOx, and VOC | Generic | I2C/SPI |
DEVID_AIR_POL_CO_NOX_VOC_PM | Air pollution sensor for CO, NOx, VOC, and PM | Generic | I2C/SPI |
DEVID_AIR_POL_CO_NOX_VOC_PM_GPS | Air pollution sensor for CO, NOx, VOC, PM, and GPS | Generic | I2C/SPI |
DEVID_AIR_POL_PM | Air pollution sensor for particulate matter | Generic | I2C/SPI |
DEVID_ANGLE_XY_30 | Angle sensor, XY plane, range +- 30° | Generic | Analog/Digital |
DEVID_ANGLE_XY_90 | Angle sensor, XY plane, range +- 90° | Generic | Analog/Digital |
DEVID_CUTTER | Cutter sensor | Generic | Digital |
DEVID_DIST_225MM | Distance sensor, range 225 mm | Generic | Analog/Digital |
DEVID_DIST_22MM | Distance sensor, range 22 mm | Generic | Analog/Digital |
DEVID_ACCEL_XYZ | Accelerometer, 3-axis | Generic | I2C/SPI |
echo 1 | sudo tee /sys/bus/usb-serial/devices/ttyUSB0/latency_timer # change ttyUSB0 for your device
KERNEL=="tty[A-Z]*[0-9]|pppox[0-9]*|ircomm[0-9]*|noz[0-9]*|rfcomm[0-9]*", GROUP="dialout"
# USB latency rules
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb-serial", DRIVER=="ftdi_sio", ATTR{latency_timer}="1"
- Removed LDO for 3V3_EXT
- removed USR-switch
- replaced MAX13487 with SP3485EN-L/TR (10Mbps)