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[pyband] rename to pygap
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QijingZheng committed Apr 12, 2021
1 parent 383395c commit 2ad0183
Showing 1 changed file with 295 additions and 0 deletions.
295 changes: 295 additions & 0 deletions pygap
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python

import numpy as np
import os, sys, argparse
from optparse import OptionParser


def get_bandinfo_from_outcar(inf='OUTCAR'):
extract band energies from OUTCAR.
outcar = [line for line in open(inf) if line.strip()]

# nkpts = nband = ispin = Lvkpts = ibasis = Efermi = LineEfermi = None
for ii, line in enumerate(outcar):
if 'NKPTS =' in line:
nkpts = int(line.split()[3])
nband = int(line.split()[-1])

if 'ISPIN =' in line:
ispin = int(line.split()[2])

if "k-points in reciprocal lattice and weights" in line:
Lvkpts = ii + 1

if 'reciprocal lattice vectors' in line:
ibasis = ii + 1

if 'E-fermi' in line:
Efermi = float(line.split()[2])
LineEfermi = ii + 1
# break

# assert nkpts and nband and ispin and Lvkpts and ibasis and Efermi and LineEfermi, \
# "File seems not to be an OUTCAR format..."

# k-points vectors and weights
tmp = np.array([line.split() for line in outcar[Lvkpts:Lvkpts+nkpts]],
vkpts = tmp[:, :3]

# for ispin = 2, there are two extra lines "spin component..."
N = (nband + 2) * nkpts * ispin + (ispin - 1) * 2
bands = []
# vkpts = []
for line in outcar[LineEfermi:LineEfermi + N]:
if 'spin component' in line or 'band No.' in line:
if 'k-point' in line:
# vkpts += [line.split()[3:]]

bands = np.array(bands, dtype=float).reshape((ispin, nkpts, nband))
vkpts = np.array(vkpts)

return Efermi, bands, vkpts

def find_band_info(inf='OUTCAR', ratio=0.2, zero=None, whichK=None):
Find the band information, e.g. VBM and CBM indexes etc.

efermi, bands, vkpts = get_bandinfo_from_outcar(inf)

if zero is not None:
efermi = zero

if whichK is not None:
bands = bands[:, whichK, :]

nspin, nkpts, nbands = bands.shape

band_index = np.arange(nbands, dtype=int)

band_energy_max = np.max(bands, axis=1)
band_energy_min = np.min(bands, axis=1)

fermi_cross_band = (band_energy_min < efermi) & (efermi < band_energy_max)

band_info = []
sys_info = {"NKPTS": nkpts, "NBANDS": nbands,
"NSPIN": nspin, "Efermi": efermi}

ivbm = icbm = -1
for ii in range(nspin):
# Fermi level does NOT cross any band, definitely a semiconductor.
if not np.any(fermi_cross_band[ii]):
bmax = band_energy_max[ii]
bmin = band_energy_min[ii]

s1 = (bmax[:-1] < efermi) & (efermi < bmax[1:])
s2 = (bmin[:-1] < efermi) & (efermi < bmin[1:])

ivbm_1 = list(s1).index(True)
ivbm_2 = list(s2).index(True)

assert ivbm_1 == ivbm_2
ivbm = ivbm_1
icbm = ivbm_1 + 1

# Fermi level cross a few bands, maybe dopedsemiconductor or metal
# find out the bands that cross the Fermi level
xband_index = band_index[fermi_cross_band[ii]]

e_xband_max = bands[ii, :, xband_index].max()
e_xband_min = bands[ii, :, xband_index].min()
e_xband_rng = e_xband_max - e_xband_min

# the relative postion of Fermi level in the bands
fermi_pos = (efermi - e_xband_min) / e_xband_rng

# Fermi level is at the band edges
if (fermi_pos < ratio):
# Fermi level near CBM
icbm = xband_index.min()
ivbm = icbm - 1
elif (fermi_pos > (1-ratio)):
# Fermi level near VBM
ivbm = xband_index.max()
icbm = ivbm + 1
# metal

if (icbm >= 0) and (ivbm >= 0):
evbm = bands[ii, :, ivbm].max()
vkpt_index = np.argsort(bands[ii, :, ivbm])[-1]
kvbm = vkpts[vkpt_index]

ecbm = bands[ii, :, icbm].min()
ckpt_index = np.argsort(bands[ii, :, icbm])[0]
kcbm = vkpts[ckpt_index]

if vkpt_index == ckpt_index:
which_gap = 'Direct_Gap'
which_gap = 'inDirect_Gap'
vkpt_index = ckpt_index = 0
evbm = 0
ecbm = 0
kcbm = kvbm = [0, 0, 0]
which_gap = "Metal"

