We discuss public datasets and related studies in detail. Welcome to read our paper and make comments.
We will keep focusing on this field and updating relevant information.
Keywords: anomaly detection, anomaly segmentation, industrial image, defect detection
[Main Page] [Survey] [Benchmark] [Result]
- Explicit Boundary Guided Semi-Push-Pull Contrastive Learning for Supervised Anomaly Detection [CVPR 2023][code]
- SimpleNet: A Simple Network for Image Anomaly Detection and Localization [CVPR 2023][code]
- Multimodal Industrial Anomaly Detection via Hybrid Fusion [CVPR 2023][code]
- Revisiting Reverse Distillation for Anomaly Detection [CVPR 2023] [code]
- Towards total recall in industrial anomaly detection [CVPR 2022][code]
- DSR: A dual subspace re-projection network for surface anomaly detection [ECCV 2022][code]
- A Unified Model for Multi-class Anomaly Detection [NIPS 2022][code]
- AnoVL: Adapting Vision-Language Models for Unified Zero-shot Anomaly Localization [2023][code]
- PyramidFlow: High-Resolution Defect Contrastive Localization using Pyramid Normalizing Flow [CVPR 2023][code]
- Real3D-AD: A Dataset of Point Cloud Anomaly Detection [NeurIPS 2023 homepage][paper][data]
- Real3D-AD: A Dataset of Point Cloud Anomaly Detection [NeurIPS 2023 homepage][paper][data]
- PAD: A Dataset and Benchmark for Pose-agnostic Anomaly Detection [NeurIPS 2023]
- EasyNet: An Easy Network for 3D Industrial Anomaly Detection [ACM MM 2023]
- Focus the Discrepancy: Intra- and Inter-Correlation Learning for Image Anomaly Detection [ICCV 2023][code]
- Remembering Normality: Memory-guided Knowledge Distillation for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection [ICCV 2023]
- Unsupervised Surface Anomaly Detection with Diffusion Probabilistic Model [ICCV 2023]
- PNI : Industrial Anomaly Detection using Position and Neighborhood Information [ICCV 2023][code]
- Anomaly Detection using Score-based Perturbation Resilience [ICCV 2023]
- Template-guided Hierarchical Feature Restoration for Anomaly Detection [ICCV 2023]
- Focus the Discrepancy: Intra- and Inter-Correlation Learning for Image Anomaly Detection [ICCV 2023][code]
- Anomaly Detection under Distribution Shift [ICCV 2023][code]
- FastRecon: Few-shot Industrial Anomaly Detection via Fast Feature Reconstruction [ICCV 2023][code comming soon]
- Inter-Realization Channels: Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Beyond One-Class Classification [ICCV 2023][code]
- Removing Anomalies as Noises for Industrial Defect Localization [ICCV 2023]
- CVPR 2023 Tutorial on "Recent Advances in Anomaly Detection" [CVPR Workshop 2023(mainly on video anomaly detection)][video]
- Workshop on Vision-Based Industrial Inspection [CVPR Workshop paper list 2023]
- Visual Anomaly and Novelty Detection [CVPR Workshop paper list 2023]
- Revisiting Reverse Distillation for Anomaly Detection [CVPR 2023] [code]
- OmniAL A unifiled CNN framework for unsupervised anomaly localization [CVPR 2023]
- Explicit Boundary Guided Semi-Push-Pull Contrastive Learning for Supervised Anomaly Detection [CVPR 2023][code]
- DeSTSeg: Segmentation Guided Denoising Student-Teacher for Anomaly Detection [CVPR 2023][code]
- Diversity-Measurable Anomaly Detection [CVPR 2023]
- WinCLIP: Zero-/Few-Shot Anomaly Classification and Segmentation [CVPR 2023]
- SimpleNet: A Simple Network for Image Anomaly Detection and Localization [CVPR 2023][code]
- PyramidFlow: High-Resolution Defect Contrastive Localization using Pyramid Normalizing Flow [CVPR 2023][code]
- Multimodal Industrial Anomaly Detection via Hybrid Fusion [CVPR 2023][code]
- Prototypical Residual Networks for Anomaly Detection and Localization [CVPR 2023]
- SQUID: Deep Feature In-Painting for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection [CVPR 2023]
