This read me is for Developing on this repo. If you are looking for documentation on a package or a widget please go here
|-- apps
|-- native-widgets
| |- * Native Widgets
|-- utils
| |- * Helper Functions/Published Packages
|-- web-widgets
| |- * Web Widgets
After cloning the repo, in the Root file run yarn
- That will install the all the dependencies
The repos uses Turborepo under the hood, the migration from lerna to Terborepo is still WIP
Remove node_modules
from packages - yarn clean:packages
Remove ALL node_modules
Hoisted and non Hoisted - yarn clean:all
mac and linux only
🐛 Error: "A Local Dependency I installed is giving an type error "No Type Declaration found""
👍🏽 Fix: This might be an VSCode error. Close and re-open
Basic command Structure
git subtree add --prefix=packages/[PATH/PROJECT_NAME] [REPO URL] [BRANCH NAME]
# Example:
git subtree add --prefix=packages/web-widgets/dad git:// main
This will Create a folder called dad
in packages/web-widgets
. It will merge git history from ahwelgemoed/drag-and-drop-mendix-widget
at the current main
This packages uses a Github action to build and maintain versioning with lerna version.
For details on the Action see here
Justin Roy Tamaela 🤔 |
Jelte Lagendijk 🤔💻 |
Arno Welgemoed 🤔💻 |
- Licence
- First Pull - Docs
- Look into Build Script and release (semi done!)