AssertJ is a library providing easy to use rich typed assertions
Android DEvice Backup And Report, using Bash and ADB. Moved to -- this is only a mirror now.
A Device-Only Data-Sparing Repartitioning Tool For Android
Apache Commons Imaging (previously Sanselan) is a pure-Java image library
Spring Batch is a framework for writing batch applications using Java and Spring
Spring Batch Report PDF report writing framework
Git extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model.
Example of SXSSF Apache POI 3.10.1 with maven
Named capture groups for Java 5/6 regular expressions
Mini project demonstrating how CSS3 Flexbox Layout works
A community-curated list of flexbox issues and cross-browser workarounds for them.
Plugin that split your content with draggable divider
A small jQuery plug-in to make DOM components resizable
Fixed <thead>. Doesn't need any custom css/html. Does what position:sticky can't
A polyfill for IndexedDB using WebSql
Javascript database module for Indexeddb, Web SQL and localStorage storage mechanisms supporting version migration, advanced query, SQL and transaction.
Encode/decode base64 data into ArrayBuffers
DataStream.js is a library for reading data from ArrayBuffers
Polyfill for the Encoding Living Standard's API
JavaScript library to take the pain out of web workers.