- Segment Anything Is Not Always Perfect: An Investigation of SAM on Different Real-world Applications [2023 SAM tech report]
- SAM Struggles in Concealed Scenes -- Empirical Study on "Segment Anything" [2023 SAM tech report]
- Segment Any Anomaly without Training via Hybrid Prompt Regularization [2023] [code]
- Application of Segment Anything Model for Civil Infrastructure Defect Assessment [2023 SAM tech report]
- Pushing the Limits of Fewshot Anomaly Detection in Industry Vision: Graphcore [ICLR 2023]
- RGI: robust GAN-inversion for mask-free image inpainting and unsupervised pixel-wise anomaly detection [ICLR 2023]
- Global Context Aggregation Network for Lightweight Saliency Detection of Surface Defects [2023]
- Decision Fusion Network with Perception Fine-tuning for Defect Classification [2023]
- FAIR: Frequency-aware Image Restoration for Industrial Visual Anomaly Detection [2023][code comming soon]
- AnoVL: Adapting Vision-Language Models for Unified Zero-shot Anomaly Localization [2023][code]
- A Comprehensive Augmentation Framework for Anomaly Detection [2023]
- AnomalyGPT: Detecting Industrial Anomalies using Large Vision-Language Models [2023][code][project page]
- REB: Reducing Biases in Representation for Industrial Anomaly Detection [2023][code coming soon]
- End-to-End Augmentation Hyperparameter Tuning for Self-Supervised Anomaly Detection [2023]
- CVPR 1st workshop on Vision-based InduStrial InspectiON [CVPR 2023 Workshop] [data link]
- A review on computer vision based defect detection and condition assessment of concrete and asphalt civil infrastructure [2015]
- Visual-based defect detection and classification approaches for industrial applications: a survey [2020]
- Deep Learning for Unsupervised Anomaly Localization in Industrial Images: A Survey [TIM 2022]
- A Survey on Unsupervised Industrial Anomaly Detection Algorithms [2022]
- A Survey of Methods for Automated Quality Control Based on Images [IJCV 2023][github page]
- Benchmarking Unsupervised Anomaly Detection and Localization [2022]
- IM-IAD: Industrial Image Anomaly Detection Benchmark in Manufacturing [2023][code]
- A Deep Learning-based Software for Manufacturing Defect Inspection [TII 2017][code]
- Anomalib: A Deep Learning Library for Anomaly Detection [code]
- Ph.D. thesis of Paul Bergmann(The first author of MVTec AD series) [2022]
- CVPR 2023 Tutorial on "Recent Advances in Anomaly Detection" [CVPR Workshop 2023][video]
- Contextual Affinity Distillation for Image Anomaly Detection [2023]
- Revisiting Reverse Distillation for Anomaly Detection [CVPR 2023] [code]
- Uninformed students: Student-teacher anomaly detection with discriminative latent embeddings [CVPR 2020]
- Multiresolution knowledge distillation for anomaly detection [CVPR 2021]
- Glancing at the Patch: Anomaly Localization With Global and Local Feature Comparison [CVPR 2021]
- Reconstruction Student with Attention for Student-Teacher Pyramid Matching [2021]
- Student-Teacher Feature Pyramid Matching for Anomaly Detection [2021][code]
- PFM and PEFM for Image Anomaly Detection and Segmentation [CASE 2022] [TII 2022][code]
- Reconstructed Student-Teacher and Discriminative Networks for Anomaly Detection [2022]
- Anomaly Detection via Reverse Distillation from One-Class Embedding [CVPR 2022][code]
- Asymmetric Student-Teacher Networks for Industrial Anomaly Detection [WACV 2022][code]
- Informative knowledge distillation for image anomaly segmentation [2022][code]
- Patch svdd: Patch-level svdd for anomaly detection and segmentation [ACCV 2020]
- Anomaly detection using improved deep SVDD model with data structure preservation [2021]
- A Semantic-Enhanced Method Based On Deep SVDD for Pixel-Wise Anomaly Detection [2021]
- MOCCA: Multilayer One-Class Classification for Anomaly Detection [2021]
