This library makes the Louvain community detection system significantly easier to use. Example code:
#include "louvain_communities/louvain_communities.h"
#include <iostream>
int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/)
LouvainC::Communities graph;
//First community
graph.add_edge(1, 2, 2L);
graph.add_edge(1, 3, 2L);
graph.add_edge(1, 4, 2L);
graph.add_edge(2, 3, 2L);
graph.add_edge(2, 4, 2L);
graph.add_edge(3, 4, 2L);
//Second community
graph.add_edge(4, 5, 2L);
graph.add_edge(4, 6, 2L);
graph.add_edge(4, 7, 2L);
graph.add_edge(5, 6, 2L);
graph.add_edge(5, 7, 2L);
graph.add_edge(6, 7, 2L);
//Weak connection between 1st and 2nd communities
graph.add_edge(1, 4, 0.1L);
//Calculate communities
//Get community mapping
auto r = gplain.get_mapping();
for(auto& vert_to_comm: r) {
std::cout << "Vertext " << vert_to_comm.first
<< " is in community " << vert_to_comm.second << std::endl;
To build:
git clone
cd louvain-community
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
sudo make install
In case you are going to use the system in another cmake
based project, you don't even need to install. In these cases, you can look for the library in your CMakeLists.txt
file via:
find_package(louvain_communities CONFIG)
if (louvain_communities_FOUND)
message(STATUS "Found Louvain Communities library")
message(STATUS "Louvain Communities dynamic lib: ${LOUVAIN_COMMUNITIES_LIBRARIES}")
message(STATUS "Louvain Communities include dirs: ${LOUVAIN_COMMUNITIES_INCLUDE_DIRS}")
message(FATAL_ERROR "Cannot find Louvain Communities libraries. Please install it! Exiting.")
To compile a static library simply do:
git clone
cd louvain-community
mkdir build && cd build
make -j4
sudo make install
To test:
pip install python-louvain
git clone
cd louvain
make -j4
git clone
cd louvain-community
mkdir build && cd build
ln -s ../scritps/* .
ln -s ../../louvain/louvain .
./ 50-10-9-q.cnf.gz.no_w.cnf
awk '{print "gplain.add_edge(" $1 ", " $2 ", " $3 "L);"}' graph.txt > ../src/mygraph.cpp
make -j4
./ 50-10-9-q.cnf.gz.no_w.cnf
To check how well the communities fit a graph generated via VIG ("Variable Incidence Graph") graph-generation from a DIMACS CNF and a layout engine using the spring method:
pip install python-louvain
git clone
cd louvain-community
mkdir build && cd build
ln -s ../scritps/* .
./ 50-10-9-q.cnf.gz.no_w.cnf --draw
Based on Community Detection "Louvain", version 0.3, from SourceForge
Based on the article "Fast unfolding of community hierarchies in large networks" Copyright (C) 2008 V. Blondel, J.-L. Guillaume, R. Lambiotte, E. Lefebvre
And based on the article Copyright (C) 2013 R. Campigotto, P. Conde Céspedes, J.-L. Guillaume
Authors: E. Lefebvre, adapted by J.-L. Guillaume and R. Campigotto, Mate Soos