Tested using:
- BeagleBone Rev A6b
- Fastrax IT500-150M-ITX-3297
However, it supports any MediaTek GPS module (NMEA frames that the GPS module receives depends on the manufacturer implementation).
Tested using Ångström distribution.
However, it supports any UNIX system.
- GPS device driver (UART driver)
The GPS module is permanently sending NMEA frames through the UART pin, so the library uses a character special file that the device is mapped to, in order to read or send NMEA frames. You can check out the slides to know more about this lib.
These are the C compiler available options (defined macros):
: the lib will write debug info to /var/log/gps.log
: a pthread will be created to be constantly reading frames, so gps_read
will return the latest read frame. If this option is not specified, then (by default) gps_read
will start reading a new frame when it is called.
-D DEVICE_PATH=\"/x/y\"
: path to the character special file that the GPS device is mapped to. By default it is /dev/ttyO4
-D DEBUG_PATH=\"/x/y/z.log\"
: path to the log file. By default it is /var/log/gps.log