- Defect Detection of Metal Nuts Applying Convolutional Neural Networks [2021]
- Panda: Adapting pretrained features for anomaly detection and segmentation [2021]
- Mean-shifted contrastive loss for anomaly detection [2021]
- Learning and Evaluating Representations for Deep One-Class Classification [2020]
- Self-supervised learning for anomaly detection with dynamic local augmentation [2021]
- Contrastive Predictive Coding for Anomaly Detection [2021]
- Cutpaste: Self-supervised learning for anomaly detection and localization [ICCV 2021][unofficial code]
- Consistent estimation of the max-flow problem: Towards unsupervised image segmentation [2020]
- MemSeg: A semi-supervised method for image surface defect detection using differences and commonalities [2022][unofficial code]
- SimpleNet: A Simple Network for Image Anomaly Detection and Localization [CVPR 2023][code]
- End-to-End Augmentation Hyperparameter Tuning for Self-Supervised Anomaly Detection [2023]
- Anomaly Detection in Nanofibrous Materials by CNN-Based Self-Similarity [Sensors 2018]
- A Multi-Scale A Contrario method for Unsupervised Image Anomaly Detection [2021]
- Modeling the distribution of normal data in pre-trained deep features for anomaly detection [2021]
- Transfer Learning Gaussian Anomaly Detection by Fine-Tuning Representations [2021]
- PEDENet: Image anomaly localization via patch embedding and density estimation [2022]
- Unsupervised image anomaly detection and segmentation based on pre-trained feature mapping [2022]
- Position Encoding Enhanced Feature Mapping for Image Anomaly Detection [2022][code]
- Focus your distribution: Coarse-to-fine non-contrastive learning for anomaly detection and localization [ICME 2022]
- Anomaly Detection of Defect using Energy of Point Pattern Features within Random Finite Set Framework [2021][code]
- Fastflow: Unsupervised anomaly detection and localization via 2d normalizing flows [2021][unofficial code]
- Same same but differnet: Semi-supervised defect detection with normalizing flows [WACV 2021][code]
- Fully convolutional cross-scale-flows for image-based defect detection [WACV 2022][code]
- Cflow-ad: Real-time unsupervised anomaly detection with localization via conditional normalizing flows [WACV 2022][code]
- CAINNFlow: Convolutional block Attention modules and Invertible Neural Networks Flow for anomaly detection and localization tasks [2022]
- AltUB: Alternating Training Method to Update Base Distribution of Normalizing Flow for Anomaly Detection [2022]
- Collaborative Discrepancy Optimization for Reliable Image Anomaly Localization [TII 2023][code]
- PyramidFlow: High-Resolution Defect Contrastive Localization using Pyramid Normalizing Flow [CVPR 2023][code]
- ReConPatch: Contrastive Patch Representation Learning for Industrial Anomaly Detection [2023]
- Sub-image anomaly detection with deep pyramid correspondences [2020]
- Semi-orthogonal embedding for efficient unsupervised anomaly segmentation [2021]
- Anomaly Detection Via Self-Organizing Map [2021]
- PaDiM: A Patch Distribution Modeling Framework for Anomaly Detection and Localization [ICPR 2021][unofficial code]
- Industrial Image Anomaly Localization Based on Gaussian Clustering of Pretrained Feature [2021]
- Towards total recall in industrial anomaly detection[CVPR 2022][code]
- CFA: Coupled-Hypersphere-Based Feature Adaptation for Target-Oriented Anomaly Localization[2022][code]
- FAPM: Fast Adaptive Patch Memory for Real-time Industrial Anomaly Detection[2022]
- N-pad: Neighboring Pixel-based Industrial Anomaly Detection [2022]
- Image Anomaly Detection and Localization with Position and Neighborhood Information [2022]
- Multi-scale patch-based representation learning for image anomaly detection and segmentation [2022]
- SPot-the-Difference Self-supervised Pre-training for Anomaly Detection and Segmentation [ECCV 2022]
