Assignments and projects created in college at the Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology.
Simple information system created in the CodeIgniter PHP Framework.
There is a demo site hosited in Azure: Use login "admin" with password "admin".
Traffic lights simulation written in C for FITKit using FreeRTOS.
UNIX shell scripts. Ardiff can compare two archive files, show the differences and apply a differential archiv to the source archive. Hltrace highlights the syntax of the output of the strace command line tool.
Solution of the Sleeping barber problem in C.
Client/server application written in C for listing contents of a remote directory using TCP sockets.
Client/server application implementing the RDT (Reliable Data Transfer) protocol over UDP using sockets.
Web client application used for getting information about objects on a web server.
Perl script for compressing short SMS messages, for removing czech symbols and for application of abbrevation rules.
Implementation of the Neighbor Discovery Proxy for IPv6 written in C.
Tool for monitoring RIP and RIPng written in C.
Command line tool implementing czech sorting written in C.
Command line tool implementing tanh and log functions, weighted arithmetic mean and root mean square written in C.
Command line tool for performing matrix operations, like matrix multiplication, dot product etc. written in C
Simple text compress tool written in C.