####python3.7 we are using python as a backend language Follow instructions to install the latest version of python for your platform in the python docs
We recommend working within a virtual environment whenever using Python for projects. This keeps your dependencies for each project separate and organaized. Instructions for setting up a virual enviornment for your platform can be found in the python docs
Once you have your virtual environment setup and running, install dependencies by navigating to the /backend
directory and running:
pip install -r requirements.txt
This will install all of the required packages we selected within the requirements.txt
- Return a list of areas objects and number of total areas
- Request
curl https://wastes-management.herokuapp.com/api/areas
- Response
{ "areas": [ { "area_code": 22, "area_name": "الحي الثاني", "area_size": 100.0, "city": "مدينة الشروق", "latitude": "342342", "longitude": "42342" }, { "area_code": 33, "area_name": "الحي الثالث", "area_size": 100.0, "city": "مدينة الشروق", "latitude": "45345", "longitude": "423" }, { "area_code": 44, "area_name": "الحي الرابع", "area_size": 120.0, "city": "مدينة الشروق", "latitude": "45344635", "longitude": "423423" } ], "total_areas": 3 }
- Return a specific area object by area code
- Request
curl https://wastes-management.herokuapp.com/api/areas/22
- Response
{ "area": { "area_code": 22, "area_name": "الحي الثاني", "area_size": 100.0, "city": "مدينة الشروق", "latitude": "342342", "longitude": "42342" } }
- Return a list of baskets objects based on a specific area,
- The object that return include list of baskets, total number of basket in this area
- Request
curl https://wastes-management.herokuapp.com/api/areas/22/baskets
- Response
{ "baskets": [ { "basket_height": 90, "basket_length": 40, "basket_width": 40, "id": 6, "latitude": "534535534", "level": "0%", "longitude": "435345", "software_version": "v2.0" }, { "basket_height": 90, "basket_length": 40, "basket_width": 40, "id": 7, "latitude": "5345345", "level": "0%", "longitude": "5345", "software_version": "v2.0" }, { "basket_height": 90, "basket_length": 40, "basket_width": 40, "id": 5, "latitude": "534534", "level": "83%", "longitude": "534534534", "software_version": "v2.0" } ], "total_baskets": 3 }
- Return a list of users objects based on a specific area,
- The object that return include list of users, total number of users in this area
- Request
curl https://wastes-management.herokuapp.com/api/areas/22/users
- Response
{ "total_users": 0, "users": [] }
- #####General
- Insert new area in the system using the submitted longitude, latitude and area code
- Return success message and area object if created successfully
- #####Sample
- Request
curl -X POST https://wastes-management.herokuapp.com/api/areas -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "area_code": 33, "longitude": 4234432, "latitude": 324242 }'
- Response
{ "area": { "area_code": 55, "area_name": "الحي الخامس", "area_size": 100.0, "city": "مدينة الشروق", "latitude": "43424", "longitude": "423434" }, "success": true }
- Return a list of baskets objects and number of total basket
- Request
curl https://wastes-management.herokuapp.com/api/baskets
- Response
{ "baskets": [ { "basket_height": 90, "basket_length": 40, "basket_width": 40, "id": 1, "latitude": "42342423", "level": "33%", "longitude": "534534534", "software_version": "v1.0" }, { "basket_height": 90, "basket_length": 40, "basket_width": 40, "id": 2, "latitude": "345353535", "level": "44%", "longitude": "53453453", "software_version": "v1.0" }, { "basket_height": 90, "basket_length": 40, "basket_width": 40, "id": 3, "latitude": "34535345", "level": "88%", "longitude": "545353", "software_version": "v1.0" } ], "total_baskets": 9 }
- return a specific basket by id
- Request
curl https://wastes-management.herokuapp.com/api/baskets/1
- Response
{ "basket": { "basket_height": 90, "basket_length": 40, "basket_width": 40, "id": 1, "latitude": "42342423", "level": "33%", "longitude": "534534534", "software_version": "v1.0" } }
- #####General
- Return a list of wastes object based on a specific basket,
- the object that return include basket id, wastes, total size of wastes that generated by this basket
- #####Sample
- Request
curl https://wastes-management.herokuapp.com/api/baskets/1/wastes