- Diversity-Measurable Anomaly Detection [CVPR 2023]
- SelFormaly: Towards Task-Agnostic Unified Anomaly Detection[2023]
- REB: Reducing Biases in Representation for Industrial Anomaly Detection [2023][code coming soon]
- Improving unsupervised defect segmentation by applying structural similarity to autoencoders [2018]
- Automatic Fabric Defect Detection with a Multi-Scale Convolutional Denoising Autoencoder Network Model [Sensors 2018]
- An Unsupervised-Learning-Based Approach for Automated Defect Inspection on Textured Surfaces [TIM 2018]
- Unsupervised anomaly detection using style distillation [2020]
- Unsupervised two-stage anomaly detection [2021]
- Dfr: Deep feature reconstruction for unsupervised anomaly segmentation [Neurocomputing 2020]
- Unsupervised anomaly segmentation via multilevel image reconstruction and adaptive attention-level transition [2021]
- Encoding structure-texture relation with p-net for anomaly detection in retinal images [2020]
- Improved anomaly detection by training an autoencoder with skip connections on images corrupted with stain-shaped noise [2021]
- Unsupervised anomaly detection for surface defects with dual-siamese network [2022]
- Divide-and-assemble: Learning block-wise memory for unsupervised anomaly detection [ICCV 2021]
- Reconstruction from edge image combined with color and gradient difference for industrial surface anomaly detection [2022][code]
- Spatial Contrastive Learning for Anomaly Detection and Localization [2022]
- Superpixel masking and inpainting for self-supervised anomaly detection [BMVC 2020]
- Iterative image inpainting with structural similarity mask for anomaly detection [2020]
- Self-Supervised Masking for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection and Localization [2022]
- Reconstruction by inpainting for visual anomaly detection [PR 2021]
- Draem-a discriminatively trained reconstruction embedding for surface anomaly detection [ICCV 2021][code]
- DSR: A dual subspace re-projection network for surface anomaly detection [ECCV 2022][code]
- Natural Synthetic Anomalies for Self-supervised Anomaly Detection and Localization [ECCV 2022][code]
- Self-Supervised Training with Autoencoders for Visual Anomaly Detection [2022]
- Self-supervised predictive convolutional attentive block for anomaly detection [CVPR 2022 oral][code]
- Self-Supervised Masked Convolutional Transformer Block for Anomaly Detection [TPAMI 2022][code]
- Iterative energy-based projection on a normal data manifold for anomaly localization [2019]
- Towards visually explaining variational autoencoders [2020]
- Deep generative model using unregularized score for anomaly detection with heterogeneous complexity [2020]
- Anomaly localization by modeling perceptual features [2020]
- Image anomaly detection using normal data only by latent space resampling [2020]
- Noise-to-Norm Reconstruction for Industrial Anomaly Detection and Localization [2023]
- Patch-wise Auto-Encoder for Visual Anomaly Detection [2023]
- FAIR: Frequency-aware Image Restoration for Industrial Visual Anomaly Detection [2023][code comming soon]
- Omni-frequency Channel-selection Representations for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection [2022][code]
- Learning semantic context from normal samples for unsupervised anomaly detection [AAAI 2021]
- Anoseg: Anomaly segmentation network using self-supervised learning [2021]
- A Surface Defect Detection Method Based on Positive Samples [PRICAI 2018]
- VT-ADL: A vision transformer network for image anomaly detection and localization [ISIE 2021]
- ADTR: Anomaly Detection Transformer with Feature Reconstruction [2022]
- AnoViT: Unsupervised Anomaly Detection and Localization With Vision Transformer-Based Encoder-Decoder [2022]
