feat(ops): add tree_iter
5 warnings
Build wheels
build_verbosity 3 is not supported for build frontend. Ignoring.
Build wheels
build_verbosity 3 is not supported for build frontend. Ignoring.
Build wheels
While arm64 wheels can be built on x86_64, they cannot be tested. Consider building arm64 wheels natively, if your CI provider offers this. To silence this warning, set `CIBW_TEST_SKIP: "*-macosx_arm64"`.
Build wheels
build_verbosity 3 is not supported for build frontend. Ignoring.
Build wheels
While universal2 wheels can be built on x86_64, the arm64 part of the wheel cannot be tested on x86_64. Consider building universal2 wheels on an arm64 runner, if your CI provider offers this. Notably, an arm64 runner can also test the x86_64 part of the wheel, through Rosetta emulation. To silence this warning, set `CIBW_TEST_SKIP: "*-macosx_universal2:arm64"`.