Quick links:
CLIP, (C++ Library for Image Processing) was a simple C++ library written at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem at the late 1990s
ClipOCV is an implementation of the CLIP interface over OpenCV, where ClipOCV is now mostly (but not entirely) a wrapper over OpenCV. OpenCV can be used directly wherever ClipOCV interface is not (yet) available.
ClipOCV has several features that make it (or so I believe), elegant and very comfortable to use and with the use of move semantics it is in most cases as efficient using OpenCV directly. Some of these features include:
- ClipOCV is compact - ClipOCV programs tend to be very short.
- ClipOCV images are explicitly typed, the compiler "knows" the type of the image and can use to to automatically casting and color space transfromation. Likewise ClipOCV has explicit kernel types that are is different than image type.
- Image origin can be anywhere within the image, image indeces can be float (interpolated) and can exceed the image bounderies (extrapolated).
- ClipOCV provides very useful map functions.
- Install OpenCV
- Get ClipOCV: git clone git@github.com:mbe2014/ClipOCV.git
- Create build dir in root folder: mkdir build
- Change to build dir: cd build
- Run cmake: cmake ..
- Run make - this will create both library and examples: make
- Optionally install library and include files: make install
- Shell script build.sh will run steps 3 through 6 for Debug and Release setting.
CLIP is copyright (c) 1997 - Hebrew University of Jerusalem
ClipOCV is copyright (c) 2017 - Moshe Ben-Ezra