- Response
{ "basket_id": 1, "total_size": 0.048, "wastes": [ { "basket_id": 1, "date_of_creation": "Mon, 25 Jan 2021 18:42:35 GMT", "size": 0.016, "type": "bio" }, { "basket_id": 1, "date_of_creation": "Mon, 25 Jan 2021 18:42:46 GMT", "size": 0.016, "type": "bio" }, { "basket_id": 1, "date_of_creation": "Mon, 25 Jan 2021 18:42:50 GMT", "size": 0.016, "type": "bio" } ] }
- #####General
- Create new basket using the submitted longitude, latitude and area code
- you can set basket height, width, length, version manually,
- Return success message and basket object if created successfully
- #####Sample
- Request
curl -X POST https://wastes-management.herokuapp.com/api/baskets -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "area_code": 33, "longitude": 4234432, "latitude": 324242 }'
curl -X POST https://wastes-management.herokuapp.com/api/baskets -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "area_code": 33, "longitude": 4234432, "latitude": 324242, "basket_height: 120, "basket_width": 50, "basket_length": 50, "basket_version": "v4.0" }'
- Response
{ "basket": { "basket_height": 90, "basket_length": 40, "basket_width": 40, "id": 10, "latitude": "324242", "level": "0%", "longitude": "4234432", "software_version": "v1.0" }, "success": true }
- #####General
- Update the basket software version
- Return the number of updated baskets
- #####Sample
- Request
curl -X PATCH https://wastes-management.herokuapp.com/api/baskets -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "software_version": "V2.0"}'
- Response
{ "baskets_update": 10 }
- #####General
- Update basket level by submitted basket level
- Return success message
- #####Sample
- Request
curl -X PATCH https://wastes-management.herokuapp.com/api/baskets/1 -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "level": 0}'
- Response
{ "success": true }
- #####General
- Update the basket software version
- Return the number of updated baskets
- #####Sample
- Request
curl -X DELETE https://wastes-management.herokuapp.com/api/baskets/1
- Response
{ "success": true }
- Return a list of user object
- Request
curl https://wastes-management.herokuapp.com/api/users
- Response
{ "user": [ { "Date_of_birth": null, "email": "ahemdhostam@gamil.com", "first_name": "ahemd", "gender": "male", "last_name": "hosam", "user_name": "ahmed" }, { "Date_of_birth": null, "email": "mahmoudamr@gamil.com", "first_name": "mahmoud", "gender": "male", "last_name": "amr", "user_name": "mahmoud2" }, { "Date_of_birth": null, "email": "ahemd.esmail@gamil.com", "first_name": "ahmed", "gender": "male", "last_name": "esmail", "user_name": "ahmed2" } ] }
- Return specific user object based on user_name
- Request
curl https://wastes-management.herokuapp.com/api/users/meladsamuel
- Response
- Create new user by submitted user name, first name, last name, email, password, gender
- Return success message and user object
- Request
curl -X POST https://wastes-management.herokuapp.com/api/users -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "user_name": "ali", "first_name": "ali", "last_name": "emad", "email": "ali.emad@gamil.com", "password":"123", "gender": "male", "area_code": 22 } ``` * Response ```json { "success":true, "user": { "Date_of_birth":null, "email":"ali.emad@gamil.com", "first_name":"ali", "gender":"male", "last_name":"emad", "user_name":"ali" } }
- Return a list of vehicles objects
- Request
curl https://wastes-management.herokuapp.com/api/vehicles
- Response
- Return a list of vehicles objects
- Request
curl https://wastes-management.herokuapp.com/api/vehicles
- Response
- Insert new vehicles in the system by submitted plate number, container size, tank size, employee ssn
- Return success message and list of vehicles object
- Request
curl -X POST https://wastes-management.herokuapp.com/api/vehicles -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"plate_number": 543, "container_size": 6.0, "tank_size": 100.0, "employee_ssn": 29854364445354}'
- Response
{ "success": true, "vehicle": [ { "container_size": 6.0, "driver": { "SSN": 29854364445354, "date_of_birth": "Sun, 11 Oct 1998 00:00:00 GMT", "full_name": "مصطفي صابر محمد", "phone": "011432523482", "user_name": "mostafa" }, "plate_number": 543, "tank_level": null, "tank_size": 100.0 } ] }