Yet Another Open Source & Cross-platform Chatbot Powered by Koishi
To deploy as an independent bot, which means you will start the bot with all features enabled, will probably cost you quite a lot time on the configuration. Due to the lack of my time, I wouldn't provide a template configuration file currently. However, you can refer to the Config
interfaces in the code to the modules by yourself.
Notice that our image operations are dependent on ffmpeg to handle. If you enabled any submodules depending on the image service, make sure you have ffmpeg installed before launching.
To start the bot, please run following commands.
yarn start
On the propose of making development more convenient, various complex dependencies are included in code. Therefore, I strongly recommend you to clone the whole repository and import modules directly without changing directory structure.
If you just want to enable the RSS feature, which is depending on the web service plugin, for example. You should have koishi deployed firstly and use ctx.plugin
method to import packages of this project.
Here is an example code. Remember to replace <path>
pattern with the correct relative location of membot
- Service: Web - Koa & Vue powered web support for displaying hypertext and so on.
- Plugin: RSS Feed - A simple RSS Feed plugin, coming with many useful configuration items.
- Plugin: Message Forward - Forward message between platforms, currently support QQ, Telegram and Kook. Supporting for Discord is WIP.
- ...
- koishi - Cross-platform Chatbot Framework Made with Love
- satori - The Universal Messenger Protocol
- go-cqhttp - cqhttp 的 golang 实现,轻量、原生跨平台
- Telegram Bot API
- KOOK 开发者平台 文档
- OneBot 12 标准草案
- Vue.js - The Progressive JavaScript Framework
- Pinia - The Vue Store that you will enjoy using
- Arco Design Vue - 字节跳动出品的企业级设计系统
- github-markdown-css - The minimal amount of CSS to replicate the GitHub Markdown style
- QQ Face ID Table
- 漢典 - 漢語字典, 漢語詞典, 康熙字典, 說文解字, 音韻方言, 字源字形, 異體字
- RSS Hub - 🍰 万物皆可 RSS
- 小嘿作文生成器 - 可根据输入的主题谓语、主题宾语,自动随机生成海量作文。适用于中学考试议论文的学习与研究
- DoMCer API
(Deprecated) art-template - 高性能 JavaScript 模板引擎(Deprecated) 王斌给您对对联 -_-!(Deprecated) 文学网 - 文言文字典