Yeoman generator
This generator is for creating desktop applications using Github's Atom-Shell.
This generator downloads a binary release build of Atom-Shell. If you need a newer or older version you can find a list of release binaries here. Edit the gulpfile.js and the task for 'atom-download'. Specify your binary version you want in the version property.
Atom-Shell can be customized and has a lot of things you can do with it. You can edit the src/main.js
file to tweak your shell. Here's a link to the Atom-Shell API Docs.
npm install -g yo
To install generator-atom-shell from npm, run:
npm install -g generator-atom-shell
Finally, initiate the generator:
yo atom-shell
The default post-install hook for this generator is to build and launch Atom-Shell. You can terminate the
Atom-Shell by using ctrl+c
in the terminal. You can run any of the Gulp commands or the default which will build and launch Atom-Shell.
gulp #run default tasks
gulp launch #runs only the Atom-Editor launch command
This generator supports several Application Frameworks, Front-End Framework/libraries and Testing Framework/Tools. If you'd like to see the current versions supported for each or want to modify them, check out the versions.json
file located in the app/templates
If you'd like to add your favorite framework, library or tool, clone this repo, add your framework and version to the versions.json file. Make sure it works by using the generator. If it all looks good, send me a PR.
Currently there is support for the following Application Frameworks:
If you're interested in adding your framework, DO IT!
Currently there is support for the following Front-End Frameworks:
If you're interested in adding your Front-End framework, DO IT!
Currently there is support for the following Front-End Frameworks:
If you're interested in adding your Testing framework, DO IT!