- HaloAE: An HaloNet based Local Transformer Auto-Encoder for Anomaly Detection and Localization [2022]
- Inpainting transformer for anomaly detection [ICIAP 2022]
- Masked Swin Transformer Unet for Industrial Anomaly Detection [2022]
- Masked Transformer for image Anomaly Localization [TII 2022]
- Anomaly Detection with Conditioned Denoising Diffusion Models [2023]
- AnoDDPM: Anomaly Detection With Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models Using Simplex Noise [CVPR Workshop 2022]
- Unsupervised Visual Defect Detection with Score-Based Generative Model[2022]
- DiffusionAD: Denoising Diffusion for Anomaly Detection [2023]
- Neural batch sampling with reinforcement learning for semi-supervised anomaly detection [ECCV 2020]
- Explainable Deep One-Class Classification [ICLR 2020]
- Attention guided anomaly localization in images [ECCV 2020]
- Mixed supervision for surface-defect detection: From weakly to fully supervised learning [2021]
- Explainable deep few-shot anomaly detection with deviation networks [2021]
- Catching Both Gray and Black Swans: Open-set Supervised Anomaly Detection [CVPR 2022]
- Anomaly Clustering: Grouping Images into Coherent Clusters of Anomaly Types[WACV 2023]
- Prototypical Residual Networks for Anomaly Detection and Localization [CVPR 2023]
- Efficient Anomaly Detection with Budget Annotation Using Semi-Supervised Residual Transformer [2023]
- Logit Inducing With Abnormality Capturing for Semi-Supervised Image Anomaly Detection [2022]
- An effective framework of automated visual surface defect detection for metal parts [2021]
- Interleaved Deep Artifacts-Aware Attention Mechanism for Concrete Structural Defect Classification [TIP 2021]
- Reference-based defect detection network [TIP 2021]
- Fabric defect detection using tactile information [ICRA 2021]
- A lightweight spatial and temporal multi-feature fusion network for defect detection [TIP 2020]
- SDD-CNN: Small Data-Driven Convolution Neural Networks for Subtle Roller Defect Inspection [Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 2020]
- A High-Efficiency Fully Convolutional Networks for Pixel-Wise Surface Defect Detection [IEEE Access 2019]
- SDD-CNN: Small Data-Driven Convolution Neural Networks for Subtle Roller Defect Inspection [Applied Sciences 2019]
- Autonomous Structural Visual Inspection Using Region-Based Deep Learning for Detecting Multiple Damage Types [CACIE 2018]
- Detection and segmentation of manufacturing defects with convolutional neural networks and transfer learning [2018]
- Automatic Metallic Surface Defect Detection and Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks [Applied Sciences 2018]
- Real-time Detection of Steel Strip Surface Defects Based on Improved YOLO Detection Network [IFAC-PapersOnLine 2018]
- Domain adaptation for automatic OLED panel defect detection using adaptive support vector data description [IJCV 2017]
- Automatic Defect Detection of Fasteners on the Catenary Support Device Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network [TIM 2017]
- Deep Active Learning for Civil Infrastructure Defect Detection and Classification Computing in civil engineering 2017
- A fast and robust convolutional neural network-based defect detection model in product quality control [IJAMT 2017]
- Defects Detection Based on Deep Learning and Transfer Learning [Metallurgical & Mining Industry 2015]
- Design of deep convolutional neural network architectures for automated feature extraction in industrial inspection [CIRP annals 2016]
- Decision Fusion Network with Perception Fine-tuning for Defect Classification [2023]
- Global Context Aggregation Network for Lightweight Saliency Detection of Surface Defects [2023]
- Learning unsupervised metaformer for anomaly detection [ICCV 2021]
- Registration based few-shot anomaly detection [ECCV 2022 oral][code]
