All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
Bug Fixes
- Excludes orientation from bicycle models.
- Fixes orientation error of bicycle model.
- Fixes radius for spherical obstacles.
- Changes moving obstacles type to pure spheres.
- Adds zero value to incomplete goals if needed. Adds collision checking to potentially abort a episode prematuraly using the terminated return value.
- Restors panda xmls.
- Ignores temporary assets for mujoco xml's.
- Changes bicycle to take steering positions rather than steering velocities. Introduces facing direction to compensate for urdf artifacts.
- Updates robotmodels to pypi version.
- Adds scipy as dependency to convert different spatial representations.
- Adds rcfile for pylint in workflow.
- Adds videos to readme.
- Observation checking and info for panda mujoco example.
- Replaces panda_mujoco.py in favor of generic mujoco example.
- Removes plotting from mujoco example.
- Adds subgoals to mujoco example. Adds unitest for mujoco example.
- Updates mujoco example to have moving obstacles.
- Adds mujoco example for sensors.
- Adds lidar sensor to mujoco example.
- Adds fsd sensor to mujoco example.
- Adds video wrapper to mujoco example for showcasing.
- Updates to 1.0.0.a1. Then, relying on default mujoco rendering becomes possible.
- In gym 1.0.0.a1, environments generated with make require an additional step of unwrapping. Thus, we changed to using UrdfEnv directly.
- Adds example panda assets.
- Adapting mujoco xml with code.
- Adds distinction between robots and environment with mulitple robots.
- Adds example to compare mujoco and pybullet directly.
- Makes mujoco dependency explicit.
- Removes dependency from gymnasium MujocoEnv.
- Exposes access to models degrees of freedom to environment.
- Adds function to visualize static sub goals in mujoco.
- Adds mujoco installation for unittesting.
- Adds explicit dependency imageio.
- Changes obstacle and goal adding from pure geom's to body's with mocap property. That allows to change the position and orientation of obstacles and goals at runtime. Adds environment property t for mujoco env.
- Adds sensor capabilities for mujoco environments.
- Adds sensor name in raycasting sites and rangefinders to avoid duplicates.
- Adds render option to constructor arguments.
- Copies option for enforcing realtime in mujoco.
- Removes searching the assets.
- Removes assets.
- Adds robotmodels as dependency.
- Modifies examples and tests to work with robot models.
- Outsources iris and prius models.
- Updates robotmodels to match changes.
- Adds distint names for obstacles.
- Adds lidar sensor to mujoco using rangefinder. Separates physics engine from lidar sensor.
- Separates pybullet from most sensors, excluding raycasting ones. This is done using a physics engine interface class which is responsible for extracting link positions and obstacle positions. There are two interfaces now: One for pybullet and one for mujoco.
- Adds physics engine name argument to constructor of fsd sensor that is based on lidar.
- Adds optional dependency to mujoco ^3.0.0
- Improves code style.
- Makes dt a property. Breaking for outside use of dt.
- Bumps version as patch for bicycle changes.