# print ivbm, icbm, evbm, ecbm, kvbm, kcbm
dict((("IVBM", ivbm + 1), ("ICBM", icbm + 1),
("EVBM", evbm), ("ECBM", ecbm),
("VBM_KPT_IND", vkpt_index), ("CBM_KPT_IND", ckpt_index),
("KVBM", kvbm), ("KCBM", kcbm),
("GAP", ecbm - evbm),
('NOTE', which_gap)
# print band_info[ii]

format_band_info(sys_info, band_info)


def format_band_info(sys_info, band_info):
Output the band information.
nspin = len(band_info)
label = ['IND', 'ENG', 'KPT']
lines = ''

lines += '{:6s} = {:4d}; '.format("NSPIN", sys_info['NSPIN'])
lines += '{:6s} = {:4d};\n'.format("NKPTS", sys_info['NKPTS'])
lines += '{:6s} = {:4d}; '.format("NBANDS", sys_info['NBANDS'])
lines += '{:6s} = {:8.4f}\n'.format("Efermi", sys_info['Efermi'])

if nspin == 2:
lines += "-" * 54 + '\n'
lines += '{:^10s}{:^22s}{:^22s}'.format('',
'SPIN_UP', 'SPIN_DN') + '\n'
lines += "-" * 54 + '\n'
lines += "-" * 32 + '\n'

for band_label in ['CBM', 'VBM']:
for ii, prefix in enumerate(['i', 'e', 'k']):
if ii == 1:
lines += '{:^5s}'.format(band_label)
lines += '{:^5s}'.format('')

lines += '{:^5s}'.format(label[ii])
for ispin in range(nspin):
info = band_info[ispin]

k = (prefix + band_label).upper()
if k.startswith('K'):
tmp = '{:6.4f} {:6.4f} {:6.4f}'.format(
info[k][0], info[k][1], info[k][2])
tmp = '{:^22s}'.format(tmp)
if k.startswith('I'):
tmp = '{:^22d}'.format(info[k])
if k.startswith('E'):
tmp = '{:^22.5f}'.format(info[k])
lines += tmp
lines += '\n'

if nspin == 2:
lines += ' ' * 10 + '_' * 44 + '\n'
lines += ' ' * 10 + '_' * 22 + '\n'

lines += "{:^10s}".format('GAP')
for ispin in range(nspin):
lines += "{:^22.5f}".format(band_info[ispin]["GAP"])
lines += '\n'

lines += "{:^10s}".format('')
for ispin in range(nspin):
lines += "{:^22s}".format(band_info[ispin]["NOTE"])
lines += '\n'

if nspin == 2:
if ('_Gap' in band_info[0]["NOTE"]) and ('_Gap' in band_info[1]["NOTE"]):
vbm_erg_spin = np.array([xx["EVBM"] for xx in band_info])
cbm_erg_spin = np.array([xx["ECBM"] for xx in band_info])
vbm_kpt_spin = np.array([xx["VBM_KPT_IND"] for xx in band_info])
cbm_kpt_spin = np.array([xx["CBM_KPT_IND"] for xx in band_info])

vsort = np.argsort(vbm_erg_spin)
csort = np.argsort(cbm_erg_spin)

vbm_spin_erg_max = vbm_erg_spin[vsort[-1]]
cbm_spin_erg_min = cbm_erg_spin[csort[0]]
vbm_spin_kpt_ind = vbm_kpt_spin[vsort[-1]]
cbm_spin_kpt_ind = cbm_kpt_spin[csort[0]]

total_gap = cbm_spin_erg_min - vbm_spin_erg_max
if vbm_spin_kpt_ind == cbm_spin_kpt_ind:
note = 'Direct_Gap'
note = 'inDirect_Gap'

# lines += ' ' * 10 + '_' * 44 + '\n'
lines += ' ' * 10 + "{:^44.5f}".format(total_gap) + '\n'
lines += ' ' * 10 + "{:^44s}".format(note) + '\n'

if nspin == 2:
lines += "-" * 54
lines += "-" * 32


def parse_cml_args(cml):
CML parser

arg = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=True)

arg.add_argument('OUTCARs', metavar='OUTCARs',
action='store', type=str, nargs='*',
default=None, help='')

arg.add_argument('-r', '--ratio', dest='ratio',
action='store', type=float,
default=0.2, help='')

arg.add_argument('-z', '--zero', dest='zero',
action='store', type=float,
default=None, help='')

arg.add_argument('-k', '--kpts', dest='kpoints',
action='append', type=int,
default=None, help='')

return arg.parse_args(cml)

if __name__ == '__main__':
p = parse_cml_args(sys.argv[1:])

if (len(p.OUTCARs) == 0):
if os.path.isfile('OUTCAR'):

for inf in p.OUTCARs:
if os.path.isfile(inf):
print(inf, "->")
find_band_info(inf, p.ratio,, p.kpoints)

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