What we have got here is the complete package of AmiBlitz3 - a BASIC-compiler for 68k-amiga.
- 35megs of harddisc space
- 10megs of RAM to do things, 16megs of RAM to do serious development
- Kickstart 2.04
- 68020 (not tested below)
- FPU ... but only when building FPU-optimized executables :-)
To get started with AB3, just download the current release and extract it somewhere on your harddisk. You may copy the OS-libraries in Libs-Drawer to system's "Libs"-drawer before starting, otherwise the IDE will complain about mission OS-libraries.
Everything you need as of:
- Full IDE with needed OS-libraries
- localization for english, german and french available
- lots of documentations accessable from IDE (check "Help"-Menu)
- lots of usefull includes written in AB3 itself (with its own documentation)
- every include file has its own short demo in it, just compile and run them!
- some examples to demonstrate various features
Try the following sources:
https://www.amiblitz.de | various documentation about AmiBlitz3 (needs some updates)
https://www.amiforce.de | additional information and fora
https://www.facebook.com/groups/342460143062811 | english facebook-group