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For additional documentation please see the cryogen site


  • blog posts and pages with Markdown (default) or AsciiDoc
  • tags
  • table of contents generation
  • Default Twitter Bootstrap theme
  • plain HTML page templates
  • code syntax highlighting
  • Disqus support
  • GitHub Gist integration
  • sitemap
  • Sass/SCSS compilation
  • RSS


You will need Leiningen 2.5.0 or above installed.


Creating a New Site

A new site can be created using the Cryogen template as follows:

lein new cryogen my-blog

Running the Server

The web server can be started from the my-blog directory using the lein-ring plugin:

lein ring server

The server will watch for changes in the resources/templates folder and recompile the content automatically.

Site Configuration

The site configuration file is found at templates/config.edn, this file looks as follows:

{:site-title       "My Awesome Blog"
 :author           "Bob Bobbert"
 :description      "This blog is awesome"
 :site-url         ""
 :post-root        "posts"
 :tag-root         "tags"
 :page-root        "pages"
 :blog-prefix      "/blog"
 :rss-name         "feed.xml"
 :rss-filters      ["cryogen"]
 :recent-posts     3
 :post-date-format "yyyy-MM-dd"
 :sass-src         nil
 :sass-dest        nil
 :resources        ["css" "js" "404.html"]
 :keep-files       [".git"]
 :disqus?          false
 :disqus-shortname ""
 :ignored-files    [#"\.#.*" #".*\.swp$"]}
  • post-root - value prepended to all post uri's
  • tag-root - value prepended to all tag uri's
  • page-root - value prepended to all page uri's
  • blog-prefix - prepended to all uri's (must start with slash), nil by default
  • rss-name - name of the rss file generated, nil defaults to rss.xml
  • rss-filters - used to generate tag-based rss feeds for topic-specific rss aggregators. Tags listed here should match tags being used in your posts.
  • recent-posts - number of recent posts to display in the sidebar
  • post-date-format - date format for your .md or .asc files, yyyy-MM-dd by default
  • sass-src - directory containing sources of sass files to be compiled - defaults to "css" - be sure to include this directory in your resources section
  • sass-dest - directory where the compiled output CSS would be put into. defaults to "css" - be sure to include this directory in your resources section
  • resources - list of folders or files to be copied over from templates to public
  • keep-files - list of folders or files that are not wiped in the public directory. For example, this allows to keep a .git directory there across recompiles of the site to versionize the generated files
  • disqus? - set to true if you want disqus enabled on your site
  • disqus-shortname - your disqus shortname
  • ignored-files - list of regexps matching files the compiler should ignore

Switching between Markdown and AsciiDoc

Cryogen comes with Markdown support as default. If you want to use AsciiDoc instead, open the project.clj in your created blog (e.g. my-blog), and change the line in :dependencies that says cryogen-markdown to cryogen-asciidoc. Instead of looking for files ending in .md in the md directory, the compiler will now look for files ending in .asc in the asc directory.

Creating Posts

The posts are located in the resources/templates/md/posts for Markdown files or resources/templates/asc/posts for AsciiDoc files. Posts are written using Markdown or AsciiDoc and each post file should start with the date in the format of yyyy-dd-MM or what is defined in the :post-date-format key of config.edn. The files have to have the extension .md or .asc respectively. The compiler will link the posts in order for you using the dates. A valid post file written in Markdown might look as follows:

The post content must start with a map containing the post metadata:

{:title "First Post!"
 :layout :post
 :tags  ["tag1" "tag3"]}

The metadata contains the following keys:

  • :title - the title of the post
  • :author - optional key to display the name of the author for the post
  • :layout - the layout template to use for the post
  • :tags - the tags associated with this post
  • :toc - boolean indicating whether table of contents should be generated, defaults to false

The rest of the post should consist of valid Markdown content, eg:

## Hello World

This is my first post!

check out this sweet code

    (defn foo [bar]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Nunc sodales pharetra massa, eget fringilla ex ornare et.
Nunc mattis diam ac urna finibus sodales. Etiam sed ipsum
et purus commodo bibendum. Cras libero magna, fringilla
tristique quam sagittis, volutpat auctor mi. Aliquam luctus,
nulla et vestibulum finibus, nibh justo semper tortor, nec
vestibulum tortor est nec nisi.

If you wish to enable comments on your posts, create a disqus account and register your blog. disqus? should be set to true in the config and you must add your disqus-shortname.

Creating Pages

Pages work similarly to posts, but aren't grouped by date. An example page might be an about page.

The pages contain the following metadata:

  • :title - the title of the page
  • :layout - the layout template for the page
  • :page-index - a number representing the order of the page in the navbar/sidebar
  • :navbar? - determines whether the page should be shown in the navbar, false by default
  • :toc - boolean indicating whether table of contents should be generated, defaults to false

Customizing Layouts

Cryogen uses Selmer templating engine for layouts. Please refer to its documentation to see the supported tags and filters for the layouts.

The layouts are contained in the resources/templates/html/layouts folder of the project. By default, the base.html layout is used to provide the general layout for the site. This is where you would add static resources such as CSS and Js assets as well as define headers and footers for your site.

Each page layout should have a name that matches the :layout key in the page metadata and end with .html. Page layouts extend the base layout and should only contain the content relaveant to the page inside the content block. For example, the tag layout is located in tag.html and looks as follows:

{% extends "templates/html/layouts/base.html" %}
{% block content %}
<div id="posts-by-tag">
    <h2>Posts tagged {{name}}</h2>
    {% for post in posts %}
            <a href="{{post.uri}}">{{post.title}}</a>
    {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}

Code Syntax Highlighting

Cryogen uses Highlight.js for code syntax highlighting. You can add more languages by replacing templates/js/highlight.pack.js with a customized package from here.

The initHighlightingOnLoad function is called in templates/html/layouts/base.html.


Deploying Your Site

The generated static content will be found under the resources/public folder. Simply copy the content to a static folder for a server sugh as Nginx or Apache and your site is now ready for service.

A sample Nginx configuration that's placed in /etc/nginx/sites-available/default can be seen below:

  listen 80 default_server;
  listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on;
  server_name localhost <> <>;

  access_log /var/log/blog_access.log;
  error_log /var/log/blog_error.log;

  location / {
    alias /var/blog/;
    error_page    404 = /404.html;

Simply set to the domain of your site in the above configuration and ensure the static content is available at /var/blog/. Finally, place your custom error page in the /var/blog/404.html file.

Some Sites Made With Cryogen


Copyright © 2014 Carmen La

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.


A simple static site generator written in Clojure







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  • HTML 51.1%
  • Clojure 34.7%
  • CSS 14.2%