- Same same but differnet: Semi-supervised defect detection with normalizing flows [(Distribution)WACV 2021]
- Towards total recall in industrial anomaly detection [(Memory bank)CVPR 2022]
- A hierarchical transformation-discriminating generative model for few shot anomaly detection [ICCV 2021]
- Anomaly detection of defect using energy of point pattern features within random finite set framework [2021]
- Optimizing PatchCore for Few/many-shot Anomaly Detection [2023][code]
- AnomalyGPT: Detecting Industrial Anomalies using Large Vision-Language Models [2023][code][project page]
- Random Word Data Augmentation with CLIP for Zero-Shot Anomaly Detection [BMVC 2023]
- Zero-Shot Batch-Level Anomaly Detection [2023]
- Zero-shot versus Many-shot: Unsupervised Texture Anomaly Detection [WACV 2023]
- MAEDAY: MAE for few and zero shot AnomalY-Detection [2022]
- WinCLIP: Zero-/Few-Shot Anomaly Classification and Segmentation [CVPR 2023]
- Segment Any Anomaly without Training via Hybrid Prompt Regularization [2023] [code]
- Anomaly Detection in an Open World by a Neuro-symbolic Program on Zero-shot Symbols [IROS 2022 Workshop]
- AnoVL: Adapting Vision-Language Models for Unified Zero-shot Anomaly Localization [2023][code]
- Trustmae: A noise-resilient defect classification framework using memory-augmented auto-encoders with trust regions [WACV 2021]
- Self-Supervise, Refine, Repeat: Improving Unsupervised Anomaly Detection [TMLR 2021]
- Data refinement for fully unsupervised visual inspection using pre-trained networks [2022]
- Latent Outlier Exposure for Anomaly Detection with Contaminated Data [ICML 2022]
- Deep one-class classification via interpolated gaussian descriptor [AAAI 2022 oral][code]
- SoftPatch: Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with Noisy Data [NeurIPS 2022])[code]
- Cutpaste: Self-supervised learning for anomaly detection and localization [(OCC)ICCV 2021][unofficial code]
- Draem-a discriminatively trained reconstruction embedding for surface anomaly detection [(Reconstruction AE)ICCV 2021][code]
- MemSeg: A semi-supervised method for image surface defect detection using differences and commonalities [(OCC)2022][unofficial code]
- A High-Efficiency Fully Convolutional Networks for Pixel-Wise Surface Defect Detection [IEEE Access 2019]
- Multistage GAN for fabric defect detection [2019]
- Gan-based defect synthesis for anomaly detection in fabrics [2020]
- Defect image sample generation with GAN for improving defect recognition [2020]
- Defective samples simulation through neural style transfer for automatic surface defect segment [2020]
- A simulation-based few samples learning method for surface defect segmentation [2020]
- Synthetic data augmentation for surface defect detection and classification using deep learning [2020]
- Defect Transfer GAN: Diverse Defect Synthesis for Data Augmentation [BMVC 2022]
- Defect-GAN: High-fidelity defect synthesis for automated defect inspectio [2021]
- EID-GAN: Generative Adversarial Nets for Extremely Imbalanced Data Augmentation[TII 2022]
- Anomaly detection in 3d point clouds using deep geometric descriptors [WACV 2022]
- Back to the feature: classical 3d features are (almost) all you need for 3D anomaly detection [2022][code]
- Anomaly Detection Requires Better Representations [2022]
- Asymmetric Student-Teacher Networks for Industrial Anomaly Detection [WACV 2022]
- Multimodal Industrial Anomaly Detection via Hybrid Fusion [CVPR 2023]
- Complementary Pseudo Multimodal Feature for Point Cloud Anomaly Detection [2023][code]
- Real3D-AD: A Dataset of Point Cloud Anomaly Detection [NeurIPS 2023 homepage][paper][data]
- Towards Total Online Unsupervised Anomaly Detection and Localization in Industrial Vision [2023]
- Towards Continual Adaptation in Industrial Anomaly Detection [ACM MM 2022]
