You can login, make game saves, have leaderboard and achievements.
npm i cordova-plugin-google-play-games --save
You should add few lines in AndroidManifest.xml (app/src/main/res/AndroidManifest.xml) in application tag
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="@string/app_id" />
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version"/>
And in strings.xml (app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml):
<string name="app_id">999999999999</string>
This library is Promise style, you can use .then or await to fetch results
import * as GooglePlayGames from 'cordova-plugin-google-play-games';
let { id } = await GooglePlayGames.login(); // userId returned
await GooglePlayGames.unlockAchievement({ id: 'your-id-from-google-play-console' });
await GooglePlayGames.incrementAchievement({ id: 'your-id', count: 1 }); // Count is how much increment achievement
This method is show native Google Games UI
await GooglePlayGames.showAchievements();
Reveals a hidden achievement to the currently signed-in player. If the achievement has already been unlocked, this will have no effect.
await GooglePlayGames.revealAchievement({ id: 'your-id-from-console' })
Sets an achievement to have at least the given number of steps completed for current user. Calling this method while the achievement already has more steps than the provided value is a no-op. Once the achievement reaches the maximum number of steps, the achievement will automatically be unlocked, and any further mutation operations will be ignored.
await GooglePlayGames.setStepsInAchievement({ id: 'your-id-from-console', count: 3 })
This method updates player score in specified leaderboard
await GooglePlayGames.updatePlayerScore({ id: 'your-leaderboard-id-from-google-play-console', score: 30 }); // Score you want to set
const { score } = await GooglePlayGames.loadPlayerScore({ id: 'your-leaderboard-id' });
This method is show native Google Games UI
await GooglePlayGames.showLeaderboard({ id: 'your-leaderboard-id' });
This method opens native window of all leaderboards list.
await GooglePlayGames.showAllLeaderboards();
await GooglePlayGames.saveGame({
snapshotName: 'unique-id-this-for-save',
snapshotDescription: 'ANY NAME YOU WANT',
snapshotContents: { any: 'data', format: 'object' }
let data = await GooglePlayGames.loadGameSave({ snapshotName: 'unique-id-this-for-save' });
// Data will contain { any: 'data', format: 'object' }
This method is show native Google Games UI
await GooglePlayGames.showSavedGames({
* This is title for native UI window
title: 'My saved games 777',
* Whether or not to display a "create new snapshot" option.
* After clicking on add button event will be fired.
allowAddButton: true,
* Whether or not to provide a delete overflow menu option for each snapshot.
* After clicking on add button event will be fired.
allowDelete: true,
* The maximum number of snapshots to display in native UI
maxSnapshots: 3,
All events called after user clicks some button from native Google Games UI.
Example: he can ask to create new game saving or set game progress to specified save id.
Load Game Request
User requested to set his progress on some specified save id.
window.addEventListener("loadSavedGameRequest", async (event) => {
console.log('User requested to set his progress on save id: ',
New Game Save Request
User requested game to created new Saving. No data passed here.
window.addEventListener("saveGameRequest", async () => {
Save Game Conflict
Some conflict happened when trying to save game.
I think this is not common used event, but think it should exist.
window.addEventListener("saveGameConflict", async (event) => {
console.log('Conflicting id is: ', event.conflictId)
This method will return array of users objects. Inside objects all available info. Method can
window.addEventListener("friendsListRequestSuccessful", async () => {
try {
let list = await GooglePlayGames.getFriendsList();
} catch (e) {
console.log('No resolution')
try {
let list = await GooglePlayGames.getFriendsList();
} catch (e) {
// That's all right, user will be asked for Friends permission
// After he give access event "friendsListRequestSuccessful" will be fired.
} else if (e.code === ERROR_CODE_NO_RESOLUTION) {
console.log('No resolution: ' + e.message);
"name":"Maxim L.",
// If you have idea how to deal with content:// URI you can use it
"levelInfo": {
"friendStatus":4, // Have no idea what is that yet
// Use that to show user pic in <img> tag
"iconImageBase64":"data:image/png;base64, iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAA..."
This method will show standard Play Games menu with user info.
await GooglePlayGames.showAnotherPlayersProfile({ id: result[0].id });
This method will resolve 6 available current player stats:
— Average session length: The average session length of the player in minutes. Session length is determined by the time that a player is signed in to Google Play Games services.
— Days since last played: The approximate number of days since the player last played.
— Number of purchases: The approximate number of in-app purchases for the player.
— Number of sessions: The approximate number of sessions of the player. Sessions are determined by the number of times that a player signs in to Google Play Games services.
— Session percentile: The approximation of sessions percentile for the player, given as a decimal value between 0 to 1 inclusive. This value indicates how many sessions the current player has played in comparison to the rest of this game's player base. Higher numbers indicate that this player has played more sessions.
— Spend percentile: The approximate spend percentile of the player, given as a decimal value between 0 to 1 inclusive. This value indicates how much the current player has spent in comparison to the rest of this game's player base. Higher numbers indicate that this player has spent more.
let stats = await GooglePlayGames.getCurrentPlayerStats();
if (stats.daysSinceLastPlayed > 7) {
console.log("It's been longer than a week");
if (stats.numberOfSessions > 1000) {
console.log("Veteran player");
if (stats.numberOfPurchases == 0) {
console.log("Show user special offer");
This method opens native window with player search. When user clicks on player he found player profile will be opened.
await GooglePlayGames.showPlayerSearch();
This method returns player object.
let player = await GooglePlayGames.getPlayer({ id: 'id-from-other-methods' });
This is demo of object will be returned:
"levelInfo": {
"iconImageBase64":"data:image/png;base64, iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAGAAAABgCAYAAADimHc4AAAAAX..."
Events it is basically place where you can store some data about user: balance, level and something like this.
Value should be more than 0. Increment raw integer, money or time here.
await GooglePlayGames.incrementEvent({ id: 'id-from-play-console', amount: 10 })
// Returns array of objects here, what inside object check below
let events = await GooglePlayGames.getAllEvents();
let event = await GooglePlayGames.getEvent({ id: 'id-from-play-console' });
"id":"id-from-play-console", // Id by what you can identify events in your app
"name":"Test event",
"value":1012, // This is amount you increment on previous step
"player": { // Some info about player you can use instantly
"levelInfo": {
"iconImageBase64":"data:image/png;base64, iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAGAAAABgCAYAAADimHc4AAAAAX..."