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Powershell Continuous Integration and Deployment Automation library (Configuration as Code, DSC)


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PSCI - Powershell Continuous Integration / Configuration as Code

PSCI is a build and deployment automation library, that provides a simple Powershell DSC-like language that allows to express configuration as code. It provides following features:

  • simple DSL to describe Environments, Server Roles, Server Connections, Configurations and Tokens (per-environment parameters),
  • written entirely in Powershell (requires Powershell 3.0, or 4.0 for DSC support),
  • provisioning mechanism that is based on Powershell Desired State Configuration technology or custom Powershell functions,
  • agentless architecture - deployment to remote environments pushes packages and execute code remotely using Powershell Remoting (WinRM) or Web Deploy,
  • reliable logging mechanism throughout the whole build and deployment process - every step is logged to console, text file and event log (optionally), errors include full stack trace / script lines information and friendly messages,
  • building and deploying various types of packages (MsDeploy - e.g. ASP.NET MVC or WPF, SQL, DbDeploy, Entity Framework Migrations, SSRS, SSAS, SSIS), easily extensible with new types of packages,
  • supports several methods of tokenizing configuration files (e.g. Web.config) - directly replace tokens in files (using regex), transform using XDT (Web.<env_name>.config) or use Web Deploy parameterization,
  • supports Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 / 7 and above (some Wave DSCs like xWebsite have been fixed to work with pre-Server 2012),

Example - web application with database

topology.ps1 - defining what to deploy (Configurations), where and how (ServerConnections):

Environment Default {
    ServerConnection WebServer -Nodes localhost
    ServerConnection DatabaseServer -Nodes localhost
    ServerRole Web -Configurations WebServerProvision,WebServerDeploy -ServerConnections WebServer
    ServerRole Database -Configurations DatabaseDeploy -ServerConnections DatabaseServer -RunRemotely

Environment Test {
    ServerConnection WebServer -Nodes TestWeb.local.domain -RemotingMode PSRemoting
    ServerConnection DatabaseServer -Nodes TestDb.local.domain -RemotingMode PSRemoting

Environment UAT {
    ServerConnection WebServer -Nodes UATWeb.remote.domain -RemotingMode WebDeployHandler
    ServerConnection DatabaseServer -Nodes UATDB.remote.domain -Authentication CredSSP -Protocol HTTPS 

tokens.ps1 - defining parameters for each environment (with inheritance):

Environment Default {
    Tokens WebConfig @{
      AppPoolName = 'TestAppPool'
      WebsiteName = 'TestWebsite'
      WebsitePort = 80
      WebsitePhysicalPath = 'c:\inetpub\wwwroot\TestWebsite'
    Tokens DatabaseConfig @{
      ConnectionString = 'Server=${Node};Integrated Security=SSPI'
      DropDatabase = $true

Environment UAT -BasedOn Default {
    Tokens WebConfig @{
      AppPoolName = 'UATAppPool'
      WebsiteName = 'UATWebsite'
      WebsitePort = 8080
    Tokens DatabaseConfig @{
      DropDatabase = $false

configurations.ps1 - defining what to actually deploy on remote servers:

# this DSC configuration will be applied on nodes defined in 'ServerConnection WebServer'
Configuration WebServerProvision {
    param ($NodeName, $Environment, $Tokens)
    # DSC Wave resources are included in PSCI
    Import-DSCResource -Module xWebAdministration
    Node $NodeName {
        # configure application pool
        xWebAppPool MyWebAppPool { 
            Name   = $Tokens.WebConfig.AppPoolName
            Ensure = 'Present' 
            State  = 'Started'
        # create website directory
        File MyWebsiteDir {
            DestinationPath = $Tokens.WebConfig.WebsitePhysicalPath
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Type = 'Directory'

        # create site on IIS
        xWebsite MyWebsite { 
  	        Name = $Tokens.WebConfig.WebsiteName
            ApplicationPool = $Tokens.WebConfig.AppPoolName 
            BindingInfo = MSFT_xWebBindingInformation { 
                Port = $Tokens.WebServerConfig.WebsitePort
            PhysicalPath = $Tokens.WebConfig.WebsitePhysicalPath
            Ensure = 'Present' 
            State = 'Started' 
            DependsOn = @('[File]MyWebsiteDir')

# this function will be run locally (because related ServerRole has no -RunRemotely switch)
function WebServerDeploy {
    param ($NodeName, $Environment, $Tokens, $ConnectionParams)
    # we can run msdeploy manually from a function that is run locally
    $msDeployParams = @{ PackageName = 'MyWebsite'
                         PackageType = 'Web'
                         Node = $NodeName
                         MsDeployDestinationString = $ConnectionParams.MsDeployDestinationString
                         Website = $Tokens.WebConfig.WebsiteName
                         SkipDir = 'App_Data'
                         Environment = $Environment
    Deploy-MsDeployPackage @msdeployParams

# this function will be run remotely on nodes defined in 'ServerConnection DatabaseServer' (because related ServerRole has -RunRemotely switch)
function DatabaseDeploy {
    param ($NodeName, $Environment, $Tokens, $ConnectionParams)
    $databaseName = $Tokens.DatabaseConfig.DatabaseName
    $connectionString = $Tokens.DatabaseConfig.DatabaseDeploymentConnectionString
    if ($Tokens.DatabaseConfig.DropDatabase) { 
      Remove-SqlDatabase -DatabaseName $databaseName -ConnectionString $connectionString
      New-SqlDatabase -DatabaseName $databaseName -ConnectionString $connectionString
    # we can for example run some commands directly
    Invoke-Sql -ConnectionString $connectionString -Query "USE ${databaseName}; PRINT 'some commands'"
    # or run every sql file that is available in package named 'sql' (assuming we have built the package beforehand)
    Deploy-SqlPackage -PackageName 'sql' -ConnectionString $connectionString
    # or restore database from backup
    Restore-SqlDatabase -ConnectionString $connectionString -Path $Tokens.DatabaseConfig.BackupPath -DatabaseName $databaseName 
    # or use other functions from PSCI, e.g. Deploy-EntityFrameworkMigratePackage, Deploy-DBDeploy, Deploy-SSRS*

Starting the deployment to 'Test' environment:

.\deploy.ps1 -Environment Test

Where to start?

  • Checkout the code and explore a little (note there are lot of files - PsISEProjectExplorer might come in handy).
  • Ensure Powershell remoting is enabled on your local machine (check by running Invoke-Command -ComputerName localhost -ScriptBlock { Write-Host 'test' }). If not, run Enable-PSRemoting.
  • Go into examples\simple directory and run deploy.ps1. This will create 'c:\test1' directory using a DSC configuration from configuration.ps1 and write greetings using a Powershell function from the same file. The 'c:\test1' is a variable defined in tokens.ps1,
  • Look into topology.ps1 - this is where you configure what should be deployed where. Note there are three environments defined - Default, SecondEnv and RemoteRun.
  • Go into deploy.ps1, change parameter value $Environment = 'Default' to $Environment = 'SecondEnv' and run the file. It will create 'c:\test2' (thanks to different variable value for SecondEnv in tokens.ps1).
  • Set $Environment = 'RemoteRun' and run it again. This time, PSCI will firstly copy itself to the remote server (localhost in our case) and then run the configurations remotely (using PSRemoting). This is thanks to -RunRemotely flag in topology.ps1.
  • Look at more complex examples.


Powershell Continuous Integration and Deployment Automation library (Configuration as Code, DSC)







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