- A Unified Model for Multi-class Anomaly Detection [NIPS 2022] [code]
- OmniAL A unifiled CNN framework for unsupervised anomaly localization [CVPR 2023]
- SelFormaly: Towards Task-Agnostic Unified Anomaly Detection[2023]
- Beyond Dents and Scratches: Logical Constraints in Unsupervised Anomaly Detection and Localization [IJCV 2022]
- Set Features for Fine-grained Anomaly Detection[2023] [code]
- SLSG: Industrial Image Anomaly Detection by Learning Better Feature Embeddings and One-Class Classification [2023]
- EfficientAD: Accurate Visual Anomaly Detection at Millisecond-Level Latencies [2023]
- Contextual Affinity Distillation for Image Anomaly Detection [2023]
- REB: Reducing Biases in Representation for Industrial Anomaly Detection [2023][code coming soon]
- (NEU surface defect dataset)A noise robust method based on completed local binary patterns for hot-rolled steel strip surface defects [2013] [data]
- (Steel tube dataset)Deep learning based steel pipe weld defect detection [2021] [data]
- (Steel defect dataset)Severstal: Steel Defect Detection [data 2019]
- (NanoTwice)Defect detection in SEM images of nanofibrous materials [TII 2016] [data]
- (GDXray)GDXray: The database of X-ray images for nondestructive testing [2015] [data]
- (DEEP PCB)Online PCB defect detector on a new PCB defect dataset [2019] [data]
- (Fabric dataset)Fabric inspection based on the Elo rating method [PR 2016]
- (KolektorSDD)Segmentation-based deep-learning approach for surface-defect detection [Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing] [data]
- (KolektorSDD2)Mixed supervision for surface-defect detection: From weakly to fully supervised learning [Computers in Industry 2021] [data]
- (RSDD)A hierarchical extractor-based visual rail surface inspection system [2017]
- (Eyecandies)The Eyecandies Dataset for Unsupervised Multimodal Anomaly Detection and Localization [ACCV 2022] [data]
- (MVTec AD)MVTec AD: A comprehensive real-world dataset for unsupervised anomaly detection [CVPR 2019] [IJCV 2021] [data]
- (MVTec 3D-AD)The mvtec 3d-ad dataset for unsupervised 3d anomaly detection and localization [VISAPP 2021] [data]
- (MVTec LOCO-AD)Beyond Dents and Scratches: Logical Constraints in Unsupervised Anomaly Detection and Localization [IJCV 2022] [data]
- (MPDD)Deep learning-based defect detection of metal parts: evaluating current methods in complex conditions [ICUMT 2021] [data]
- (BTAD)VT-ADL: A vision transformer network for image anomaly detection and localization [2021] [data]
- (VisA)SPot-the-Difference Self-supervised Pre-training for Anomaly Detection and Segmentation [ECCV 2022] [data]
- (MTD)Surface defect saliency of magnetic tile [2020] [data]
- (DAGM)DAGM dataset [data 2007]
- (MIAD)Miad:A maintenance inspection dataset for unsupervised anomaly detection [2022] [data]
- CVPR 1st workshop on Vision-based InduStrial InspectiON [homepage] [data]
- (SSGD)SSGD: A smartphone screen glass dataset for defect detection [2023][dataset is coming soon]
- (AeBAD)Industrial Anomaly Detection with Domain Shift: A Real-world Dataset and Masked Multi-scale Reconstruction [2023] [data]
- VISION Datasets: A Benchmark for Vision-based InduStrial InspectiON [2023] [data]
- PAD: A Dataset and Benchmark for Pose-agnostic Anomaly Detection [NeurIPS 2023]
- PKU-GoodsAD: A Supermarket Goods Dataset for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection and Segmentation [2023][data]
- Real3D-AD: A Dataset of Point Cloud Anomaly Detection [NeurIPS 2023 homepage][paper][data]
If you find this paper and repository useful, please cite our paper
title={Deep Industrial Image Anomaly Detection: A Survey},
author={Liu, Jiaqi and Xie, Guoyang and Wang, Jingbao and Li, Shangnian and Wang, Chengjie and Zheng, Feng and Jin, Yaochu},
journal={arXiv e-prints},