A simple, functional library for big number math, with up to 120 digits of precision, more than suitable for working with 256-bit/32-byte numbers used in domains like blockchain.
What sets this apart from other big number libraries is a very simple
functional syntax where most operations result in a decimal
string (e.g., '412.959'
), which, depending on
your application, may be a more useful representation.
Additionally, all functions accept plain numbers, decimal strings, exponential
strings (e.g., '1.5e-8'
), hex (e.g., '0xf00b47'
binary (e.g., '0b10011'
), or octal (e.g., '04471'
) encodings,
as well as node Buffer
objects as input. The library can likewise convert
numbers to any of these encodings or Buffer
This library is built as a wrapper around the awesome decimal.js-light library.
npm install bn-str-256
# or
yarn add bn-str-256
const bn = require('bn-str-256');
// Add two numbers.
bn.add(1234, '0x4953'); // '20005'
// Subtract two numbers.
bn.sub(1234, '1.5e-3'); // '1233.9985''
// Multiply two numbers.
bn.mul('1234.521', '305'); // output '376528.905'
// Divide two numbers.
bn.div(1234, '0x4953'); // '0.06573970486...'
// Take the modulo of two numbers.
bn.mod('1.412e8', 33); // '29'
// Raise to a power.
bn.pow(1234, 8); // '5376767751082385640407296'
// Take the 3rd root.
bn.pow(1234, 1/3); // '10.7260146688...'
// Remove decimals.
bn.int(44.4121); // '44'
// Round.
bn.round(44.68); // '45'
// Count decimal places.
bn.dp(44.312); // 3
// Count significant digits.
bn.dp(44.312); // 5
// Truncate decimal places.
bn.dp(44.312, 2); // '44.31'
// Truncate significant digits.
bn.dp(44.312, 3); // '44.3'
// Get the sign of a number.
bn.sign('-31.4121'); // -1
// Work with some big numbers
'1591029491249109201931039109512131121212') // '51380915346385064...'
// Compare numbers a variety of ways.
bn.cmp(1, 2); // -1
bn.gt(321, 321); // false
bn.gte(321, 321); // true
bn.lt(320, 321); // true
bn.lte(320, 321); // true
// Take the minimum of two values.
bn.min('1294.31221944', '5.421e6'); // '1294.31221944'
// Take the maximum of two values.
bn.min('1294.31221944', '5.421e6'); // '5421000'
// Clamp a value to within an interval.
bn.min('1600', '1294.31221944', '5.421e6'); // '1600'
// Just parse a hex value.
bn.parse('0x49121') // '299297'
// Just parse a binary value.
bn.parse('0b1001') // '9'
// Just parse a Buffer object.
bn.parse(Buffer.from('foo')); // 6713199
// Do some math and output a hex string.
bn.toHex(bn.mul('3043131212', '495')); // 0x15eb97423f4
// Left pad a hex string to 20 digits.
bn.toHex('4491959969129121', 20); // 0x0000000ff569ee4e22a1
// Convert to a buffer.
bn.toBuffer('99129129412'); // <Buffer 17 14 8e 79 c4>
// Convert to native javascript Number type.
bn.toNumber('0x491fc712d'); // 19629109549
// Split a number up into its parts.
bn.split('-34.99'); // { sign: '-', integer: '34', decimal: '99' }
name (alias) | description |
parse(x) (expand) |
convert a Number, exponential string, hex/octal/binary-encoded string, or buffer object into a decimal string |
add(a, b) (plus) |
Add a and b |
sub(a, b) (minus) |
Subtract b from a |
mul(a, b) (times) |
Multiply a and b |
div(a, b) (over) |
Divide a over b |
idiv(a, b) |
Divide a by b and return the integer portion |
mod(a, b) |
a modulo b |
pow(x, y) (raise) |
Raise x to the y power |
log(x) (ln) |
Natural logarithm of x |
log(x, base) |
Logarithm of x with base y |
int(x) |
Return the integer portion of x (no rounding) |
round(x) |
Round x to an integer |
sum(...args) |
Sum all arguments |
neg(x) (negate) |
Negate x |
abs(x) |
Take the absolute value of x |
sqrt(x) |
Take the square root of x |
exp(y) |
Raise the mathematical constant e to y |
max(a, b) |
Take the maximum of a and b |
min(a, b) |
Take the minimum of a and b |
clamp(x, l, h) |
Clamp x to be within l and h , inclusive |
sd(x) |
Get the number of significant digits of x |
sd(x, n) |
Set the number of significant digits of x to n |
dp(x) |
Get the number of decimal places of x |
dp(x, n) |
Set the number of decimal places of x to n |
sign(x) |
Get the sign of x (-1 if x < 0 , 1 otherwise) |
cmp(a, b) |
Compare a with b (where -1 if a < b , 0 if a == b , 1 if a > b) |
eq(a, b) |
Test if a == b |
ne(a, b) |
Test if a != b |
gt(a, b) |
Test if a > b |
lt(a, b) |
Test if a < b |
gte(a, b) |
Test if a >= b |
lte(a, b) |
Test if a <= b |
toHex(x) |
Convert x to a hex string (e.g., 0xf3abb ) |
toHex(x, length) |
Convert x to a hex string and left truncate/pad it to length digits. If length is negative, the result will be right padded/truncated. |
toOctal(x) |
Convert x to an octal string (e.g., 04335 ) |
toOctal(x, length) |
Convert x to an octal string and left truncate/pad it to length digits. If length is negative, the result will be right padded/truncated. |
toBinary(x) |
Convert x to a binary string (e.g., 0b10111010 ) |
toBinary(x, length) |
Convert x to a binary string and left truncate/pad it to length digits. If length is negative, the result will be right padded/truncated. |
toBuffer(x) |
Convert x to a Buffer object |
toBuffer(x, size) |
Convert x to a Buffer object, and left truncate/pad it to size bytes. If size is negative, the result will be right padded/truncated. |
toBits(x) |
Convert x to an array of 1 s and 0 s representing its bits. |
toBits(x, length) |
Convert x to bit array and left truncate/pad it to length digits. If length is negative, the result will be right padded/truncated. |
fromBits(bits) |
Convert a bits array of 1 s and 0 s to a number |
toNumber(x) |
Convert x to a native Number type. Precision loss may occur. |
E |
The mathematical constant e (2.71828... ) |
PI |
The mathematical constant π (3.1415926... ) |