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mdieckmann edited this page Jul 26, 2016 · 4 revisions


  1. Install Python 2.7. You can also find it in the repos if you are using linux (in ubuntu this would for example be:
    max@atlas:~$ sudo apt-get install python)

  2. Download the zip and unpack.

  3. Run (max@atlas:~/path/to/sim$ python
    If you are using Windows, open the console (ctrl-r, then type 'cmd' (without quotation marks) and hit enter) and execute
    C:\>python C:\path\to\sim\

You might have to force python 2 if you have a newer version installed (e.g.: max@atlas:~/path/to/sim$ python2

You might have to manually install TkInter (max@atlas:~$ sudo apt-get install python-tk).

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