🔧 Required Tools:
Places to be edited We can configure aws and arrange the parts in the private-console.ts file under the bin file according to our own configurations.
let region:string= ""; #The region where the cdk will be deployed must contain regions supported by AWS manage private console access. AWS DOC: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsconsolehelpdocs/latest/gsg/console-private-access.html
let CompanyName:string= "";
let whichEnv:string= "";
let accountid:string="";
const vpcTest = new network.VPC(app, 'VPC', {
company: CompanyName,
cidr: '', #VPC cidr to use
whichEnv: whichEnv,
PrivateAccess-policy must be attached after the cdk is deployed on users to restrict public access. In the openvpn server, the client.ovpn was created ready under the /root directory, you can connect to the server via ssm and get the ovpn file and establish a connection
cdk bootstrap
npm install
npm run private-console diff "*"
npm run private-console-deploy "*"